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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    It will be neoessary to Install a settling basin on the new 20" pipe line we are constructing at Las Vegas. . The basin will have the same capacity and be of substantially the same dimensions as the existing settling basin (with the 2 ' inorease in height of walls). This work should be started at the earliest pos­sible date, and will appreciate if you will prepare such drawings as will permit of commencing construction. Befpre designing, please get in touch with Mr. Keeble and find out if there is any possibility of securing reinforcing material. If this cannot be secured, we will have to design gravity seotlon walls. ftie roof will be of light construction, just sufficient to keep out rain and foreign matter. Mr. Adamson is going to Las Vegas Monday night and will send you sketoh showing topography and advise as to foundation conditions. W H J . ' ^ FEB 25 1942 Frank Strong Los Angeles - February 22, l$k2 Mr. J. T. Beems CC - Mr. R. L. Adamson