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man000005. Fayle Family Papers, 1895-1998. MS-00404. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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THE BOULDER D<AM OFFICERS AL HINMAN President PEM PEMBROKE Secretary CY WENGERT . . . Treasurer CHARLIE SQUIRES Club Correspondent SAM LAWSON . . . . Sergeant-at-Arm« DIRECTORS A1 Htnuian Charlie Ronrow Pem Pembroke Frosty Mildren Or Wengert Fred Hesse Ernie Cragin Issued Weekly by the LAS VEGAS ROTARY CLUB Las Vegas, Novada "The Best Torwn by a Dam Site" Roy P U B L I C I T Y COMMITTEE Bill Pike, Chairman Martin Ernie Cragin Charlie Squires, Editor April 29, 1926. PAST PRESIDENTS Les Saunders Bill Ferron We meet Thursdays at 12:16, at Union Pacific Dining Room After some delay - the 2QUQSL Foujbth Hotary School Mooting Friday Night. Next week the Program will bo in charge of? v/oll I ' l l soo you in Sun Diego. "Frosty" Frosty has "been oloctod President ef.tho club and ho will mako a good ono. He has boon a mombor for somo time - served on committoos and tho Board of Diroctors. But romombor, follows, Frosty will nood tho holp and co-operation of ovory mombor of tho club to mcko his administration a succoss. Got behind him 100/&, and if ycu aro appointed on any committoo and accept tho appointmont try and givo tho work of that committee the best you have. Frosty will make his committee chairmon appointments at an oarly dato. Bill Bockloy, Clint Boggs, CO Boyor and Frank Gusowollo aro the now mom-bars of tho Board of Diroctors —ooOoo— "That Something More" Businoss will moot loss and loss interference from tho cgoncios of govern-ment as it more nearly approximates to tho idoal of usofulnoss to tho community. In rocont docadcs it has comc to bo an axiom of successful business that profit is not tho solo ond to bo sought. Businoss succoss in whatovor fiBld is moro and moro tho result of policies which look to giving 3orvico to tho public. Tho businoss which on tho wholo is likoly to prospor most is tho businoss which aims to givo tho customor somothing moro than tho moro commodity which ho como3 to buy. Tho succossful merchant no longer attempts to thrivo on a sharp deal, but on sorvico and mutual consideration. Wo aro all entitled to a sonso of gratification that businoss is now constantly prcgrossing toward tho bost real-ization of this important fact. —Calvin Ccolidgo. —coOco— "MAY FIRST" Forgot tho hoat of summer, Forget you usod to murmur, Forgot all your troubles, Forget tho trials ycu havo had, Forgot tho we.'.thor if i t ' s bad, Forget tho coffoe when i t ' s cold, Forgot ycu over had to scold, Forgot to ovor got tho bluos, But DGLI'T forgot to pay your duos. (A.C'Corroa) —ooOoo— A delinquent customer sent in ail ordor to a cortain firm, and tho firm wirod him: "Cannot ship ordor until last shipmont is paid for." .And back cane delinquent's telogrrxi, "colloct". "Unable to wait so long for those goods, canoul ordor." - 0 - Qne troublo with the groat open spaces is that 3on many of thorn aro locatod under hats. (Lodi Strippings) - 0 - Tho bost way to ovorcomo a disliko for a porson is to got acquainted with him. -0- Somocno said that Sam's pipo roprosonts his classification - lfght & Pcwor. - 0 - —ooOoc— NEXT WEEK SAW DIEGO.