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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    BANKOFF OIL COMPANY ?ç P. O. DRAWER 2479 TULSA. OKLAHOMA 74101 LUTHER 2-557S (918) February 7, 1969 Mr. Sandy Waterman The SANDS Hotel Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 Dear Sandy; Enclosed herein you will find a contract from the Tulsa Charity Horse Show covering the same items which you have so generously assisted our show with for the past four years; namely, Sponsors Club Membership, Full Page Ad, and contribution of the Annual Sands Trophy, I am also enclosing a copy of last year's ad so that your pro- motions manager can inform us whether or not we should use the same copy, or if he would prefer sending us a new copy. I am sure you know that the proceeds of this horse show go to the Childrens Medical Center and is used to benefit needy children. Your continued support will be appreciated* Sincerely, Julius M. Bankoff JMB/bh Enel.