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% V r a k v m , m l m m 'WSA ww wm vam er nB lMmUr in mi S U C C E E D I N G NAT I ONAL WOOD PI PE CO. PACI FI C T A N K COMPANY. SAN FRANCI SCO, CAL. ^ v g p m t i ( i H i l o s a n g e l e s . c a l . y « ijiluff' 1111 *? m ftf iwsr^ p o r t l a n d , O R E . . T T r » t >^ a i % w & v t t h S w w y O U liC v JL (C- b i l ~ J - l w San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake H.R. Co., 53? P a c ific E le c tr ic B ld g ., ATTENTION MR. 11. H. FOSTER, Lob Angeles, Cal. Purchasing Agent. Gentlemen:— SOME OFOUR SPECIALTIES R e fe rrin g to our le t t e r o f May 31st, PI PE FOR WATER SVSTEMS owing to the advance in p ric e o f the banding MAC H 1NE BAN DED PI P.E CONTI NUO US STAVE PI PE IRRIGATION ' PIPE ‘ used in connection W it h th is s ty le o f pipe, f would kindly advise#that these p rices are WOOD AND STEEL TOWERS ?; subject to change m thout n o tice. WATER TANKS OIL TANKS We a r e sclm pelled to do th is on ? W1 IS E TANKS account o f advice received from our Eastern M 1N 1 N:G TANKS',.;, connections* • CYANIDE TANKS ’ ; Tru sting that we may h e a r from you ZINC: BOXES ' AUTOMATIC DISTRIBUTORS immediately i f you d esire to use th is pipe ZI NC LATh E S and thanking you fo r any cou rtesies extended, D1S C H A R G' E D O 0 R S A Q1TATO R S we are, •CLASSI'FI ERS PLANING MILL WORK .DISAPPEARING -DO01T5V ? ; 1 \ ' i A * r A J^ours tr u ly . Y \ A \ y J r J\T \^P eW 1 PACIFIC TANK & PIPJ^fOMPANY, f j f By Manager. w