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    tmk*^^ Whil^^^ather oToIy] Havillan^ajjd : Joan f^S was visftpngj-xvjth Olivia","the mother ofr tlifc&e long-estranged sisters wa^at-Joan's wedding to Collier Yoiiu^,, with their stepfather. For years neither had anything to do with pa because as 'Joan once told /us, they couldn't forgive him for marrying a Japanese woman after the divorce from their ma. Olivia and her father have healed the breach. But no one thinks the girls will ever be friends again. Strange situation?╟÷and too bad. Looks like all Hollywood will turn up for the Screen Producers Guild dinner honoring L. B. Mayer. G. Jessel will oemcee ?╟≤ for the stars who'll entertain at this Bilt- more Bowl basb*.Wednesday About the GirFs: Roberta Haynes, the Gary ".-Cooper discovery who's tf$L^ "Return to Paradise,'^ste?╜3fed^sd?·8te with the| costume irS^^n.' she chose to pose for traell^aper ads. From what we gather, this gal is so il^bitinii&_sh?·!d_stopat nothing | to reach her niovie-star goal. Roberta was once wed to Agent Lew Kantor;.. . Marjorie Reynolds today starts playing Bill Bendix's wife in trig, "Lift ufl . Song-1 Judy Garland" to piety JtiS . lead in*??S musical of>JJtod4^if Long Legs," he need search no further than the Vaftley. ?╜?Fhjp% where J??eggy JEing is* working at'lETftiversal. She's .Joan and OHyj& stress Co^^^pPHTjoins Danny Th^^^Pleni Jack Entratter opejgpMFnew Sands Hotel h IjgF^JKas De< liiiTiii ilrliiii in Jiyiff'iiflWW*' I In Showb oIPBHM'III'IlL llaymes, the Bell Sisters and Billy Daniels. - ' M i Darryl Kanit-rrk ?√ß?√ß in serious in wanting "another gi 7J|2 Oscar rites. XjBfcuble of Jjtdj^-i j lugs like h-erMpriJalf|B?║; i?√ß Band Leader d^^^'^ir^e^. already a five-tjane'^^^M^abeut to lose his sixth mHl^r^tty Reilly. -^M When Marilyn - Monroe ?√ß slips into something comfortable, nobody else is! PJfSfecyBJ&IG BUREAU 165 'Ghurch Street - New York j ?Me\#pSrk, n. y. ^fflfTfflHptAPH ISKS*' c$8h6&3. 107 NOV M 1952 HOLLYWOOD, Nov. 11.?╟÷Yipes! Three sexy dishes in one photo I layout that Loew's sent out to publicists. And although one studio, seldom publicizes another's s t a r, this layout from M G M's parent company includes Marilyn Monroe, of Fox, along With Elaine Stew^ art and* Rita , Gam. And I got- '' ta admit that the Gam gams, in ?√ß(this #$Jfaf.e $s hot as anything displayed by Marilyn,..Richard Allan rehearsing with Jan Sterling and Paul Douglas for their Korean Christmas act. They'll fly towards trie battlefront on December 20, returning January 5... NB^sradio's Lawrence Klee gives his formula for becoming a successful writer: "Sit at a typewriter eight hours a day for about five years and keep banging the stuff out."...The Paramount junket on "The Blazing Forest" and Allied Artists' trek for "Flat Top" drawing the press lads and lassies despite their overlapping... Harmon Nelson fitting into his new duties as program manager at K*NBH... Warners discovering that it made a short called "Wish You Were Here" in 1949. ?√ß T ijir-o Late this month Houghton Mifflin pops out with a new book, "The White Rabbit," by Bruce Charles Spangler Sterling Douglas Fly To Korea on Dec. 20; Fox to Film 'Dark Wood' Marshall, which fits like a glove into the type of story the studios are looking for these days. It's the ;true story of a secret agent's ca- j reer during World War II behind ! German lines. Story already has | been published in England where jit's hit big.. .Assistant director ! Earl Bellamy will marry American | Airlines hostess Mar jane Nuile, ! on November 26, and the honey- i moon in Vegas... Lois Harmon, a iNew York TV actress until com- I ing here four months ago to marry I Clark Betts, making her local TV i debut in "Life With Luigi."... : 20th-Fox finally getting around to 1 making "Dark WoodV" a novel i bought years ago. T ' j More1 and more technical- im jprovements coming to televi j programs, particularlyy^Sfir fin) use of rear screen pflojecfion Susan Hayward roaming through the Ventura Blvd. Sports stores, engaging the owners In Img discussions about camlina equipment. . .KLAC-TV in la motion locally on itl Webfoot" dolls...JacA scouting-talent for them "%Pi j" Vegas.. .Mrs\(liis Edwards afibut to okay a Vw series, based on her late song-wrKiig husband... Don McNeill's \lserva- ftion: "A budget is something peo- j pie have so they can worry about | their money before they spend it [instead of after.".. .Al Werker, di- i recting "Posse" for Columbia, nix- ! ing use of dirt roads for lensing I the gallopers in horse operas. Says , moviegoers reject the chases along roafls which they know were j mighty scarce in the Old West. f The dance team of Darvas and g Julia opening at Mocambo, are a half-sister and brother combo from Vienna, which Hollywood will lamp to find out if they're as good as Manhattan columnists say... iJDick (Boone, back from Europe Jwhere he shot thousands of pho- ! tographs which Fox will distribute | to the mags.. .Richard Egan, Ann i Sothern's guy. Picking up 12 new ! suits from her long-time tailor.. i "The Caddy," next Martin and i Lewis comedy, to be partly shot ; near San Francisco... With seven \ jStrip hotels in Vegas operating top-name entertainment by Bfcem* ber 15, there ain't going toSte "a' single city in the world that can .offer a better nitery program;., j arie "Butch" Austin, a Jimmy urante protege, opening I at harley Foy's, says: "Itf,s called mmunity property because, jhen the husband chases all the dblls in the community, the judge Jyes the wife all the property." ?√? . IP^E, Add Hollywood characters: a jort.iat man with a bad limp who Jssses Hollywood Blvd. at Cahu- elga and, according to the corner ESTABLISHED 1S8S cla^7-537l PRESS CLIPPIN&I5UREAU 165 Church Street - New York NEW YORK, N-J^ ^ELEGRABfT Circ. d. &mm??B; ?╜ "/*?√ß 6 & ?╟÷- : --h ?╟≤ Lin Howar BArclay.,7^71 PRt^PtlPPING tefelAU 165 Church Street - New York NEWfORK, N. Y. World-Tel^ram & The Sun Circ.'D. 555,017 m ?╟÷.ird bagk from Honolulu and i spendmg:^|osl of his time a#the Moorpark Ranch I intt ,Se ^..?║a??cls.,HateLi>Mg up in Vegas is comb-L mg thif J5wn thoroughMor beautiful show babes I and pfq^smg the hig^t wages for show girls in J psing the hi,_ -^^f gls. New Yoj^T CopaWack Entratter* who I- knows\a4eyetract#fi when he sees one, is doin' the sorfiTjtj^TjMrhrass of the Authors League is sizzling at the chaos tactics of the newly formed Television Writers of America, which with a grand total of 31 members has called for an NLRB election to determine jurisdiction in the television field The Authors League and the Screen Writers' Guild I with 1,100 members, are momentarily stymied in I | putting into effect the contract they worked out | with the television nets. T THE JAMES MASONS have taken Russell Bird- L well as their public relations rep and they can surejln i use him, ..Mason, by the way, is studying Germanf at 20th for his role in "Desert Rats." He didn't! need It for his same Rommel portrayal in "Deserl F???"- ?╟≤;Zsa Zsa Gabor has quit the William Morrif office for the Paul Kohner Agency, a "marriage! that must have happened when Kohner was visiting client John Huston abroad during the shooting of Moulm Rouge" in which the Gabor figure figure! I prominently...How's this for a title switch? RKO j changed Jean Simmons' "Murdes?*)i# "Angel Face") H;#P?c?t he started taking PM&ophy courses at UCLA, Harry Drucker is the ohly fcarbefrio America who gives you Plato's Dialogues with a shave and a haircut...Jerry Wald testing Judith Braun and Roberta-.HagMfc.'..The Italian Government has1 $60,000 wrapped, up in the play Vittorio -Gassman is ^^ directing *anm starring in. But all he gets out o" the Rome vehtit^ is approximately 125 clams ^week- ?╟÷New York?╟÷Day by Day^?╟÷*^- ?╟÷By Frank Farrel^^^^ Frank Fi i is i . SpWtiitt^what they're cMling another new $4/)00,000-plus iraa casino to open In Las fegas Dec. 16. - They refer to "the time," we presume, sing! it's only a matter of time until a gambler's wajf runs out. % . This, one's a 200-room resort, the Jfeitimatevoffspring of. Jake (from- Maine-to-Smin) Freedman, a Houston'operator, who previojply traded oil wells with a flip of coin or card inffexas where even bingo and cussin' ar illegal, pjffdner, and can get you trampled in stamped#of Lone Star Rangers. . . . It may be that I1Pada is determined to replace Florida, Cuba #id Puerto Rico*as separation centers for loosejfchange, or -that. Jakie is frantic to risk $4,<yo,000 against $1 that a "police action" can be ^rolled. Yet he has one dear fear, and thats -^s^^wiie thought of getting overrun with thrifty Hollywood celebs whom Las Vegas buck-shovelers rate like so many Scottish jokes When Bing Crosby, Elizabeth Baylor, Errol Hynn and others started salting away spare dough In apartment houses, inde-j pendent movies and cattle ranches, they initiated a vogue in stardom1 that Freedman deplores worse than pickpocketing,at the roulette wheel or other industrious gainful employment. . . .New Yorkers are apparently the gamest to lure when there's a tax-free dollar dangling on to the end of a hook. So Nevada is doing its utmost to redirect air expresses from portal-to-portal, and nobody, would be surprised if Las Vega.s advanced-plane fare Jack Entratter, former Copa-1 *nrfa??Σ≤^f?·ger' j? *? runitho^hole shebang, with Danny Thomas^ and Comue ?√ßRussell starred in mfirst floor show. . . . There must be< an awful let of suckers aroun^nce Entratter has had to veto 11001 SfflM??S^m& wejk and persuade Texan Freedman to Danny Thomas added to lineup of talent which will entertain to-1 night at annual Helpers Show at 1 Biltmore Bowl . . . Casey Adams, I 20th-Fox thesp, off on Honolulu 8 vacation . . . George Seaton, Hugo I Haas and Cleo Moore will be I guests Tuesday at monthly dinner 1 of the Foreign Press Association 1 Tt |f ?╟≤ Tom Morton hops to Gotham I tomorrow for eastern sequences in I Cinema's "Main Street To Broad-1 .. way." _ Manuel del Campo in from the t Fijis,;xvvhere he locatfftned with I '?√ß wame^&OTfc^JH^ O'Keefe" | as editor fi ;<7Jps^Sr Lew Seller ' uses 65 extras and bit players today for Warners' "The System" ... Virginia *Mayo returns today from the east, where she ballyed NY opening of "The Iron Mistress" and guested at Variety Clubs International Silver Anniversary in Pittsburgh. Stanley Kramer's "The 5,000 Fingers Of Dr. T" will be plugged "I by a giant float in Macy's annual Ihanksgivmg Parade tomorrow in NY, first time that any float bal- I lying a motion picture ever has I been allowed in the 20-year history I of event . . . Betty Hutton TWA's I back from her London Palladium I appearance tomorrow accompanied 1 by husband Charles O'Curran Victor Young to NY last night. ' 1 Lensing starts today %j/ Jane I Russell s top musical number in I fntlfmen ?? refer ;i ocean liner's background and '4re~For-*-ixnnEr' iacabana chor I NY to start] 3 who open Las Vegas, today from jaxance in Jules *ner production, ^?? . Metro's "Above And Beyond^festerday drew two- -star ^Citation from Southern Cali- -IQrnia Motion Picture Council HEMPSTEAD, N. Y. Nassau Review-Star Circ. D. 32,027 OCT 21*195? ?Jol^to Town . ?╜^*10<k A Circus for Im BankhSm hewsie who's been watching for years, always starts across the traffic after the signal has changed against him.. .And the 30-year-old deliveryman for a Vine St. florist who wears one sleeve down and the other one rolled up past the elbow; the arm exposed is a leather and plastic affair, with hooks on the end.. ^Are they looking for sympathy or ~an argument? By HAL EATON ?√ß TALLULAH BANKHEAD may acquire a circus. Via inheritance ... Following TV bow, La Bank- head was asked, "What plans do you have for the future?" "To marry," Tallulah twitted, "a single man!" . ?╜ .: GOP burning about bad lighting on one of last week's Eisenhower telecasts. Showed him worn and wan, which he ain't... Vic Damone taped 6' broadcasts for Voice of America \ . . Ere long, most hotel suites will be provided with TV w&ts sans meters or any charges, Room seryice makes it a sound investment. Instead of going out for food and drinks, guests have 'em brought to quarters, so they won't miss-favorite program . , . Decca to release a Gertrude Lawrence album . . . Joint De- I fense Appeal to sponsor testi- I monial dinner for Rodgers & Hammerstein Nov. 12 I at Pierre. Helen Hayes will do honors. I * * KEN MURRAY makes his bistro debut tojrite I a Las Vagas. Comedian, whose long career en- 1 compasses stage* screen, vaudeville, recordings, 1 radio and video, nixed cafe bookings till now . . 1 Mixed notices may hurt Katharine Hepbunr*s pride, I but can't, affect grosses at "Millionairess," practic- I ally sold out for 10-week engagement ... Robert I Payne among most prohfip authors of generation. I "Blood Royal," releasecrfew weeks ago, his 40th J book. His next, "The Chieftain," to be published j in spring. Payne, a prof at Alabama College during school season, working; on 2 new novels. 1 Sanai I f\ virus GRACE GEORGE 78-year-old star, to u[ eye operation. Recently appeared in Kal Cornell's revival of "Constant Wife" . . , Bel] or not, Dennis Morgan highest paid actor in Hj For 14 days in "Cattle Town," western mi he pocketed 15.0 G's, over $10,714 a day! 'and Hayward paging Ethel Merman for an< ong-and-daneer. Top-lined his "Call Me Madl Speaking of a private secretary, Leonard tian flipped, "Day after day, she sits in the la] luxury iBi 1 m nd, Comic ngstress d Kee\ / "for j The iked t . ^ VegaS'caused Howard - '^^arobe tests vesterdaY^ , cance\ wardrobe rners . . Ca^V J?╜ne the Downtown Pa ?╟≤ S>egeU n??^ !rD-ipiomat??c ^fVo;: aired wumewsmi^* 9m docui n Prague, I Berlin, vyienna a,,u ?√ß the I| ?╟÷ 1 KFWB disk J<^,orth I ;,gne , k??r motion P'^ure M enter- I Agency fo^harley FoV *^s again this 1 f'??n ?╟≤ ?╟≤ JTWfr. Co- rime inmates 1 _ tamers to t^entertain femme || the GEORGE SOLOTAIRE, B'way's poet laureafl Chn^a Edwards haV *afe, theatre, a i for picrr!Lua\'ch'Wren;s HAL EATON Thanks to Miss B,ooth, And a charming play, "Time of the Cuckoo" Is here to stay! ?║J ?√ßIds ?╜s annua SHIRLEY TEMPLE, resident of Washington last 3 years, returns to Ccfast soon as her spouse. Comm. Charles Black, out'of Navy. Expects to be discharged shortly . ... ?√ß Moss Hart's "Climate of Eden," "Deep Blue Sea," with Margarei^Sulla- van, and "Dial 'M' For M&tffiT" withJWaurice Evans, all on pre-B'way t^/t^^Ur^^^ML sA hits , ?╜ . A. T. & T. to |pijf|e^if Kotw^hf^^^nl tific telefilms Nat average of WO grandi^r^V X^if Capra, ace H'wood producer|flirec|ar*t&'liea^^rl ject. . . After all these yearl, Jackjpmratter^a: ing Copa. to become g. mi Vagas. ,tudio Dec m Charles VVatts mm* I /?√ß""for' ?╜he .rdaV "J ,hLe Ca- ^Saturday^^ \