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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles, March 9* 1954 80-11 Mr, H, M, Sutton: (cc - Mr, VJ. R, Rouse Mr, W, H, Hulsizer Mr, L. R. Maag) Your letter of March 4, 1954, with respect to donations received by the LVL&WCompany under Work Orders.742 and 7601 There is no provision in the purchase and sale agreement of June 1, 1953# for adding any amount to thp basic purchase price for additions and better­ments made after September 1, 1952, where no expen­diture has been made by the sellers with respect thereto except the provision of Section 9(c) of the agreement relative to amounts charged to Investment Account for additions and betterments made pursuant to Rule 9 of the Rules and Regulations of the Water Company, I do not know under what circumstances the facilities referred to in your letter were made, but if they were not made pursuant to Rule 9# it is my opinion that the amount donated cannot be properly added to the'purchase price. S, E , Bennett ECRsMSB