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n VEOAS (NEVADA) EVEWNG REVIEW-JOURNAE .Tuesday. October 2,1934. Boulder Dam Facts PAT ROLl—$20,625.08 daily (estimated). persons Employed—5.05? (estimated) HEIGHT—727 Feet. WIDTH—1,045 Feet. ? THICKNESS—45 Feet (tap). THICKNESS—650 Feet (bottom). res FROM WHERE I SIT By A. E. CAHLAN ~~~*i H Guess there’s nothing else to; do but make up, our minds to take this'-here-now' weather as it comes, and make no predictions. I' you can imagine the old thermometer hitting 103 two rveeks ago, 80 a | -week ag:o,;and 99 again yesterday, you’re a better, man than 1—at least than I was. until- it actually happened. Ninety, liine omOctober (first? It'just ain’t right somehow. . it’s never, been, dope before, I and“I. forgone, don’t knovrtvhy all (the, fooling around.. Why don’t ye either have summer or. winter ? j Not both at once. Here 1 had|all my summer clothes laid carefully ayay—made. . piy summer shoes 1 last out 'theit third, season, and. nurshd a . pair pf pants thru their second'summit*;' " And my winter, yamrobe (soutidsbig, but it- isn't) all pressed up for the coming months’ fwear". iH had a fire in the family stoye last, week to: keep the evening .warm.- And look what happened. Now I’ve got to do it all. .offir. again. I never see sich goins on. ' Somebody’s playing an awful doke on us, I Suppose all that Sepiemher.snow I .was- talk* mg- about .the -Qther day is running 1 down the Truckee and Humboldt. rivers right now instead of waiting until next August like’ it’s supposed to. You can’t beat the guy .that’s been running the weather for 19.34, he’s more tem- pefamentai than ihe prima-e’at of the ppima-donnas. Although cpme to think about .it, he g must b,e: a she, /causd thebe has been a great ; lack di 'abiiity bd the part of the person; directing the weather in the matter of mind making up, if you get dyhat I’imC'kd.. Anyway,, don’t get.ilnipatient, folks, it’ll cool off eventually. 'At- least' I -hope it I will.!' ’ isn't in either Maine or Washington, but in northern Minnesota. YoU probably won't believe it until you seek out a map and see for yourself, but that’s the dope, a la Rand & McNally. or whoever happens to be your favorite geographer. It’s that little projection in the Lake, of the Woods country, and it's the.-one part of the United States that can’t be reached by- land without travelling thru a-foreign country. - And .before you decide that I’m cracked, remember that the earth’s round and the map is flat, and that you measure from the neatest parallel . of latitude father than from the top boundary,, of the mam . . , now that we have that set- . s tied, you might be interested in knowing that, Winhemucca’s. celebrating a reduction in water rates —-believes she’s being treated quite nicely, thank you, because , the water company came thru with a '19 per cent cut. Winnemucca residents: arc on water meters. They pay by the cubic foot for every drop • they use. The new rate is 13% cents per; cubic foot for the first 2,500, 10 cents for the next 2,500 and 7% cents for the next 5;000. . Before -we get away from the subject of hotweathery here’s one I for tlie- book. Maybe: it’s' happened before, but if it Sidhaven’t heard about it,.short of,movie'.comedies Of -- ionfewhefe simjlar. -.-.Ypu’ye ? heard of frying eggs "on' the /side- i walk' -w - that’s always- crediitfcd to YutaSt or Phoenix, i But here’s one i for the' book,' clear up in Wiscoiir sih. • Eau Claire’s the town, where 1 they raise corn and -wheat. Seems it get so hot there one day this summer - (107 it was, ? officially) that | a large number pf budding ears 1 of corn actually popped. All farmer A. II: Ludwig needed was a little salt to enjoy a full meal of popcorn while gathering in the crop! ; M - / ? 1% 'fin Las Vegas, during the summer time, the average use per family; is approximately .6,000 cubic feet per month. At Winnemueca’s fati,: rthat ? would • be • $6.62 per month. During; the winter months, Lai Vegas families use approximately 4,200 cubic feet per months ?Which at Winnemucca’s ratc. -vyould make the monthly .bill $5.07.In Winnenrueba* the average usage thej year, round is 4,000; cubic feet perl month, ‘according to- the news-i paper ad ahnoufteing the rate reduction,. which means that'the average Winnentuccan pays over $5.p0 per month for water. We Las Vegas, pay f:2.Q0 for unlimited usage. . Nor I’m; not on the payroll of the water company. Just don’t 'Relieve phast of us realize what a low rate: we’re paying. Qf course that doesn’t jj necessarily mean it couldn’t be lower if some of the contentions of some of the users can be substantiated. And getting all tangled up in | Mr. Ripley’s ? pet sport, perhaps yonli be interested in another one. I Dr. J. D. Smith, - native pf Minire- |jpta,‘ is wont to startle you with statement that 1 the furthest point in the- United States AM the ' person ' who’s I been watching the score-hoard every day for St. Louis to dome thru with ike National league pennant, is none other thaii bur old friend Herb Gambill. For it seems Herb comes from Oklahoma, from a town close to the one that gave the Cardinals the famous Dean brothers; who together pitched more than half the games the Redbirds won. Now that St. Louis is in the money, Herb will be right on deck. No; Detroit fans, I don’t know whether he’s betting any dough, you’ll have to ask him yourself.