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i*o# Angeles, April i l , 1953 § M t Hr. V, 8* H ulsisen (ee - M r. wa« M sin h ardt Hr* a * a* aim## Hr. ff» 6* ferfciaa h p * ¥* a* M t a H r. «* A. JUrdea Hr* 1* i* Adamson fti# attorney representing the 1*## Vegas V sllsy Wa- H I D istrict in drafting with us ill# fin al contract for 111 #al» of the water aysta* at l* s Vegas to the Bia-tr ie t lias that the contract contain a provision that certain books* nape and records ia the pe#ses-aioa of turn Ballroad Coapaai*# #**s th# la te r ceapany on the #al# date be t e l ever to the D istrict. Attached ia a proposed subparagraph (J) which t» #ogg##fc# be added to Section 1 of Use draft of Hard* Id, 1953* Th# parti## to who* copies of th is lottor ar# being «ont oay desire to eewssnt on a ll of th# records r#Q«##t-e&# bat X o all th eir p articular attention to th# operating records and th# engineering records requested. 1 feat# already written to Hr. Sutton concerning th# Accounting Bepartwent record# and B illin g Bepartwant r##orda. In «Htny respect# i halier# th# request of th# M s-tr ie t i# too far-reaching* out X cell### th# D iatriet la antltlod to reeoiva certain basic record# and eopla# of other# which H ill arable the D istrict to carry m the operation# subsequent to the sale date* X understand that the attorney for the D istrict *111 have Hr* Jane# H.Honfc-gentry* Consulting Engineer for the D istrict* contact Hr. 8* U Adaaaen for the purpose of discussing the type of engineering end operating inforoation which Hr* Monbgoa-ery consider# essen tial for the proper operation of the eater ayatea a t la s vega# by the B iatrict subsequent to Wm »al# date* M ill Mr. au islser pleeee advise whet original record# in hi# possession relating to the eater production Hr. C. H. Hates Hr. 1* i# Haag)