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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    NEW XGRK OFFICE Mitten*s Display Letters 39 West 6Gth. Street New lork 23?? N.X, . Mr* and Mrs. Ben D. Silver December 26th,1957 ?√ß923 Van Boren Street: . v-.'--. ?√ß > ||| .Hollywood, Florida*" -?√ß 4v 5jjp?√ß' ?√ß?√ß | ?√ß . : ?√ß ti '?√ß ' ' 5x9 . ..' v ' . ?√ß ?√ß ' .' | F ' : ; / ' ?√ß Dear Mr. and Mrs?╟≤ Silver* I? Ifilf ?√ß . ?√ß ' Thank you for your letter eTNovember 22 from Florida. We have looked into bite matter of youi* air travel from your home in Omaha to Lss Vegas and we find that ^tke moH 'Convenient service between Omaha and Las Vegas is on United Air Lines via Denver* The lst-class, round-trip fare per person via this route incomes to $155*32 including tax. In lieu of tvo^ZsX-clssa,round-trip tickets we are ^pending vou our check for .4 M . I wo^d,d suggest\that ydu)ttotifythe Sands Hotel of your slans and request definiteresbrvations for\any Monday through Friday. The Hotel has Ipur name on record as winneri lof bur contest, but I am sure that Mr, A1Freeman, Publicity Director for the Sandhi Hotel, wo^la appreciate knowing when you plan to come ;vs~ v. ..anbk^i^^itten'ask me. to thank you-for your thoughtful _ *ietmas card, and join trie in wishing you a pleasant trip to Lae Vegas and a llapy holiday at :|'b,6. Sands. ^ Sincerely yours, Check for $310.61* Paul W. Frillmann Public Halations