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Case No. Dept. Nobility 1) SP IN THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT ICQURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA, ?IN AND FOR THE/COUNTY OtScLAHK 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 In the Matter of thesEstate of ) EVALINE STEWART STAY, ) M M M i c - Deceased AUG 7 ; ?: 1W. % RTRUDE HAS SENG ALE . Cierk ;*y , . f r/^*CES r.r*5 srprv-CT-1; Yr **’ It V 20 21 '22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION To the HonorableiDIstrietlCourt o f1 the Eighth Judicial g&S'-V • . i '-;vV: - :-':^'v i:V V ?-y- ^ >>7^ W.- ;-v .. -,••/,• .-> •:, ' ' „ f :._£?>i fsjStlJ' ?^s/ v;* *y Sj':- ?* *Vi ?-'? ’^ ';.i D istric t of|the State o f Nevada* in and fo rfth e County of Clark: f The Petition oftCLARENCE STAY. JR, ••• iy'^y-- R - ' 'ig T - ?';-* v..; ? 'A :' -v -: ******&*&**§& respectfu lly shows; pgsl i. - r .t • /.,®S,>. •-a<c!TB»y.«<4 «r •*:^ v - „--,-i '-• ^;v.., ' £££$»£&£?‘-.’?y * ••/’•£- ?**'?-t0y*-t. .sg ’ja v w^ f r -•*&*,£ • *fe> fw jt ' \*!*«?-’ ^ ?;. *? -' ‘t y '? - " * , - -_ _ »yanfa2 -.ixzx- x^jS/Kyj •£w *i*^ •. -. ? 5., - ; • •jw ’.* •->«' • / .;*...??_',- —, 1 'M.. '.That.Iraline|Stewart4Stay.died intestate*on or about the at day o f August., ? 1947 in the Cohnty of| Clark, State of Nevada ; that said deceased at the| tiae of I her death/was a resident of, said Countylof^Clark and le ft estate, tliereia, ooGSistang of real and personal' property,: the v a lu e and character o f •said property and the probable re v e n u e tlieref re%‘;are:. as -follows.,; to -w it: v ^ lll Lota 23:, '2.4; and. 2 | ,' Block 15y Williams Addition, ' as per Platlrecordedlin Book 1< of Plats at Page 123*|Clark County-,^Nevada, reoords. J Subjeot to :.a Deed|of|Tru3t| securing |a noteiinlfavor: of i|| . B. L .' Young and| w ifei upon whidh there Eremins unpaid^the sum ofs$2f5C»cp,|or|thereabouts, of ppf«t': the lvalue" of |f7,000»00.||yAll| the bouse ho Id f urni - ? ? , ture in the aforesaid premises^bf the. value of . ? ? ,i‘|13d.O;, ;00's; o r: thereabout a . , "v, s . :;7-;'^ :. : :' ? :. 7 ' ?' Irregu lar-L ots 6 and 7 in Block 51 irre g u la r 7 Lot 6 r Block- fi; irr# gu lar .lot ;6 s Block 8 , 3and irre g u la r Lot 5 S Bloclc 2,. a ll. in-II.I?.M* r& M. ?: Addition' to the C ity "of,lias Vegas, ClarkpCounty, p||;;v Nevada^allfunimproved, ^>f J the value o.f fp200»Q0^ ' ; . - A .portion o f l l | o f |SW| and a p o r t i o n o f NW| o f ^ E § S i f S SSt- in Section-- 29, T o w n s h ip 21 South,, Range -6-2. ? -- la s t , M.D.B.& M jliNEi M l and NW£NE|-of Section 31, Township 21 South,. Range 62 East, 7 <® the . va lue / of $3 0• 00. ^ ......... . . -, 32 - 1 -