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    LAS VEGAS SUN Friday, January 9, 199^ Monday, January 5, 1953 j Las Vegas Review-Journal g yJn ?╟≤ the *Jt own . wifh elan jorlson. Slight Recession Tabbed for Vegas REVUES AND PREVUES: Now that the holiday season has dwindled away officially, hotel bosses are figuring on about a 25 per cent recession in tourist and nitery trade that probably will last until the spring flow of fun seekers opens up the summer resort season here .... . The handlers of the big greenbacks are most happy, tho, with the way things went during the recent Yule and New Year's season . . . With the two festive days falling in the middle of the week, it afforded Strip bossmen (and downtown business houses) additional revenue from two crowds?╟÷the regular weekend nitedy goers and the holiday merrimakefs . . . New big name attractions wili grace the marquees and billboards of our nite spots in '53 . . . Also we can expect the return of many old favorites to the local niteries . . . Two new hotels (Casablanca and Caribbean) are on the drawing board and may spring up before the year is gone . . . From all indications Las Vegas Racetrack will open its gates next fall under the Luke-Smith plan . ... . And the upcoming city election promises fast and furious campaigns . * * * * AND HERE'S THE YARN being passed around 'bout two gamblers, Al and Joe, who quit the crap tables and roulette wheels at Gabriel's call ... Seems that before Al and Joe passed on, tho: they had made a pledge to contact one another on New Year's eve regardless of where they wound up ... The last midnite of '5J found Al dialing from St. Peter's phonebooth to Joe who wasHh the middle of a poker game down in Hade's furnace . . . The con versa tion went something like this: % %,'?√ß>'! ?' Al: "Happy Noo Yeirgsloel :. . . How's tricks wit youse?" Joe: "Oh pal, dis is trooly a hot spot. Plenty of gamblin,' betting, on de ponies, good looking dolls . . . really a hot spot . . . how's it wit youse?" Al: "It's a nice quiet spot up here awrite, but it's a lptta woik . . . yuh know, tunin' up harps, makin' sunshine, sometimes makin' a little rain, and they ain't no poker allowed up here . . ." Joe: *1Gee . . . dat's funny ... all I have to do is to shakeup de coals maybe once't a month . . . how come youse got so much woik tuh do?" Al: "Well we're awful short of help up here. &m ROVING REPORTER'S NOTEBOOK: Tycoon Howard Hughes on the town over the weekend, but still mum on future Husite plans . ?╟? . Sparky Kaye (formerly with Comic Danny Kaye's troupe) has been added to growing roster of Silver Slipper fun- men ... Jim Deskin is showing off singles bowling trophy he picked up during recent trek of California tourney . . . Tony Martin is telling all that his appearance at Hotel Flamingo is '"only a hobby." Pretty good hobby that can net a guy 10 grand a week . . . Wild animal trainer Clyde Beatty is in town for a- fishing trip to Lake Mead . . . Publicity shouter Gene Murphy is one of many Vegans who have been bit by Virus bug . . . Loot George Allen (a pretty good cop) is doing his best to keep iron curtain between snoopy police reporters and the news ... Cowboy about town Rex Bell gets ball rolling on '53 Crusade for Freedom campaign the J5th of this month. * * * * ^iSil THE OWL HOOT: More ballyhoo for Vegas when a lovely Nevada lass is chosen this May at Sa^s. hotel as Silver State entry to "Miss Universe" contest held^fTrSuly at Long Beach . . . Overheard in the Gay Nineties bar: "It isn't bad enough I lost all my loot gambling, but now I can't even find my money clip .'. ." Erstwhile scribbler Tony Beacon is pooling fives and tens for bus ^iP*?╟÷"-*1?╟÷ '~*-J~~-*~-Ms>mB. bad idea 'cause ?"?√ß'" rpr rtinri rr^"- at 7100. ?╜?·- \'Z '^S^irtjte^'lh