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D o e s .it p r o h ib it the payment fo r se rv ic e s (lik e advert i s i n g ) w ith tr a n sp o r ta tio n ; always provided that the tra n sa ctio n i s f a i r and open, and not su bject to c r itic is m as bein g a device or evasion? ANSWER: I t does p r o h ib it the payment fo r se rv ice s lik e ad v ertisin g with tr a n sp o r ta tio n , assuming that the tran saction i s f a i r end open and not su b ject to c r itic is m as being a device or e v a sio n . I f the answer i s " Y e s ", how about con tracts fo r constru ctio n ? Can c a r r ie r undertake to transport labore r s , grading o u t f i t , camping o u t f i t o f the con tractor, a lso the feed fo r the men and animals at anything le s s than the regu lar published t a r i f f ra te s? Ahsr/ER: Y e s, provided the work contracted fo r i s being done fo r the r a ilr o a d company fu rn ish in g the tra n sp o r ta tio n , and that the tra n sp ortatio n i s used e n tir e ly in connection with the work, i t being the fa c t that the value o f the tran sp ortation i s considered by the con tractor in making h i a b id fo r the work. I X . Can fre e tran sp ortatio n be used in whole or in p art-in the settlem ent o f claim s? ANSWER: Y e s, i f the claim is fo r money and a fix e d amount of tran sp ortatio n having a d e fin ite value i s given as the agreed value o f the claim , or th a t p o rtio n o f i t which i s set t i e d , such tra n sp ortation is not f r e e . Q. Car. bind and Immigration Agents, who are not s o le ly in the employ o f the R ailroad Company and not on th e ir p a y -r o ll, bo paid fo r th eir se rv ice s in whole or la p a r t, w ith tra n sp ortatio n ? ANSWER: Not u n le ss the in d icated persons are emp loyes o f the Company in such sense that the Company could la w fu lly give tham tra n sp o rta tio n as a p a s s ?or g r a t u it y .