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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, August 1998



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    Congregation Ner Tanjld ?pan u n^np The Reform Jewish Synagogue of Las Vegas ...A Special Place to Belong August 1998 - Vol. XVII No. 10 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Bob Unger President Leah Malmon Student Rabbi ________________9 Av - 9 Elul 5758 Monty E. Willey Executive Director Jacqueline Fleekop Education Director Jill Ginsburg Program Director Lois Bergman Preschool Director Welcome Leah Malmonl Hello Las Vegas! Mu name is Leah Malmon, and I am looldng forward to my time as student Rabbi at Congregation Ner Tamid. At the end of August, I will begin mu third year of rabbinical schoofat Hebrew Union College in Los Angeles. I grew up in Routhern California where I was one of relatively few Jewish children my age. Because of this, I began spending my summers at Jewish summer camp. Year after year I returned to camp, and eventually these summer friends became full time friends, and Judaism became the root of my everyday experienc?es. From a young age, I knew that I wanted to work in the Jewish community. It wasn't until I was in college, however, that I considered going into the rabbinate. During the summer after my freshman year at the University of California at Santa Barbara, I participated in a program for Reform Jewish College students. The program was run by the Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism in Washington, D.C. and consisted of summer school and internship experience. The assign?ment for our class on Judaism and social action was to look to Jewish texts to understand why we, as Jews, were getting involved in our various internships in organizations around Washington. Since I was working in an AIDS clinic, I looked to the Torah, to the Talmud, and to later writings for their teachings on caring for the sick and comforting the bereaved. It was the first time I ever truly understood how relevant our sacred texts are to our lives, and I was excited. I wanted to learn more! (continued on page 11) Worship Services 2 Rabbi?s Message 2 Message From Our President 3 Notes from our Cantorial Soloist 4 Executive Director?s Spotlight 5 August B?nai Mitzvah 6 Auxiliaries & Committees 7 School News 8 CNT Payment Policy 9 ^rthdays 12 Jversaries 13 fbutes 14 Jhrzeits & In Memorium 25 AuqUST MEANS pREpARiNq For school. As wiih tIie secuLar schools, CNT is QEARiNq up For our REliqious School ancI PREschool. Our PRESchool will OPEN iT's doORS ON AuqusT 24. ThE Hrst dAy oF REliqious School is SuNdAy, SeptemI>er IT. IF yOU hAVENfT REqisTEREd, PLEASE do so soon so we can prepare For youR child. High Holidays are just around the bend. This addition provides a lot of information on our High Holiday services for this year. We will be offering a different schedule for our evening services. This will affect parking, arrival and departures ana other smaller areas. Plese read each article and see the High Holiday insert for all the details.August marks the midpoint of the summer, a time when final planning for the fall comes into high gear. This fall marks the introduction of several new programs which have been in the making for several years. Our Temple board, staff and myself try and look ahead to anticipate various needs and opportunities to better serve our Congregation. The ideas come from planning meetings, suggestions by Congregants, and comparisons to other synagogues in the U.A.H.C.. New Preschool Forms This fall we will reintroduce our preschool. In contrast to the past nowever, our new program will be equipped to provide day care, before and after school. A new playground has been built through a cooperative effort with the Jewish Community Day School and is a real beauty. Lois Bergman has been hired as our director and her vast experience and reputation has alreadu served to bring many, many chilaren into our school. We are lucky to have her aboard, and look forward to providing the best quality Jewish/ secular education for our toddlers! High Holidays will be presented in a different way this year. We will be offering two evening services for you to choose from. The services will be very different from each other, though they will both incorporate the traditional high holiday melodies that are a hallmark of the nolidays. The earlier "family" service will begin at 6:15 p.m. and will be abbreviated. Lasting no more than one hour, this service will be geared to families with children ages 7-11. Instead of a sermon, there will be a sermonette or story told. C onqreqa rioN N er Tumid Rather than our full choir, a smaller version will be presented. We will not use Gates of Repentance, but instead Bella and I nave edited a special prayer book for use by our Congregation that will appeal in language and style to families with chilaren. Our later service will start promptly at 8:15 p.m. and will be the traditional service that you are familiar with at our Congregation with full choir and the use of Gates of Repentance and full sermon. Other aspects of our High Holiday schedule will remain the same. In the morning we will offer parallel services for youth and toddlers outside the main sanctuary as we have in the past. We hope that these offerings will allow members of our Congregation to choose a service that best meets their needs and will allow everyone a closer and more comfortable seat at services. Bfudenf Rabbi fo serve our Congregation As our Congregation has grown, so too have the needs of our Congregation and the demands on rabbinic time. While we are not at the point of being able to afford an assistant Rabbi, we will be engaging a student Rabbi, Leah Malmon. Lean is a third year student at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Los Angeles. Her previous student pulpit was in Redding, California. Some of you have asked me the difference between a "a student rabbi" and an "assistant rabbi". The two are very different kinds of positions. An assistant is a full time staff person who has been ordained a rabbi. A student Rabbi is someone who will join us on selected weekends throughout the year (a total of 18 weekends plus nigh nolidays). As they are students, this position is to Wor ship ^ Services w Conducted by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman August 7 David Lieberman BarMitzvah 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Lieberman Family August 8 Jason Stadt Bar Mitzvah 10:00am Kiddush sponsored by Doug Stadt Saturday Torah & Minyon Discussion 10:00am August 14 Shabbat Service 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood August 21 Shabbat Service 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood August 28 "Invite a Friend" Sundae Shabbat Service 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Membership Committee t help them learn rabbinic skills in a practical setting. Gtudents serve a Congregation for only one year. Gome of her duties will include assisting me with High Holiday services including delivering the sermonette at family services and conducting our youth services in the morning: and assisting with Ghabbat services and at times conducting alternative services in the Belt Tifillah. Ghe will be leading our U (continued on page f AuqusT 1998 Temple Board Members Rb Unger President drew Levy VP Administration David Mendelson VP Ways & Means Ira Spector VP Membership David Stahl VP Religious Activities Scott Stolberg VP Education Lynn Sasso VP Social Rita Goldstein Treasurer Ruth Urban Secretary Mel Hallerman Trustee Sylvia Beller Trustee Frances Klamian Trustee Jacky Rosen Trustee Jon Sparer Trustee Jere' Davis Trustee Esther Saltzman Trustee Sharna Blumenfeld Trustee Mindy Unger-Wadkins Trustee Sandy Stolberg Sisterhood Stephen Joseph Brotherhood Shawn Scott NTTY David Lieberman TNT Jerry Gordon Past President Cal Lewis Past President Eileen Kollins Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. David Wasserman Past President Dr. Steve Kollins Past President Michael Cherry Past President ^r. Bernard Farrow Past President ?JGENE KlRSHBAUM* Past President R-.O WlLNER* Advisor Mbbi Sanford Akselrad Ex Officio ?Deceased POSTAL ZIP CODE CHANGES It has come to our attention that some areas of town have had their zip codes changed. In order for us to keep accurate records, please contact the temple office 733-6292 with your new zip code. We would like you to receive your mail promptly, so please help us with this matter. ESSAGE FROM OUR TEMPLE PRESIDENT (Reprinted from the 1998Annual Report) At a recent meeting, the Board of Trustees set June 26th, 1999 as the date on which we will com?memorate our 25th Anniversary. We are already forming committees and planning events for the entire weekend to celebrate this milestone. It will be a proud time for many of our families who have been around since the beginning or shortly there?after. This pride should also be felt by all of our member families who have become an integral part of the success of our Congrega?tion. The generosity and enthusi?astic volunteerism displayed by our Congregants in a constant source of strength for me as your Presi?dent. I Know our Rabbi, staff and Board share this feeling. The generosity of our membership was first displayed during the "dif?ficult" years, when Congregation Ner Tamid struggled to survive. More often than anyone cares to remem?ber members were called upon to step up to pay utility bills, to cover payroll for the limited staff there was, and to negotiate with the bank to prevent foreclosure. Then, after the arrival of Rabbi Akselrad, we began to grow. In 1992 we asked our 375 families to contribute to our sanctuary fund. Our members voluntarily contributed an average of over $5,000 per family and raised $1,900,000. Today, we continue to enjoy tre?mendous financial support from our membership. During the past year we began a new program specifi?cally asking more affluent members to provide funds to allow us to open membership to those who could not afford full dues. Our Menorah memberships were a huge success in their first year raising $50,000 per year for this special purpose. Last years Kol Nidre overwhelming in its expression of appeal was ; expressit support for our Congregation. Our members donated over $134,000 to their temple during the High Holydays. This was an increase of over 30% over the previous year's campaign. Since this increase was even larger than the growth in mem?bership, I would like to think that it reflected a positive response to the programs and direction our Board and staff is providing. As our annual operating budget approaches the $1,000,000 mark, I continue to be in awe of our abili?ty to keep our dues at the percent?age level we have in the past. Our dues amount to only about 45% of our operating budget. Donations continue to account for the majori?ty of our income. When compared to the other 800+ congregations in the UAHC, who typically account for 80% of their income from dues, our member's generosity comes through loud and clear. Thank you, thank you, thank you. The volunteerism of our members was also apparent during this past year. Our members have been an example to the entire Jewish com?munity through their efforts in two particular areas. The Interfaith Hos?pitality Network, which provides food, friendship, and housing for homeless families, has found our congregation to be very support?ive. I continue to hear wonderful stories from our members who have participated in this wonderful mitz- vah. Also, this year, we began the Chesed committee. This is the core of our Caring Community program of volunteerism. Over 20 mem?bers were trained to visit hospitals and provide other services to those in need. What better way to express our faith in Judaism can there be than through these mitz- vahs performed by our membership? (continued on page 24) cJL (Special r()laee Q't) Belong Auqust 1998 fa t ., h_ 9 L h n ?rj\fnh*.4 Arnm OWL f'.mnhrmln! An/n/^Z:___ v 9 It's July 6 and I have been back to work for a little over a month since having major reconstructive spine surgery. Per my doctor's orders, I have been increasing my hours gradually and hope to be able return to full duty by the time you read this article! Thank you all for your patience during this transition. As I was unable to make the deadline for the last bulletin, I must express my gratitude to all of the people who stepped forward during my absence. Frances Klamian and Maxine Molin- sky kept our congregation "in tune" ana I know everyone was happy to hear their beautiful voices each week. To all of my wonderful B'nai Mitzvah students and their parents whose simcha's I had to miss, thank you for understanding. I heard glorious reports on how well everyone did. None of this would have been possible without the incredible help from Laurel Lardent and Melissa Roth in taking over the B'nai Mitzvah tutoring, Thanks! To my Jr. Choir students who pulled through Purim family services, you're awesome! Of course I know this couldn't have been done without all the help from my two wonderful music assistants Danny Gross and Dustin Tiep as well as one of my "Honor Choir" members, Glori Rosenberger, who volunteered to help out. You're all wonderful! To our Adult Choir Members who kept on singing, even without a conduc?tor, great work! Finding words to say how much I have appreciated the entire congregations' support is extremely difficult, thank you just isn't enough. I hope to be able to return the love through prayer and song in the year to come. B'shalom, Bella Invite q Friend One of the most enjoyable annual events for Ner Tomid members is our "Invite o Friend? service. It gives us all an opportunity to share uuith friends, new and old, the special feeling and personal satisfaction we derive from belonging to o "special place." Not only is it a worm and friendly evening of prayer, but it becomes a festive way to welcome guests to our congregation. UUe not only take the time to provide o brief overview of the synagogue and its board, but we also provide a special Ice Cream Buffet following the service. P16AS6 take the time to "invite a friend" to services on August 28th at 6:45pm to show how our Congregation Ner Tamid has become known as "A Special Place to Belong." Hope to see you there! C onqreqa rio N N e r Ta m il / Is the Temple 1 am often told by many members that the temple should be run like a business. I often wonder what type of business we should be modeled after. Are we most like a health club? A medical office? A private school? A counseling cen?ter? I can give many reasons why none of these fit. But the main reason is that we are not a busi?ness! I did not volunteer my time to run a business. Our Temple is a religious institution which must be operated by the ethical principles of Judaism which will not always be consistent with the operation of a Temple as a business. The main area in which this topic comes up is the delinquent pay?ment of dues by our members. To the non-Jewish community, we are a business and bills must be paid. Our board balances our bud?get each year and anticipates a steady flow of income from our membership based on monthlv statements mailed to our memb^^k I have always resisted efforts force members into financial goc^k standing. If we were a business this would be easy. If you don?t pay your health club dues, you don?t get in. If you don?t pay your child?s private school tuition, he doesn?t get in. This year, the temple has experi?enced the highest rate of delin?quency in its history. As of July 15, over $100,000 is owed by members to the Congregation. We can not continue to operate normally with this level of unpaid fees and dues. Operating expens?es including payroll and utilities don?t wait for dues to be paid. Please help me keep our temple running the right way. Bring your account current now! Not because of some pressure from our office staff or threat of losing privileges, but because you want YOUR Temple to run smoothly and you fully understand the importance of timely payments. Help me prove that the Tempi really not a business at all! Auqust 1998 HIGH HOLIDAYS ARE HERE... ARRIVAL TIME As you have read from the Rabbi?s message, our High Holidays will be different this year. We are scheduling two evening services for both Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. It is imperative that close attention to the schedule be observed to help facilitate the flow of traffic since there will be people coming and going at almost the same time each evening. The Early service will begin promptly at 6:15 p.m. both evenings and last for only one hour. This means that people will be departing around 7:20 p.m. The Late service begins at 8:15 p.m. If we have people coming in for the Late service too soon, there is a great chance for a major traffic jam. We request that those of you who plan to attend the Late service do not arrive any earlier than 7:45 p.m. This will allow the early service attendees time to leave the parking lot and to avoid traffic problems. PARKING Those attending the Early service will be asked to enter only at the first driveway into the parking lot (the western entrance). Also, please go to the parking area closest to the main entrance (the eastern portion). You will be asked to depart only from the eastern en?trance. This will allow those attending the Late service a chance to enter the parking and avoid a lot of cross traffic. Those who are attending the Late service will be asked to initially park in he back of the building near the kitchen and walk through the courtyard and enter the building next to the library. Those who have purchased High Holiday parking spaces will again be asked to park in the rear of the bunding. There will be Brotherhood members, security people and custodians in the parking lot to assist. Please be patient and follow their guidance. Everybody needs to cooperate in order for this to be a smooth process. TICKETS Tickets will be mailed out on September 4. A short review of our Payment Policy is on page 11. If you have not met these requirements, your tickets will be with?held. Please call so we can make arrangements if there is a hardship. I hope that these new schedule of events and procedures will facilitate a smooth and enjoyable High Holiday experience for everyone. If there are any problems, please bring them to my attention so they can be worked out on the spot and for the next year. Monty Read any good books lately? Funny you should mention. One of the most notable books to hit the shelves in a long time, Tuesdays UUith Morrie, by Mitch Rlbom made Rabbi's list, ^^icidently, it made the New Vork Times best seller ?t too. Coincidently, Rabbi Rkselrad will be ^fcscussing Tuesdays UUith Morrie at Borders Books, ^iursday, August 6, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. This will be the second in the series of reviews Rabbi has done in the Las Vegas Valley. Join Rabbi Rkselrad at Borders Books 2190 Rainbow (Rainbow and Lake Meade) as he discusses one of the most moving, inspirational books written. AuqusT 1998 d l S fiz e ia L rf ) la ie TJo TBelm u^ Maze/ Toy to our August B?wii MHzv&h Students David Lieberman My name is David Lieberman and I will become a Bar Mitzvah on August 7, 1998. I am a seventh grader at Cannon Middle School. When 1 am not at school, 1 go to karate classes, play the flute, and (of course) go to Hebrew School. In my spare time 1 like to read, watch movies, and play video games. My favorite activity is going to Disneyland (which is not very often). 1 hope my Bar Mitzvan will be great and would love for you to come. Jason Benjamin Stadt Hi, my name is Jason Benjamin Stadt and I was Dorn December 31, 1984 at Novato, California. My hobbies are rollerblading, playing Nintendo 64, and swimming. 1 wll be going into the eighth grade at Thurman White Middle School. 1 love to play the Saxaphone and Bara- tone Horn. 1 have two sisters and three brothers and look forward to all my friends and relatives joining me August 8, 1998 for my Bar Mitzvan. BUY SCRIP Take advantage of the temple Scrip program! New stores have been added. COSTCO is now available. Remember, this program costs you NO MONEY to support. Just mail in your order form/check & we do the rest! /A C o nq req a rioN N e r Tam il / friends Needed do OdeCv Out-Oj-dbum And A International Students W deei Welcome in Las Vegdf ThE Home AwAy From Home Program, spoNSOREd by tIie UNLV DivisioN of STtdENT SERvicES ANd tIie UNLV AluMNi AsSOCiATioN, CREATES FaiENd" ship MATchES bETWEEN OUT"<)F"TOWN UNLV sTudENTs ANd FamHIes ANd iNdividuAls From ThE Las VsqAs coMMUNiry. Some of tIiese stints are AWAy From ThEiR own FamHies For ThE fiRST TIME ANd This FR'lENdship hAS MAdE A WONdERful diFFERENCE iN ThE STlidENTS AdjuSTMENT TO CoLIeQE ANd our coMMUNiry. ThROuqhouT ThE yEAR you would see youR STudENT a Few hoURS EVERy MONTh ANd ANSWER OUESTioNs youR sTudENT MiqhT Lave AbouT Las VEqAS. TLere is no FiNANciAl obliqATioN on youR bEhAlF. IF you would likE MORE iNFoRMATiON AboUT ThE HAFH PRoqRAM, or would likE to pARTicipATE iN ThE pROqRAM foR ThE FaII SEMESTER, plEASE CAll PROqRAM CooRdiNATOR ShARlENE FIusLman 794" 2888 or Ths UNLV AluMNi Office 8955621. 0OS \ ISO? 0 ? 0 s 0 0 Mentor Program In our constant pursuit to warmly welcome new mem?bers to our congregation, we have designed a new program to help make new members feel especially welcome, cared for, included, and informed. It is known as our ?Mentor Program?. We are seeking individuals who would be open to ?mentoring? a new family into our congregation by telephoning, reminding, inviting, and explaining tem?ple happenings and events. This program is intended to allow new families to feel specially cared about and be informed of our many won?derful Temple activities. If you would be interested in this Mitzvah and serving in this giving fashion, please call Jill Ginsburg in our Temple office. Thank You! !0O 01 0 0 0 0 AuqusT 1998 AU X I L 1 A R I E S & Sister fiood Xews As I sit down to write my first of many article's, I don't know where to begin. So I guess I'll start with the Installation of the new board that was held on June 24th. Eileen Kollins was our Master of Ceremo?nies and she did a great job. I appreciate the time she spent on the program. I would like to con?gratulate Shirley Gellin, on receiv?ing the Leo Wilner Great Lady Award. This award was established in honor of Leo's late wife Mickey. The recipient is someone who in the past year has given of her self and of her time in the true meaning of mitzvah. Aug. 30th is the date for our Sis- ^^ernood paid up luncheon. If you Save not renewed your member- ^wip or have never joined sister- ^>od, this is the perfect time to do so. Our annual dues are $30.00 per year or $50.00 for our Mitzvah Membership. Please make your check payable to Congregation Ner Tamid Sisterhood and mail it to Audie linger in care of the Temple office. I want to thank Janis and her board for all the hard work they did this past year. I would like to welcome my new board and say I'm looking forward to an exciting year ahead of us. We would like to welcome to Sisterhood our recent new mem?bers Ida Cooper, Rea Dantzig, Tammy Greenberg, Sherri Gilman, Arlene Helper, Roberta Price, Anne Sanded, Naomi Weber, Hyla Worth, and Edythe Katz Yarchever. Shalom, SandyStolBerg C9fTSister flood and 9{grdstrom fashion ?Vaffey Center in San Diego present........... A shopping extravaganza on Saturday and Sunday (December 5, & 6,1998. Lots of free extras. Qoodies are incfuded. Airfare pfus room $155 ?Doume occupancy. Space and airfare for this trip is very [united..... Caff Debra 9-fafferman at 263-7968 or Judy Appfehaum at 255-4429for reservation and/or information. SVwJom from \jour BrotVierVtoob! Our new slate of officers have been installed and, in the heat of summer, have rolled up their collective sleeves to start planning a calendar of events to spur the interest of one and all. Your Executive Board is as follows: Stephen Joseph, President, Allan Nathanson, Vice President, Jerry Davis, Secretary, Ira Miller, Treasurer and Michael Milano, Membership. Collectively, we are working on speakers to address Men's Issues which include Health, Aging, Parenting and Jewish Issues t' ist to name a few. We want our ccial calendar to include a Golf purnament, Putting Tournament, ather / Child Activities and Sporting Events and just plain Fellowship and Camaraderie time. We will continue our fund raising with the sale of Entertainment Books and Yom Hashoah candles along with other fund raising programs so we may continue supporting our Temple's programs. The High Holy Days are just over the horizon. With our Temple member?ship bulging at the seams with over 600 families and two services scheduled for the evenings of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, we need to start our usher recruitment for this year. Please call Allan Nathanson at 796-8391 to assist him with scheduling. Our next meeting is on, Thursday, September 17, 1998 at 6:30pm. After a short business meeting, at 7:00pm, Bernard Farrow, Ph.D., will speak on a subject that will interest us all. You will receive more information in a flyer in the coming weeks. Brotherhood programs are run by the men of Ner Tamid! The Brotherhood brings together men from different backgrounds and from different walks of life who share a goal to help with the ongoing growth of social and educational programs of the Temple. Shortly, you will receive in the mail your new application for Brotherhood mem?bership. Join us and help make the Temple a better place for you. I look forward to seeing you all. Stepfienjosepfi Brotherhood President ( t Speoiat rf)Auqust 1998 luce Cjo Jli loiii) School News The school year is about to begin and we have been planning and preparing for this all summer. Many of you shopped for camp, packed, and created a great feeling of happiness for your children. It took a great deal of preparation to make camp a wonderful experience. Now as we prepare for secular school, we are tilling out forms, attending meetings, and paying for yearbooks in advance. A well run system needs information and financial support; therefore, we should comply to the requests of our secular school system. Jewish education has a goal. The foal is to prepare Jewish children to e active and responsible Jewish adults. In order for us to reach this goal we must make Jewish education a natural process. We are expected to send our children to secular school by the state, but we are also inclined to educate our children religiously by an even higher power. There have been many educational studies to find out wnat makes a good student. It has been proven that children who see their parents reading, enjoy reading at a higher level and excel in school. The information disclosed shows us that if we want our children to excel in religous school we must take an active part in their education. We must encourage them to attend religous school on a regular basis, study, and participate in services. The best way to encourage children to become active in the Jewish community is to set an example. Attending adult and family education programs is one way to do this. This year there will be several off-site programs. Programs will take place as close as in your own neighbor?hood. Some of tne sessions will deal with subjects for adults only, while others will be geared towards the entire family. I encourage you to take an active role as a jewish parent, attend these wonderful educational programs. In an effort to better communicate what is happening at our school, you will receive a monthly progress report and a newsletter called "Noshes of News." I hope to see you on the opening day, Sunday, September 13, 1998. School will begin at 9:30 with a rally in the sanctuary to start your children off with a little enthusiasm. Students will be in class until 12:15 pm. The first session for your children will be used as a means to get to know their new teacher and classmates. There will be a special opening house in October for the parents. If you have not yet registered, )lease do so now. Tne only way to iave the proper amount of materials or your children is for the school to iave the knowledge of an exact amount of how many children will be attending. Together we will offer your children an experience to remember. This adventure will have a positive impart and will help guide them to beco? active responsible adults. M, Shalom, JacfelfleeXgp Director of Education CNT Sisterhood provides partial scholarships to Jewish summer camps of your child?s choice. An applicaton packet and information on the requirements will be provided at the orientation for CNT?s Religious School on Sunday, September 13,1938. Be sure to come if you are interested in your child attending a Jewish summer camp and need a little help to defray the cost in order to provide this meaningful experience to your child. If you have any questions, please call Ruth Urban 458-8529, Campership Chair.? W AuqusT 1998 CNT PRCSCHOOL OP?N HOUS? 1 he recent open house held for the newly forming NerTomid Preschool wos o glorious success and well attended. The list of students is growing almost doily for our August 24th opening. The committee ond staff of the preschool are very gratified by the overwhelming response to our school. The children and their parents were greeted at the open house by balloon-decorated rooms, Jacky Rosen, Scott Stolberg, both members of the Preschool Committee, and Lois Bergman, Preschool Director. It was a pleasure to collect all the signed applications during the afternoon. The Preschool is looking for?ward to a banner year of classes of smiling youngsters. As we toured the facility that day, it was clear both the children and their parents were excited about the Preschool, everything from the outdoor play-yard, the garden and the computer program were attractive to the rospective students. The rriculum, including secular objects, Hebrew and Judaic udies make our preschool most innovative. The monthly field trips, baking Challah, Hamentashen, Blintzes, cook?ies, Matzo and even chicken soup (nothin? says lovin' like something from the oven!) all help to mold a youngster's most important formative years. The children will be a part of a special "adopt a grandparent program"as part of our Mitzvah program as well. All of this excitement helps to make CNT Preschool unique. The classes are filling up quickly and we can only accept a limited number of students. If you would like more information, call the Temple office at 733-6292 and ask for Lois Bergman. F" % ^ ^ ?-??tee V CNT Payment Policy p MEMBERSHIP DUES: Dues will be billed on an annual basis, from January to December. Member?ship fees are due January 1st. Dues must be paid at least on a quarterly basis in advance, unless specifically coordinated with the Executive Direc?tor. Membership will be considered delinquent after no payment is received for 90 days past each quarter. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FEES: Congregation Ner Tamid Religious School runs from September through May. Religious School fees are due at the time of registration. If necessary, arrangements can be made with the Executive Director to pay Religious School fees over a six month period. SANCTUARY/BUILDING ASSESSMENT: Our Sanctuary/Building Assessment is a five year (60 month) commitment, payable at least on a monthly basis. The following are specific criteria re?garding payment of assessed fees: 1. Member account must be current, 75% paid, in order to receive High Holiday tickets. 2. Member account must be current in order to conduct the following: a. to schedule and reserve a Bar / Bat Mitzvah date b. to hold a Bar / Bat Mitzvah c. to schedule and hold a wedding d. to schedule and hold a baby-naming e. to register child(ren) for Religious School. ---------------------------------------------- c f Sprcial rf)lact> Q'o (Belong. Auqust 1998 Golden Choi Golden Chai has suffered a great loss with the death of our president, Helen Herzog. Helen cannot be replaced, but the remaining board members will pitch in to see that the club continues in the tradition Helen set. Helen will be deeplu missed. We offer our condolences to her family and especially her husband Leonard, who is in ill health. The senior adult group of Temple Beth Shalom has joined us until their new sanctuary is completed, and we look forward to making new friends. We have man wonderful programs plannei including the Meschuganah Klezmer Bank. We hope that senior mem?bers of Congregation Ner Tamid will come join us for an after