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    This Clipping From NEW YORK, N. Y. JOURNAL AMERICAN DEC 1 0 1958 IE KNIGHT WATCH New Show to Bow A.t Latin Quarter By GENE KNIGHT NEW EDITION of Donn Arden's sparkling revue, "All About Dames," will open at the Latin Quarter rrrow evening, my friend Eddie Risman, the man- % director, announced today. Co-headliners are ny Puleo and his Harmonica Gang and Sue Carson, ng comedienne of the supper clubs and TV. tured is Francis Bruun, ance, billed as one of the 's greatest jugglers. I've him in action and the j" is correct. le Johnny Puleo, 4 feet hes short, is a panto t-comedian-musician. I J don't know how many times I've seen Johnny and his harmonica players, but each time I've laughed more heartily than I did the time before., Sue Carson, I've been told, is one of the few really funny comediennes. She also dances. Many of the star acts in the current lavish production have been held over. Principals include dancers Liza Rose, Tony Mack, Ron. Merron, Stuart Hodes, David Carter. Music is by Jo Lombard! and I his orchestra, with Buddy Har- lowe's band alternating. Gigi is the cordial maitre d' at the door. And those great big beautiful Latin Quarter show girls parade around in $120,000 I worth of costuming. They'll Dance INES DE JUAN and Jose Lopez, famed young Spanish dancers, open tomorrow night at El Chico in Greenwich Village. | They do the dances of Spain in the flamenco tradition Their program, featuring dances of Malaga, Seville, Cordova and the Spanish countryside will offer some of vthe numbers which won raves for them at Sadler's Wells Theatre in London and at major clubs in Sweden, France, Italy. I remember them with pleasure as soloists with the celebrated Ximenez-Vargas troupe j at the Waldorf's Starlight! Roof last Summer. Gene Knighrems CHRISTMAS PARTY of the entire stage show at Radio City Music Hall, including the behind-the-scenes crew, will be held Friday at the Hotel Edison . . . Robert Dhery and the cast of the hit revue, "La Plume de Ma Tante" at the Royale Theatre, will be given a, party tomorrow night (after the show) at Le Cupidon . . . Presently appearing at the Cupidon, singing Sandu Scott is to be hostess ... Applauding the strolling fiddlers in Monsignore: Miriam Hopkins, of "Look Homeward, 'Angel;" Bill Tabbert, of the Cotillion Room;, Dana Ah-! drews,."Two for the Seesaw;' Joe Cotten, "One More, with Feeling;" JackiejGJeason; Jack Benny; Art Van Horn, et al . .\. Tony Foster, balladeer, opens tonight at Arele's, which is, I'm told, the only kosher night- club in Flushing ... Gertrude Ederle, first girl to swim the English Channel, will be feted . tonight at the Envoy . . . Registered at the Warwick: Dprothy Collins, May Britt, Janet Bfair? Jackie Cooper. i This Clipping From NEW YORK, N. Y. DAILY NEWS OCT 3 0 "1958 ,; Broadwaii By DANTON WALKER @J tSroudwuy Roundup Diplomatic circles talking about a possible meeting between ?╟≤lobe trotting John Foster Dulles and Red China's Chou En-lai {before the end of November, in India. . . . Big shakeup, to be felt a r ou n <" the world, due in the State Department shortly after elections. . . . Los Angeles to get an $8 million new zoo without laying out a cent, via a group of animal enthusiasts called Friends of the Los Angeles Zoo. . . . The National Academy of Science s-Na- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ( planning to bore a hole three miles deep Dorothy Donegan Eddie Hodges lional Research Council .?Σ≤^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_ Into the ocean floor in order to get a history of the earth from its Very beginning. . . . New Hampshire to erect a monument in honor ?╟≤f the potato. ?╟≤ * ?╟≤ Harry Truman's public appearances in the last two weeks have brought in more contributions to the Democratic treasury than it has seen in almost a year. . . . Now that liquor ads have; broken into radio and TV advertising, some agencies are toying with the notion of using women in magazine and newspaper liquor ftds. . . . Chicago faith healers adding rock 'n' roll to their Cervices to attract members of the teen-age set. . . . "The King Imd I" has been banned in Thailand because the government feels t is "inaccurate historically." . . . World champion auto race driver Juan Fangio to embark on a movie career in France. . . . Westerns may be the thing at the moment on TV, but the industry Is gearing itself for a dramatic show comeback in 1959. . . . Julius LaRosa's latest record, "The Girl in My Office," was composed by fellow singer Tommy Leonetti. . . . The Mike Preston who waxed the hit disk of "A House, a Car and a Wedding Ring" is a London JTV cameraman. ?╟≤ ?╟≤ ?╟≤ The Bolero, a notorious dance hall famed for its female clientele, in Rio de Janeiro, was off-limits to officers of the U.S.S. Ranger and other fleet units on a recent visit there. But, on the other hand, the Copacabana Palace, mecca of the elite, was off limits to enlisted men. . . . The Paris theatre set for a Don Juan "revival," with three versions of the great lover's life currently in rehearsal. . . . William Tonetti, formerly general manager of the {Hotel Ambassador here, appointed general manager of the multi- million dollar Montauk Beach Co., developers of Montauk, L. I. . . . Red-haired moppet Eddie Hodges of "The Music Man" wings out to Hollywood shortly to make his movie debut in "A Hole in the Head." . . . Marvin Rubin, son of the owner of Chandler's restaurant, experimenting with a mail order (frozen) steak business. . . . Roy Cohn's latest date is Toni Carroll, just returned from professional singing engagement in Moscow. . . . Jimmie Rodgers using royalties from his new Roulette album of folk songs to buy timberland near Camus, Wash. . . . Dave Brubeck, who is set f< another Carnegie Hall appearance Nov. 7, now owns two salmon canneries in Oregon. ?╟≤ ?╟≤ ?╟≤ Lionel Hampton, with unexpected bookings on college campuses us well as concerts, has postponed his sixth world tour until late 1959 Latest to join the belly dancer roster in New York is a gal who calls herself Boubouka. She's in the new JDojm, Arden revue at the Latin Quarter show, starring Jane Russell. . . . Sophia Loren's contract with Paramount guarantees her $1,440,000 for making four more films for the studio. ... The "dog suit" that Hume Cronyn wears in "The Man in the Dog Suit," opening tonite, costs $600 and was made by Japanese artisans out of Belgian hare fur. . . . For pictures No Artist Could Paint: Robert Montgomery and daughter Elizabeth, with their respectives spouses, cheering the gymnastics ??f jazz pianist Dorothy Donegan at the Embers. . . . Dorothy has joined Jane Russell and Dorothy Loudon as last minute additions to the newspapermen's Byline Ball at the Hotel Astor Saturday. . . . And, did you know that Sherry's 1890 restaurant has more gas lightsjthanjhe City of New York?