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Bet Knesset Bamidbar Newsletter, September 2000



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    Bet Knesset Bamidbar Volume IX Issue 9 * 1 2 1 > 3 1 T l t O D T P 2 NEWSLETTER Elul - Tishri 5760-61 September 2000 FROM RABBI'S DESK HERSHEL BROOKS I I As we begin the New Year, we truly can see "What a difference a day makes!" or as we can say "What a difference a year makes." Who would have thought that one of our co-religionists would be nominated to be Vice President of the United States? I am amused at the media's reaction to the selection of Joseph Lieberman. So far, the pressing question among the "talking heads" seems to be, "What's he gonna do on the Sabbath?" It's revealing that someone's alleged commitment to worship and rest on the Sabbath can create such a stir. We live in a day when many want to post the Ten Commandments. Now, the prospect of a candidate taking the Fourth Commandment seriously, wanting to "remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy", has pundits questioning his commitment to the national interest. Amidst the outcry, I saw Senator Lieberman's rabbi on one of the news shows. He took a rather enlightened view of the Torah's prohibitions of work on the Sabbath. Basically, the rabbi argued the Law allowed one to break such prohibitions against work when human life and welfare were at stake. For example, voting on a key piece of legislation would pass this test. Such counsel by Lieberman's spiritual advisor reminds me of what happened in Shanghai immediately after the Second World War. The Jews who escaped the Nazis by immigrating to Shanghai were to sign for visas to immigrate to the United States. Unfortunately, some were required to come to the United States Embassy on Shabbat or lose their place to emigrate. The ultra orthodox Chassidic rabbis told the people to go. Personally, I think the four candidates from the two major parties should give politics themselves and us a rest one day a week. Such a Sabbath rest would probably make for a more reasoned measured and civil campaign. Probably, the only people who would miss a day's political campaigning are the news junkies and the commentators. The hue and cry from such folks reminds me of a comment made by a zealous football fan when his city lost its NFL franchise. "Now, what are me and my friends supposed to do on Sundays?" Well, there is an alternative. It is counter-cultural and out of vogue, but it has long belonged to the rhythm of life with G-d. It's called the Sabbath: a day of worship, rest and reflection. Here's hoping Lieberman doesn't cave to a culture thai finds such a commitment quaint, if not scandalous. May the year begin for all of us with love for our faith, pride in our heritage and, of course, with blessings of health and joy and nachas. Alma and I wish all of you a blessed year of 5761. HIGH HOLIDAY INFORMATION High Holiday tickets are sold out. There is a waiting list of members who would like to worship with us on one or both of the holidays. Many of you have bought tickets and will not be attending one or both of the holidays. If you will not need your tickets for Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur, please let Sarah Greene (256-1213) or Shel Kolner (838-7413) know. They will make arrangements for your refund and make the tickets available to those on the waiting list Please do not treat the buying of tickets as a donation if you are not planning to use them. There are fellow congregants who need your seat. Sliel Kolner 2 PRESIDENT SHEL KOLNER When looking for a subject to write about for this month, I recently rediscovered Mark Twain's article written for HARPER'S in September of 1899 - over a 100 years ago. In it he discusses the major impact Jews have made to the world, as he knew it then, in spite of their small percentage of the overall population. He wrote: "properly the Jew ought hardly to be heard of; but he is heard of, has always been heard of." He further wrote: "He is as prominent on the planet as any other people, and his commercial importance is extravagantly out of proportion to the smallness of his bulk." This came to mind when I received an e-mail response from to a complaint I had about the way they listed Jerusalem on a weather map they used. I had received an e-mail from someone who suggested that be told that Jerusalem is part of Israel - not part of any Palestinian state. I, along, with many others wrote to them indicating such. I wrote: "You should learn to use the world maps accepted the world over. Jerusalem is part of Israel and will always be." The response I received from CNN indicated that the weather page was changed to read "Jerusalem, Israel." They also added that the status of Jerusalem is the most contentious issue in the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks and that Palestinian and Arab leaders consider part of Jerusalem the capital of the prospective Palestinian state. They added that is a nonpartisan global newsgathering organization. The importance of this whole diatribe is that we of "small bulk" can still be heard. Here we are 100 years after Mark Twain's article and we are still being "heard of." Others have come and gone (as in the past 5000+ years) and we are still being "heard of." Not only can we be heard of in a small way - getting to change their position. But we can get an orthodox Jew nominated to be Vice President of the United States. Do you think Mark Twain would have envisioned this? I want to wish you all the Happiest and Healthiest of New Years and hope to personally wish you a L'Shana Tova when I see you. Service Set-up Janos Strauss and Irwin Haus, with occasional help from one or two others, have been setting up every Friday night service for the past couple of years. They also set up for the High Holidays and other special occasions. They would like the help of 2 able bodied people to help them set up the microphones, put up the mezuzah, the Mogen David and other miscellaneous items so we can all enjoy the service. The set-up and teardown take about 45 minutes and are really important. If you are interested, please call Irwin at 255-4458. Shel Kolner About our Newsletter: Bet Kjiesset Bamidbar of Sun City Newsletter is a monthly publication. BKB address is P.O. Box 33503, Las Vegas, NV 89133. The deadline for the October newsletter is September 12"'. Anything submitted after the deadline will appear in the next month's newsletter. The Newsletter Staff: Alma Brooks, Editor; Arlene R. Goodman, Sarah Greene, Gloria Meyers, Sharlene Tolman, Hershel & Ruth Weinrott and Betty Weltman. 3 MEN'S CLUB NEWS LOU POKAT, President Our next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Sunday, Sept. 3, 2000 at 9:00 a.m. at the Plaza, 6031 W. Cheyenne Ave. which is just beyond Jones Ave. The speaker will be Ruth Goldfarb, head of the building committee of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies who will discuss the new proposed nursing home extended care facility to be built. Monies and reservations are coming in hot and heavy for our dinner/dance. Tables are being reserved. Please get your money in as soon as possible and reserve your tables. Don't be shut out. Remember, only the first 240 people who have mailed in their checks can go. Only Temple members will be accepted at this time. It has been suggested by one of our members to have a Happy New Year's Tribute capability. The Board of Directors thought this was a good idea. The Tributes page will be titled: "Happy New Year to all our Friends at Bet Knesset Bamidbar." You may have your name listed with other members of the congregation on this special tribute page. There is a minimum donation of S5.00 for this listing and Rosanna Smith must receive it by September 12"1. Rosanna's address is 9940 Arbuckle Dr., Las Vegas, NV. 89134. It is open to members of the congregation only. If you have any questions, please call Rosanna at 254-7887. Shel Kolner SINGLES' NEWS Hope everyone had a nice "hot" relaxing summer. Our next scheduled meeting is on Sunday, September 10th at the Sahara West Library. We will have a "welcome back from the hot summer "lunch". October 9th will be our "break the fast" at the Regent. December is our annual "Chanukah party" to be held on December 17th, surprise location to be announced! We have a very busy couple of months ahead. We are in the process of forming our next year's officers and chairman. If you would like to be a part of an exciting group of 'singles', we need you! If you would like to FAYE ARSHAWSKY, President become involved, "the fun way to have fun", we need you! Please call someone below. Remember, everybody needs somebody and we would like to be the somebody you need. We're a great group of people with a common denominator looking for friendship, things to do, a feeling of belonging and filling a void in our life. If you have any questions, want to help or know someone who would like to join in on the fun, please call: President Faye Arshawsky 838-5181 VP.Membership llene Markus 240-0580-82 Transportation Jacque Pachtman 233-4390 Sunshine Shellie Greenberg 228-7487 4 ANNIVERSARIES SEPTEMBER 2000 September 1 Norman and Bernice Segal September 2 Herb and Ethel Bayer Martin and Dorothy Brown Danny and Harriet Miller September 3 Sheldon and Elaine De Graff Irving and Libby Feuerman Roland and Eleanor Weinstein September 4 Stanley and Tania Goldstein Emanuel and Estelle Silverman September 5 Louis Brown and Luanne Toberman Joe and Jeanne Ebner Jerry and Ruth Potasky September 7 Harry and Pearl Bank Jordan and Zelda Goodman Sy and Hermaine Hinden Al and Marlene Katz Jerry and Mimi Speilberg September 8 Lionel and Shirley Miles Buddy and Hannah Pollack Rubin and Rae Schaffer Julius and Ruth Washinsky September 9 Herb and Marilyn Wall September 10 Morton and Sheila Harris September 11 Charles and Carole Block Aaron and Joan Rubin Seymour and Lucy Schwartz September 12 Sheldon and Jayne Factor Henry and Anita Schuster September 13 Barry and Ellen Jacobs September 14 Philip and Maxine Rothschild September 15 Morey and Lillian Friedman Herbert and Jean Marks Jerome and Lea Solomon September 17 Edmund and Bernice Isaac September 18 Barry and Shirley Barondess Phill and Laura Denenberg Joseph and Estelle Harf September 19 Alan and Barbara Rosen September 20 Gene and Annette Veltman September 21 Hy and Margy Greenhill September 22 John and Sima Obadal Robert and Marilyn Teitelbaum September 23 Charles and llene Casper Buzz and Edith Marcuse Don and Joan Weiss September 24 Jay and Estelle Levinson September 25 Ted and Zelda Miller Sepiember 26 Sol and Flory Catain Philip and Erma Gordon Sanford and Ruth Mintz Ellard and Merna Strassner September 27 Allen and Lola Gottlieb September 29 Jerry and Pearl Howard Edward and Glenda Rogers September 30 Robert and Lillian Aronfeld David and Lottie Kantor * Recite She-heh-che-yoh-nu vRecite Candle Blessing for Holiday r Candle Blessing for Holiday Baruch Ata Adonai Elohenu Mel-ech Ha'olam Asher Kidshanu B'mitzvotav V'tzivanu L'hadlik Ner Shel (Shabbat V ' ) Yom Tov * She-heh-che-yoh-nu for Holiday Baruch Ata Adonai Elohenu Mel-ech Ha'olam She-heh-che-yoh-nu Vi-ki-ye-mo-nu Ve-he-ge-o-nu Laz-man Ha-zeh 5 BIRTHDAYS \ T ' T ^ ' F F 1 " R September 1 September 11 September 21 Doris Magasiny Doris Groper Harry Asher September 2 Judith Martin Lillian Friedman Gerald Feldman Lois Weiner Helene Glasser Emanuel Morningstar Eleanor Wilchins Bert Hanf David Singer September 12 Sally Kowitt September 3 Pearl Depietro Isidore Baron Mavda Blum Shel Kolner Phyllis Tuck Norman Gold Norma Weisberg September 22 Larry Hollander September 13 Harold Hack Seymour Pritikin Pearl Bressinger Francine Bregman Seymour Schwartz Ray Emery Joan Privman September 4 Simon Epstein September 23 Sylvia Engel Lola Gottlieb June Edelman Jackie Hollander Marilyn Shanas Bernard Kraus September 5 September 14 September 24 Paul Karel Cynthia Joan Davis Cynthia Feiner Ruth Potasky Samuel Orandle Anne Goodman Lynne Willens Phyllis Pokat Arlene Irgang September 6 Sylvia Reback Elias Jacob Joseph Brassner September 15 Cheri Kainen Barbara Gelbman Mimi Spielberg Ruth Morningstar JoAnn Oppenheimer Gore September 16 Leon Singer Edward Rogers Charles Forman Max Vinson Corinne Shaftel Edmund Isaac September 25 September 7 Margie Karp Don Davidson Allan Bell Edith Klar Peggy Glackman Shirley Davidson Sandy Mandel Beatrice Haenel Joel Glabman September 17 Eugene Krouse Robert Goldstein Sandra Singer September 26 Paula Mednick September 18 Lorraine Blank Fusayo Shapiro Bob Chaet Robert Bradley September 8 Estelle Cohen Bunny Finver Henri Plat Rita Levine Jerry Harrison Gloria Morway-Ray Ruth Washinsky Dorothy Mack September 9 September 19 Renee Sussman Lewis Mason Jean Modes September 27 Louis Sanders Norman Segal Shirley Germain September 10 September 20 September 28 Harry Brody Mickey Abrams Gloria Abrams Min Bronstein Sena Levy Herb Bayer Bernard Judd Eva Mayer Anita Berman Barbara Kern Elaine Sipelstein Herbert Cohen Anita Korotkin Sidney Goldstein Bud Levine Carol Herzlich Tillie Miller September 29 Nathan Braverman SEPTEMBER 2000 Men's Club of Temple Bet Knesset Bamidbar Golden Nugget Hotel - Downtown Saturday, November 4, 2000 Black Tie Optional Cocktails (No Host Bar) 6:00 p.m. Sit-down Dinner 7:00 p.m. Dinner Includes: Soup, Salad, Choice of Chicken Breast or Salmon, Dessert and Coffee (on, CLUUC Jt<ulit4 Entertainment by Piermarini and his Band Showtime Comedian and Singers Donation $40.00 per person All reservations must be accompanied by a check. (Full tables of 10 are available.) Make checks payable to BKB Men's Club and mail to Lou Pokat, 10720 Bennington Court, Las Vegas, N.V. 89134 (702) 363-0697 presents Name: ... Address: Phone: . Your Selection: Chicken Check attached $ Salmon No. of People Deadline for reservations and payments is October 14, 2000 ONEG SHABBAT SPONSORS On July 28. 2000 we celebrated with: Bernard Judd in memory of wife Eva Helen & Abe Sparber in honor of Abe's 80lh Birthday Shirley & Barry Barondess in honor of Shirley's 81s1 Birthday Gerald & Lillie Weissman in honor of Lillie's Birthday and their 5lh Anniversary Judy & Richard Radford in honor of their 20m Anniversary On August 11. 2000 we celebrated with; Janice & Irv Baron in memory of Yahrzeit of Abraham Kraus Wilma & David Herschberg in honor of Birth of their Granddaughter, Kiya India Janice & Irv Baron in honor of Janice's 64th Birthday Lorraine Orlans in honor of her Birthday Thank you for sharing your simchas with u& To sponsor an Oneg Shabbat, please call Rhea Sturza at 255-4660. WE GET LETTERS: Many thanks to all my friends for your wishes for my speedy recovery and for all the wonderful ]' and beautiful cards that I received. 'I Sally Plat !|i !|! Mv heartfelt thanks to all my friends for their I.I ill contributions and cards in memory of my brother. ,, Your thoughtfulness is deeply appreciated. Ruth Golden Ji 'II I^ ? ? ? ? ? ? V V S f i i _? ?_ ?_ ?J|_? I Plant a tree in Israel to honor, memorialize or let someone know he or she is special. Call Doris Ross at 256-8023 to make your purchases. Be Patient. Your calls will be returned. i TRIBUTES ? SEPTEMBER 2000 We gratefully appreciate the offerings to BET KNESSET BAMIDBAR for the following occasions and from those listed. GET WELL FOR ? Richard Smith MESSAGE Speedy Recovery Speedy Recovery Speedy Recovery FROM Ruth & Hershel Weinrott Bernice & Norman Segal Irv & Janice Baron ? Anne Goodman Speedy Recovery Bet Knesset Bamidbar ? Essie Friedman Speedy Recovery Shirley Ball & Sandy Phillips ? Sandi Hoffman For Good Health Rita & Hank Stein ? Sylvia Cohen For Good Health Fran & Paul Seltzer ? Theda Goldschlag For Good Health For Good Health For Good Health Speedy Recovery For Good Health Bet Knesset Bamidbar Faye Arshawsky Lynne Willens Edith & Sam Lossos Rita & Hank Stein ? Paul Greenfield Speedy Recovery Speedy Recovery Speedy Recovery Speedy Recovery For Good Health Bet Knesset Bamidbar Trudy & She! Koiner Rita & Hal Stromberg Janice & Irv Baron Anita & Morey Berman ? Shirley Weisberg For Good Health For Good Health Glad It's Over Bet Knesset Bamidbar Anita & Morey Berman Janice & Irv Baron ? Bill Fogelman Speedy Recovery Janice & Irv Baron HAPPY ANNIVERSARY FOR ? Sam & Ruth Young MESSAGE Happy Anniversary Happy Anniversary FROM Ernie & Evelyn Ostreicher Rita & Hank Stein ? Irv & Sylvia Reback Happy Anniversary Rita & Hank Stein ? Sophie & Bill Fogelman Happy Anniversary Trudy & Shel Koiner ? Phyllis & Lou Pokat Happy Anniversary Trudy & Shel Koiner ? Ruthie & Jerry Potasky Happy Anniversary Ernie & Evelyn Ostreicher 9 TRIBUTES SEPTEMBER 2000 We gratefully appreciate the offerings to BET KNESSET BAMIDBAR for the following occasions and from those listed. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 10 ? Janice Baron MESSAGE Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday FROM Ruth & Hershel Weinrott Trudy & Shel Kolner Rita & Hank Stein ? Harold Sturza Happy Birthday Ruth & Hershel Weinrott ? Ellie Wilchins Happy Birthday Irv & Janice Baron ? Abe Sparber Happy Birthday Evelyn & Joel Mayer ? Cynthia Turoff Happy Birthday Rita & Hank Stein ? Joan Weinberger Happy Birthday Rita & Hank Stein ? Theda Goldschlag Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Trudy & Shel Kolner Rita & Hank Stein ? Beverly Miller Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Trudy & Shel Kolner Rita & Hank Stein ? Bernie Tracht Happy Birthday Rita & Hank Stein ? Sam Lossos Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Trudy & Shel Kolner Rita & Hank Stein ? Annette Bonder Goldman Happy Birthday Rita & Hank Stein ? Richard Radford Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Ernie & Evelyn Ostreicher Rita & Hank Stein ? Hank Stein Happy Birthday Ruthie & Jerry Potasky ? Ruth Gottesman Happy Birthday Trudy & Shel Kolner ? Lorraine Orlans Happy Birthday with lots of love Happy Birthday Nadine & Ed Kaufman Ernie & Evelyn Ostreicher ? Anita Schuster Happy Birthday Ernie & Evelyn Ostreicher ? Please send money and requests for tributes directly to Lynne Willens at 9353 Fresh Spring Dr., LV 89134. Do not send to P.O. Box. 1 0 TRIBUTES SEPTEMBER 2000 We gratefully appreciate the offerings to BET KNESSET BAMIDBAR for the following occasions and from those listed. IN LOVING MEMORY OF ? Julius Fishbain FOR Ruth Golden Ruth Golden Ruth Golden Ruth Golden Ruth Golden Ruth Golden Ruth Golden MESSAGE In Memory of Beloved Brother In Memory of Beloved Brother In Memory of Beloved Brother In Memory of Beloved Brother In Memory of Beloved Brother In Memory of Beloved Brother In Memory of Beloved Brother FROM Bob & Sarah Greene Bet Knesset Bamidbar Trudy & Shel Kolner Marvin & Shirley Weisberg Paul & Freda Greenfield Irv & Janice Baron Shirley & Barry Barondess ? Larry Plotkin Stella Plotkin In Memory of Beloved Husband Berenice Baum ? Lillian Adesko The Glovin Family In Memory of Beloved Mother Mickey & Mickey Abrams ? Albert Krys Anne Krys In Memory of Beloved Husband Ray & Bernice Stekoll ? David Greenspun Belle Greenspun Beloved Husband Nancy Demay & Sis Glick ? Beloved Mother Eunice Gelman In Memory of Beloved Mother Jean & Nate Modes ? Mrs. Oadny Colleen Casteel In Memory of Beloved Mother Faye Arshawsky MISCELLANEOUS FOR MESSAGE FROM ? Julian & Joan Weinberger Mazel Tov on Grandson Ross' Bar Mitzvah Iris & Van Fleming ? Betty Becker Mazel Tov to Michelle & Man/ on Birth of Lucas & Hannah Jean & Nate Modes 1 1 r 2LJ BET KNESSET BAMIDBAR M^l SISTERHOOD ANNUAL LUNCHEON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2000 GOLD COAST BALLROOM 4000 W. Flamingo Road 11:30 a.m. - Luncheon Moon ENTERTAINMENT: The Stardust's BOB ANDERSON Lynn Burdick's HIQH HATS FASHION SHOW by MACY'S RATTLES ? ? ? DOOR PRIZES Donation: $20.00 Per Person QUESTS ARE WELCOME Reservations Are Now Being Accepted. DEADLINE IS SEPTEMBER 10, 2000 Check Made Out To BKB Sisterhood Must Accompany Reservation. MAIL TO: LILLIE WEISSMAN OR: SHARYN WEINSTEIN 11013 BATTLEMENT AVE. 2916 HADDON DRIVE LAS VEGAS, NV 89134 LAS VEGAS, NV 89134 341-6885 360-5254 NAME TEL MO. Mo of Quests CHECK # flc AMT EMC. TICKET # UST YOUR PREFERRED TABLE COMPANIONS: TABLES WILL ACCOMMODATE 10 YAHRZEIT DONATIONS REMEMBERED BY IN MEMORY OF RELATIONSHIP David Alexman Israel Alexman Father Shirley Ball Israel Wagner Father Janice Baron Abraham Kraus Father Shirley Barondess Thelma Kaufman Sister Barry Barondess Dora Barondess Mother Jack & Claire Bass Judith Wikler Daughter Ethel Bayer Sidney Klitzner Father Cookie Becker Sam Besanty Father Sandy Berenbaum Eva Geller Mother Annette Bonder Benjamin Bergman Father Marilyn Boms Hy Bergman Father Joseph Brassner Hyman Brassner Father Pearl Bressinger Harry Suway Father Julie Chambers Clara Berenson Mother Sarah Sedacca Cohen Paul Sedacca Father Bobby Coronel Jack Levy Father Laura Denenberg Warren Rutsky Husband Gertrude Dubowe Theodore Emmer Brother Gertrude Dubowe Rose Emmer Mother Raymond Duckat Simon Duckat Father Barry Erlich Family Roseann Entin Robert Jacobson Father Sandra Feather Florence Tucker Mother Cynthia Feiner Annette Spanier Mother Al Fiel Nathan Fiel Father Bernice Fiel Mary Stein Sister Rona Fleischer Beatrice Goldstein Mother Sophie Fogelman Ruth Dickman Sister Judith Frank Mimi Manning Mother Judith Frank Michael Frank Son Ted Friedman Nathan Friedman Father Elinor Friedman Sarah Weitzman Mother Frances Friedman Abraham Moskowitz Father Seymour Gam Morris Gam Father Shirley Germain Lina Bisberg Mother Hy Glick Sadie Glick Mother Robert Gluck Arthur Gluck Father Robert Gluck Ted Gluck Brother Fred & Theda Goldshlag Jacob Goldschlag Son Stanley Goldstein Hannah & David Goldstein Parents Anne Gordon Ida Weiner Mother Arnold Greene William Greene Father William Grossman Kala Grossman Wife Ida Guth Sarah Kvasnik Mother Ida Guth Joe Kvasnik Brother Tillie Habif Sam Levy Father Estelle Harf Rebecca Friedman Mother Sy Hersch Johanna Hersch Mother Bet Knesset Bamidbar appreciates your donations in memory of your loved ones. Any donation that comes in before the 8lh of the month is acknowledged in that month's newsletter. All others are printed in the next month's newsletter. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. > 1 3 YAHRZEIT DONATIONS SEPTEMBER 2000 REMEMBERED BY IN MEMORY OF RELATIONSHIP Hermaine Hindin Benjamin Meyrowitz Father Phyllis Hollander Fay Graber Mother Carole Jawitz Mollie Eimer Mother Seymour Kamzan Harold Kamzan Brother Lori Kaplan Jules Kaplan Husband Margie Karp David Roth Father Philip Katz Isidore Katz Father Mona Klein Rose Gold Mother Syd Kliffer Lena Kliffer Mother Debbie Lederer Sam Shulman Father Leonard Levitsky Morris Levitsky Father llene Markus Gussie Charleston Mother Belle Maslinoff Marion Stern Sister Bea Miller Fanny Rosenthal Mother Shirley Moss James Moss Husband Robert Oppenheimer Leona Oppenheimer Wife David Perlmutter Fannie Perlmutter Mother David Perlmutter Arnold Perlmutter Brother Joan Postelnek Estelle Sternlicht Mother Sandra Ribons Esther & Philip Eisner Parents Sandra Ribstein Hilda & Harry Harris Parents Helen Rosenberg Irving Rappaport Father Louise Schneider Morton Schneider Husband Paul Schreibman Betty Ann Schreibman Wife Martin Scott Beatrice Sorowitz Mother Susan Server Celia Goldstick Grandmother Rose Shinder Annie Putterman Mother Dee Shindle Eva Koppelman Mother Don Singer Meyer Singer Father Renee Singer Eva Cohen Mother Linda Skemer Betty & Sam Ettinger Parents Art Staretz Bertha Staretz Mother Beatrice Stotland Samuel Klein Father Hal Stromberg Burton Stromberg Brother Luanne Toberman Randy Toberman Son Shirley Weiner Milton Ferber Father Barbara Weinstein Sarah & William Weitzman Parents Eleanor Wilchins Lawrence Wilchins Husband Shirley Winston Burton Winston Husband Ruth & Marcia Wolfe Edward Wolfe Husband & Father Those who ordered High Holiday Prayer books will not be receiving them until the 3r week of September. They are out of print and the publisher will be shipping them the 2nd week of September. If you have any questions, please call Norm Segal at 254-5177. Shel Kolner 1 4 B p YAHRZEITS FOR SEPTEMBER 2000 As we recite Kaddish on Friday evening September 8, 2000 we recall with love: Sadie Abrams Jerry Fleishman Sarah Machlus Jacob Schechner Leonard Asher Doris Gerson Herbert Markoff Dorothy Schechter Saul Attias Sylvia Glassner Melville Marx Philip Schlamberg Howard Beard Sarah Goldsmith Morris Meisel Leo Schwartz Isadore Becker Bess Bromberg Goldston Charles Morton Howard Shaftel Max Berenbaum Pearl Greene Rachel Nadler Lucille Sheldon Charles Berg Keva Helfand Lewis Neiman Gertrude Silk George Blank Hyman Herstein Jack Neiman Marsha Solomon Frank Bromberg Myer Kaplan Robert Newman Louis Stocker Mordechai Brooks Hannah Kaplan James Pantone Louis Tulman Jessie Buchberg Nettie Koppel Rae Rosenberg Mary Vinson Eva Cardiner Abraham Korenberg Marvin Ross Esther Wiener Harry Cohn Esther Lee Hilda Rothschild Ruth Wittenberg Anna Duckat Lazar Lesser Mike Sabbagh Dorothy Wittenstein Janet Evins Shari Lesser Sadie Saltzman Pauline Yablon Jerome Feiner Harold Levy Irene Saritsky Joe Zaidenberg Anna Zipser As we recite Kaddish on Friday evening, September 22, 2000 we recall with love: Rose Agress Max Gandel Emil Judd Joseph Rubenstein Henry August Edward Girtz Lillian Katz Fannie Rutieler Anne Barron David Glatter Alice Katzen Evelyn Safran Edith Belfer Howard Glotzer Mary Koslow Ted Samuels Eileen Belshin Harry Glotzer Neil Kowitt Rose Sanders Harry Bercow Anne Goldberg Joe Kuklin Beatrice Sapir Mollie Berenson Lester Schwartz Robert Lederer Lester Schwartz Rose Berger Rachel Golub Minnie Leifer Fanny Shapiro Libby Berman Walter Goodman Edward Lemer Ida Sheinberg Martha Bernstein Cecile Goodman David Lippman Hyman Shinder Lewis Bernstein Bertha Greenberg Florence Lipshitz Fannie Siegel Hyman Block Jack Greenberg Jack Lubman Sam Silverman Louis Brevick Rose Greenspahn Samuel Mifelow Rose Snider Norman Brotman Abe Greenspahn Meyer Miller Nathan Stotland Harry Deitch Minnie Herzfeld Jean Neustadt Virginia Strassner Claudia Facey Elizabeth Hob Norma Reich Frances Tolman Nat Freiberger Flora Jacob Bernice Rest Louis Weisberg Jerry Friedlander Jacob Jacob Anne Rogers Max Weiser Frank Fuchs Max Jawitz Dorothy Rosinsky Eleanor Wilensky Ella Zussman Our Deepest Sympathy The officers and members of Bet Knesset Bamidbar extend their heartfelt sympathy to the families of SHIRLEY BROWN Aunt of Phyllis Bromberg 15 SBP1SHEER 2000 QALeNVAZ September 3rd, Si Jay at 9:00 a.m. Men's CIUIJ Meeting The Plaza September 4th, Labor Day September 8th, Friday at 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Services Desert Vista September 10th, Sunday at 1:30 p.m. Singles' Meeting Sahara West Library September 11,h , Monday at 9:00 a.m. Sisterhood Board Nevada State Bank September 19th, Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. Temple Board Summerlin Library September 22nd , Friday at 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Services Desert Vista September 2Th, Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. Sisterhood Luncheon Gold Coast September 29'h, Friday at 7:30 p.m. Erev Rosh Hashanah Desert Vista September 30th, Saturday at 10:00 a.m. Rosh Hashana, 1" Day Desert Vista CANDLELIGHTING ?September 1" ?6:49 p.m. September 8th ? 6:39 p.m. September 15,h ? 6:29 p.m. September 22nd ? 6:18 p.m. September 29lh ? 6:08p.m. r * September iOh ?7:10p.m.* Shabbat Candle Blessing Baruch Ata Adonai Elohenu Mel-ech Ha 'olam Asher Kidshanu B'mitzvotav V'tzivanu L 'hadlik Ner Shel Shabbat Yom Tov Candle Blessings, page 5 STANDING COMMITTEES Membership Membership Statistics Newsletter Yahrzeit Properties Books Tributes Bereavement: Minyons Condolence Meal Sarah Greene Sarah Greene Alma Brooks Bobby Coronel Max Ross Arlene Goodman Lynne Widens 9353 Fresh Spring Dr Art Mandel, Chair Shel Koiner, Back-up Mimi Singer 256-1213 256-1213 256-9433 341-6323 256-8023 228-6362 363-3015 254-8103 838-7413 255-7256 Bet Knesset Bamidbar of Sun City P. O. Box 33503 Las Vegas, NV 89133-3503 Hershcl Brooks, Rabbi 256-9433 Board of Directors 391-2750 President, Shel Koiner 838-7413 EXECUTIVE BOARD President Executive VP VP Religion VP Membership Secretary Treasurer Past President DIRECTORS Manfred Berger Ted Friedman Irvin Haus Sydell Miller Max Ross Shel Koiner Rhoda Schwartz Louis Klionsky Sarah Greene Jean Modes Steve Tolman Arlene R. Goodman Norman Segal Rosanna Smith Abe Sparber Hershel Weinrott Gloria Wishengrad NON PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID Las Vegas, NV Permit No. 1031 Sisterhood President Men's Club President Singles' President Janice Baron f Lou Pokat Fave Arshawsky