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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Increase in Water H ates: Las Vegas - August 23rd, 1934. W 23-6 Mr. F. H. K nickerbocker, &en er a l Mana g e r, Los A ngeles, C a lifo rn ia . Lear S i r : Enclosed is copy of n o tice which the Public Service Commission got up and sent us for m ailing here in Las Vegas, with stamped envelopes, e tc . You w ill note th a t, disregarding the law which they said they could get around, we were enabled to get th is n otice out under a time of 15 days in stead of 30 days. Connolly and I l e f t here l a s t Friday evening about 4 :3 0 , drove to Carson C ity and returned Sunday. I had a very favorable interview with the Public Ser­v ice Commission and f e e l sure are mighty w ell paid for our e f f o r t s . fhey are in sympathy with us in every movement and w ill do everything in th e ir power to le g a lly have our new ra te in e f f e c t as soon as p o sa b le . ' Mailing a l l n o tice s th is date and looking f o r ­ward to many a b a ttle tomorrow with the d iffe r e n t owners and users of cooling p la n ts, but Connolly, Folger and I are a l l prepared for the big f ig h t. tr u ly , W J S fa WALTER/ BkXHRACKSlT, V ice -P re sid e n t. P .S : Wonld rath er you would not say anything to Leo about our t r i p , as he f e l t i t would be u se le ss and not w ithin our power to have the time lim it cut down as we have. W.H.B. cc Mr. B . E. Bennett.