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Nevada Institute for Contemporary Art Steering Committee meeting minutes, April 21, 1986



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    NEVADA INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ART Steering Committee UNLV April 21, 12:30 P.M. Present: Mark Fine Michelle Fricke Patrick Gaffey Tom Holder Steve Molasky Tom Wright Elaine Wynn Discussed Pat Fuller's general input from the last meeting. ORGANIZATIONAL ISSUES Discussed the revised NICA Organizational Outline. The changes were noted and agreed upon: #3 Solicitation of Gifts to read: Solicitation of Gifts and Grants. The Board is empowered to solicit gifts and grants from private and other sources to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas for the benefit of The Institute. The following were deleted from the ex officio msnbers of The Board: Dean of College of Arts and Letters, CSUN representative, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Foundation Executive Director or designee, [Dean of College of Education or designee. The Organizational Outline was voted on and approved with the above changes noted. It was suggested Frankie Sue and Judi prepare By-Laws to flow with the Organizational Outline. PHILOSOPHICAL STATEMENT The Philosophical Statement was reviewed. It was suggested exhibitions should be on the University campus but not locked into a particular building and should not exclude any off-campus sites. The sentence in question, "The UNLV art gallery shall serve as the main exhibition facility, with additional space provided on an "as needed" basis by the Museum of Natural History." would be deleted with a ruling to be made at a later date. The Philosophical Statement was voted on and approved with the sentence deleted. It was suggested all the statements should be combined into one document. BUSINESS PLAN The Business Plan was discussed item by item. It was suggested [Don Kusped be involved in the reception events. Also discussed forming a Board of Directors after the Smorgen Collection, but before any other exhibits are brought in. It was suggested Madeline Andrus be appointed Project Manager to manage all aspects of the Smorgen Collection. A discussion followed pertaining to her qualifications and availability, after which it was voted on and approved. It was felt a list of desired outcomes from the Smorgen Collection would be beneficial. It was suggested and discussed at length that Michelle be hired on a half-time basis to work under Madeline. Michelle would meet with Madeline and work out the details, as Michelle would be out of town during mid-July to mid-August. Discussed involving UNLV students with Nancy Deaner's name being suggested. Steve would set up a meeting with Mark, Madeline and himself during the coming week. The Smorgen Collection would run for 4 weeks, September 2-28th, and will be arriving mid-August, at a cost of approximately $6000. It was felt some modifications would need to be done on the Natural History Museum (construction & lighting, entrance revision) but these would not incur any expense. A fund raiser was suggested to start a funding pool or kitty to cover costs envisioned for the future. It was suggested a sponsor should be found. A motion was made and carried to approve the curatorial guidelines as discussed. The recommendations from the Exhibition Schedule were discussed. It was suggested we activate a Board before we take on any more commitments. It was also felt we needed a list of people on the Exhibition Committee. It was agreed that 25 was a practical amount and that they should be people from all segments of the continuity. It was suggested everyone should send names to Mark (40) for his review in selecting the Board. Discussed having the Neon Collection for Jan-Feb. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. The next meeting was left open. Respectfully submitted: If there are any revisions or corrections to these minutes, please let me know at the next meeting. EXHIBIT COMMITTEE REPORT