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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Salt Laics City, July 8, 1931* Sir* D. B* ShucMiart: With reference to toy letter of June 2d to Hr* fruelson with which Z attached Check in amount of ^15 *00 from Hr* L. F* Bills, Manager, Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co., Laa Vegas, and which was for deposits to cover cost of installation of water connection for service to premises under lease to the Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co* under Contract Audit Bo* @500. Unit BO* 1 Is to he handled hy Las Vegas Land and Water Co., Madly arrange to have the above amount credited to the Water Co** iPhf ih turn should he hilled for the cost of installing this connection. Since service to industries located in Industrial oy - Hr* W, R. Armstrong Hr* W« F* fuelson Hr* W. H. Bracken