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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    A © NO'' 30 ^929 # Los Angeles, Kov. 27, 1929 9215-3-W Mr* K* L* Adamsoni fief erring to your letter October 9 th file 20-6-1 regarding proposed increased water rates at Las Vegas with which letter you submitted data respecting cost of water used : value of water facilities as reflected in the Land and Water Company’s investment account, also what that account would carry according to Valuation Department study and called attention to the fact that neither of those figures included value of the water itself, which has been placed at I200,000* by our Valuation Department. In reply I am advised that: "The President does not favor making this change in accounts with resultant credit to profit and loss and consequent in­creased income tax.” I presented to Mr. Jeffers the facts respecting F. H. Knickerbocker CC-Mr .A.S.Halsted^ Mr.C.C.Barry Mr.F.H.MoHamee