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Mr. Frank Strong: Your letter August 31st to Mr. Ashby regarding the expenditure at Open Spring: It has been my observation that the water in this Open Spring is dropping, particularly of late. In fact the last weir measurement taken by Railroad forces August 31st, showed only 1 1/8 inches on a 24-inch weir, or a little over 100,000 gallons per day, say 1$ of our production. This would indicate a decrease of 50$ to 66$ compared with the older weir in your letter. measurements shown 1 have never received any local complaints from the citizens or others regarding the water permitted to run down the Las Vegas Creek from the Open Spring, as there is a very slight stream flowing down to the Ranch and, I realize that the natural ctoo urfsleo w fdoor wdn ratihnraogueg h oft hiasn y dictlcouhd.burst or rainfall west of town has fell J hoping that the operation of pump on f ^ ^ a t a l y adjacent to the Open Spring will ultimately toybePquitf posBibltf ^ performance thus has indicated this aannyy °cooom£pollaaiKntts= ntth£isa nts ummer,t hael l° pt?h?e Swpartlenre n"e e«ded ^for SourT iEncmreEa*^a ^ PiJaf ° n and mi^ht be that with water from all the wells we TnUi^ haVe sufflcient amount of water for the coming year but i o s ^ L H f r W0Uld,have to use water we wouifbe in’a wa?er ?Sr aoSL??oeu S ! Sn °Ut the °Pe" Sprlng and the WALTER ACKEN cc - Mr. G-. F. Ashby