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University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

MR. T.S. Briskin Mr. and Mrs. Briskin are guests of the Sands RFB H01d, by JE Mr. Briskin will pay the tournament fee of $100; and if he wishes to enter the sweepstake, he will pay that also. Mr. Wooden and Miss Gadette are guests of Mr. Briskin. He wants to be billed for their hotel expenses, but wants this to be done discreetly since he doesn't want them to be told that he is going to pay for them, Mr. Wooden and Miss Gadette will be entering the tournament: and will pay their own fees. (Actually, it is likely that Mr. Bfiskin will enter for them and pay their fees, but this will be done on a cash basis in any case.) Dr. and Mrs. Crandall are also guests of the Briskins, but will not play in the bridge tournament. Please bill Mr. Briskin for whatever the Cszndalls charge to their room. Miss De Koven has had to cancel her reservation. She will not be arriving after all.