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The Shofar newsletter of Temple Beth Am, August 2000



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    The House of t h e People The Shofar Monthly Newsletter of Temple Beth Am 9001 Hillpointe Road Las Vegas, NV 89134 702-254-5110 Volume 10, Issue 8 August 2000 TEMPLE BETH AM "House Of The People" July 31, 2000 Dear Congregant: I have wonderful news for you! The bank has approved a construction loan of 3.18 million dollars and has arranged for us to have a semi-permanent mortgage to carry us until we can acquire a permanent one. The last of the building permit requirements have been satisfied and the permit should be granted by the time you receive this letter. We can begin actual construction before the High Holidays. The bank has been magnificent in its dealing with us. They have gone overboard in accommodating our special requirements. Instead of 15 individuals signing as guarantors for the construction loan, they are accepting board member, Steve Aizenberg and myself as the only guarantors. Your board and the many people who helped develop this project have done all that we can do to make this first phase a reality. There remains only one area to be satisfied and that is, the financial commitment of each and every one of us. The first phase will cost a total of 4.1 million dollars. The bank is granting a 3.1 million dollar construction loan, leaving 1 million dollars for us to raise. However, they are requiring that we raise $500,000 for now and place it in an interest bearing CD by September 30th. We presently have a balance of $265,000 in our Building Fund - after expenses to date. As I said, the bank has bent over backward to accommodate us. Now, it's up to us to demonstrate our commitment to our own community. A board member will be calling to arrange a time for us to explain, in person, the entire program. Please allow us to speak with you personally. No one will be asked to do anything more than is realistic and appropriate. I feel certain that once you hear all the details, you will become as excited as those who have already taken ownership of our dream. May G-d and the people of this congregation make this a New Year to remember! L'shana Torah, Rabbi Mel Hecht, MHL, DD Rabbi Mel Hecht, MHL, DD 9001 Hillpointe Road ? Las Vegas, Nevada 89134 ? (702) 254-5110 COMING EVENTS August 27 Baach Party at tha Baach at th? Shores Saptambar 29 Eriv Rosh Hashana Saptambar 30 Rosh Hashana, 1 st day Octobar 1 Rosh Hashana, 2nd day Octobar 7 Tashlich On Laka Maad Octobar 8 Kol Nidra, Yom Kippur Octobar 9 Yom Kippur Yizkor EVERY WEEK Shabbat Servicea Friday 7:30 pm Torah Study Saturday 9:30 am Folloued by Traditional Shabbat eervice at 10:30 am Inside this Issue Happiness 2 Rebbetzen MkkJ Hecht Retpous School Events 4 Saterfrorris, Bricks Birthdays St Anniversaries 5 Htfb Holy Season Colon- 6 dor ofRetgious ActMoes YaraeHs 9 Dedkation Opportunities 10 Simchas Torah Stories 14 Dignity 2 THESHOFAR August 2000 Rabbi Mel Hecht, MHL,DD Spiritual Leader Rebbetzen Micki D. Hecht Temple Beth Am Board of Directors EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Arleen Turok President Larry Steckler First VP Mort Friedlander Second VP Carin Bachant Treasurer Julie Pearlman Recording Secretary Linda York Corresponding Secretary TRUSTEES Steve Aizenberg Gary Bordman Craig Fried berg Lelia Friedlander Becky Grill Geri Lynn Grossan Hazel Gold Dr. Steve Konowalow Mark Rich Allison Berman Education Director Amy Stein...Sisterhood Representative Stuart Stein Brotherhood President THE SHOFAR Larry and Lorraine Steckler, Editors Temple Beth Am 9001 Hillpointe Road Las Vegas, NV 89134 702-254-5110 Shabbat Services Tot Shabbat, Friday at 7:00pm Shabbat, Friday at 7:30pm Child Care Provided Saturday Services Torah Study, 9:30am Services, 10:30am Happiness ? How to Attain it... Forever... Rebbetzen's Corner by Micki D. Hecht / believe that the elusive butterfly we call happiness is nothing more than a state of mind, that can be achieved or attained by anyone and everyone! I'd like to first share with you an old story of a farmer in Russia, and his neighbor. The farmer was poor and had only one horse and one son. One day the horse ran away. The neighbor came to the farmers house to lament the loss. He said to the farmer: "Oh, it is so bad that your horse ran away!" To which the farmer replied: "Who knows what is good or bad...." The next day the horse came back, leading a pack of some twenty horses to the farmer's stable. The neighbor again came to the farmer's home, this time to express his elation. Again the farmer said: "Who knows what is good or bad..." On another day the farmer's son broke his leg, and the neighbor came over to commiserate, saying: "It's so terrible that your poor son broke his leg.!" And again, the farmer replied: "Who knows what is good or bad...." The next day the Army came to the village to take young men off to be soldiers, and they did not take the farmer's only son because his leg was bro-ken. The moral of this story, to my mind's eye is this: We cannot second-guess G-d. We cannot presume to know better than our Creator what is in our best interest. We must learn to trust in the Power of G-d, and in the Gifts we have been given by G-d to cope, to learn, to grow, to become happy and filled with Shalom. The Hebrew word Shalom comes from the root word, She'leam which means the act of seeking wholeness and fulfillment. Thus we come to the meaning of Shalom ? it means the feeling of Peace and Contentment that leads to a sense of well being. We use Shalom to say: Hello, goodbye, Peace, and many other things. When we say Shalom to someone, we are really wish-ing them the sense of well being that comes from following G-d's Will. We are faced with may choices each day of our lives. These choices center on how we will choose to think about the events of the day. We can look at a glass that has the potential of holding sixteen ounces of water. If that glass currently holds eight ounces of water , we can say this it is half empty or half full. We can choose to be grateful for the water that we have, or we can allow ourselves to be bothered (or unhappy) by what we do not have. We must make a conscious effort each and every day of our lives to choose to be either happy or sad! Like the farmer and the neighbor, we can choose to view reality in a counterproductive way, or we can choose positive ways of looking at things. Having a positive attitude empowers us. A negative attitude will almost always harm us. The key to any person's happiness lies in their attitude or perspective?the criteria by which they make judgments. Sometimes our ex-pectations are unrealistic or unreasonable. At times we all hold unreasonable expectations from life, from ourselves, or from another human being. Having such expectations will almost always lead to disappointment or unhappiness. When we learn to temper our expectations with a dose of reality AND a wish to accept G-d's Will for us, then we are led to a place where we can experi-ence Peace of Mind and Happiness. We also have the power to attract positive or nega-tive emotions and circumstances into our lives. If you think of the thoughts and feelings that you are sending out into the world as a fishing line, it may help you to un-derstand. Think of each line and the bait attached to it as either positive or negative. If you send out a line filled with negative thoughts, emotions and feelings, then you will most certainly attract a negative catch. If on the other hand you send out positive feelings, emotions and expec-tations, then you will most likely attract positive circum-stance into your life. We must each accept responsibility for the messages or fishing lines that we are sending out. We are indeed each capable of creating what is known as a Self Fulfill-ing Prophecy. This means that many times what we be-lieve will happen attracts what actually does happen. If we focus on negative results, we send out those negative lines that attract the negative into our lives. A Positive Attitude EMPOWERS us! It gives us the Power to at-tract the good and positive things into our lives. We are each the sum product of the choices we have made and the attitudes we hold. We must each accept responsibility for our own happiness. The thoughts and feeling we send our most of the time, becomes our re-sponsibility. An Ancient Sage once said: "It takes two people to create a good marriage, yet one person can create di-vorce Happiness and a sense of well being is certainly something we must each strive for each and every day of our lives. A good marriage, like true happiness does not simply come in a pre-packaged bundle. The basic ele-ments are given to us, and we must strive to make our relationships work! My husband and I work on our relationship each and every day of our lives. Sometimes we do it by talking or having somewhat heated discussions; sometimes we do it by mediating or praying together; and sometimes we do it by creating moments of meaning and memory that we will cherish in the years still to come. We always keep a sense of humor, and resolve not to take life or ourselves too seriously. But we try never to make one another the object of our sense of humor in a harmful way. We try to be conscious of one another's needs and thoughts and feelings, and even though we may not agree 100% with one another, we have long ago resolved to respect each other's thoughts and feelings. It is not always easy, but it is always worth it! For the most part, human beings do not have control over the thoughts that come into our minds. All of us experience terrible thoughts at some point in our lives? the problems begin when we refuse to let them exit our "House of the People" TEMPLE BETH AM 3 life and we choose to act as if they have some foundation in fact?as if they are real. A thought is the most powerful force in the Universe. We may not have control of the thoughts that come into our heads, but we certainly have control over which thoughts we choose to act upon! The thoughts that enter our minds do not create or sustain our happiness?it's the ones we choose to focus upon that control those emo-tions. We can indeed get lost in "thought" but it is up to each of us to chose which thoughts we want to get lost in. We learn in the Chochma Umussar that a truly happy person does not allow his or her happiness to be depend-ent upon any external factor over which they may or may not have any control. One who makes his or her happiness dependent upon wealth, fame, success or other external factors will not be able to master happiness. Ex-ternal factors will always be their master. By manifesting a positive attitude and outlook, you can control happiness. In Pirke Avot, we learn that we must seek happiness in ways that are dependent only on ourselves. "The wise man is one who learns from every-one: the honorable person is one who honors others (regardless of whether they honor him or not); the wealthy person is one who is satisfied with what he or she has. This does not mean that we should not have ambition or a desire to better ourselves. It simply states that we cannot allow what we do not have to make us unhappy. We can work to create a better life for our families and ourselves, but we cannot allow what we do not possess to create feelings of envy or unhappiness in us. Make it a practice to invite positive thoughts into your mind each and eveiy day. Some call it meditation or even prayer?you can call it anything you like. Simply CHOOSE to guide yourself into positive thought! We do not live in a Utopian or perfect world, but we each do possess free will. We can control our perception?and therefore our perspective?with conscious effort. We can find the food and the positive and the Shalom?the sense of Well Being that comes from knowing or believing we are in the Loving Grace of G-d. What we are is G-d's Gift to us. What we become is our gift to G-d. Happiness is an obligation to oneself. Enthusiasm and a positive attitude can generate POWER?the power to heal, the power to grow in wis-dom and understanding; and most especially, the power to be truly happy! Dear Friend, I wish for you this day, that power! B'Shalom Rebbetzen Micki D. Hecht 4 THESHOFAR August 2000 Religious School Events Registration on Sunday August 20th 10 am to 12 noon Sunday August 27 th At Temple Beth Am 0 am to 11 am Religious School Begins Sunday September 10th Hebrew (10 year olds and up) 9 am to l o am K to Confirmation 10 am to noon Rosh Hashana Children's Service 12:30 pm in LDS Church Immediately following Adult Services Babysitting will be available at Temple Beth Am for all High Holiday Services. (Snacks & Crafts planned for children) Consecration for Hinders Friday October 20th, 7:30 pm 28 days of Religious School Scheduled May 20, 2001 Final Ceremonies Friday May 25, 2001 Confirmation Sistergrams by Roz Ring 656-7003 To: Ilene & A1 Zuckermandel From: Anne & Art Cohen With deepest sympathy on the loss of your mother, Miriam. Bricks To: Ilene & Albert Zuckermandel From: Sisterhood In honor of the memory of your mother, Miriam, With all our heartfelt sympathy. To: Tobie & Ed Bucceri From: Mort & Sal Friedlander In honor of Adam's Bar Mitxvah To: Lynne & Steve Henick From: Mort & Sal Friedlander In honor of Michael's Bar Mitxvah Dance in the Desert 2000 Join in for a dance-filled weekend August 5th and 6th as the Dance in the Desert 2000 Festival cele-brates its 2nd year at the Nicholas Horn Theater on the CCSN Cheyenne Campus. Come see some of Las Vegas' most talented choreographers and dance companies present their latest and most innovative works in three different performances. The schedule of performances to date is: ? Saturday August 5 at 2:00pm: United Dance Experience and CCSN Dance Ensemble. ? Saturday August 5 at 8:00pm: Solstice Dance Theater, George Staib, II & Kelly Roth and Dancers. ? Sunday August 6 at 2:00pm; Ballet Mink Colvert, Inc. (UNLV), Solstice Dance Thea-ter and the Las Vegas Youth Ballet. Tickets are $10, $8 for students and seniors. Get yours at the CCSN box office or by phone at 651- LIVE (651-5483). This program has been funded, in part, by a grant from the Nevada Arts Council and the National En-dowment for the Arts. Happy Birthday Mark Cohen (l 1th Birthday) Ronnie Winer (17th Birthday) Jason Smith Lexi York (lSth Birthday) Robert O'Brien Mr. Stan Broselow Mrs. Myrna Bird Rachel Lynn Greenbaum (21st Birthday) Alexandra Aldabagh (15th Birthday) Mrs. Linda Nordgren Mrs. Kathy Konowalow Drs. Debra Shaiken Evelyn Ostberg Morris Greenstein Lawrence Epstein Mr. Morton Winer James Bassett Mrs. Marilyn VanderMeer Meera Kamegal Mrs. Debbe Sussman Wendy Rubin Emily Freedman Mr. John Gerstein Wadleigh Mrs. Helen Schussler Shannon Farrell (4th Birthday) Samuel Aizenberg (3rd Birthday) Deborah Master Diane Altschulter Dr. Frank Master Mr. John Keator Jack Kane Lindsay Allazetta (19th Birthday) Ms. Judith Schwartz Arielle Lewis (10th Birthday) Alison Schwartz Renne Jaffe Michael Henick (13th Birthday) Roger O. Grantham Mrs. Lynda Delgadi August August August August August August August August August August August August August August August August August August 10 August 14 August 15 August 17 August 17 August 19 August 20 August 20 August 21 August 24 August 24 August 25 August 25 August 25 August 25 August 27 August 27 August 28 August 28 August 28 August 28 August SO Happy Anniversary to: Dr. & Mrs Steven Rudack Roz & A1 Ring Elaine & Mark Miller Mr. & Mrs. Lee Sussman Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Michael Weisbein Lisa & David Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Neil Galatz Mr. & Mrs. Philip Holtzman 55th Anniv S2nd Anniv 22nd Anniv 69 th Anniv 13 th Anniv 16th Anniv 6th Anniv August August August August August August August 12 August 20 August 27 "House of the People" TEMPLE BETH AM 5 Dues are Due Your dues statement for the 2000?2001 year is al-ready in your hands. It is vital that this invoice be paid promptly. Please do not set it aside. If you have not already done so, write the check today and mail it to the Temple office promptly. Summertime is Here It is a wonderful time of the year. The sun shines, the kids are home from school, vacation trips are just around the corner. But don't forget, services are still held every Friday evening at 7:30 pm. So come and join us. To-gether we can celebrate the joy of each and every Shabbat. You might also consider coming by on Saturday morning for Torah Study at 9:30 am. A little snack, a cup of fresh-brewed coffee, and Rabbi Hecht to lead us through a discussion of the parsha of the week. Following Torah study, at 10:30 am, a conven-tional Shabbat service is held. Looking Ahead AUGUST 27 th, 12?5pm Family Picnic at the Beach at the Shores. SEPTEMBER Board Meeting ? All Congregants Invited Rosh Hashana Services. Religious School resumes OCTOBER Tashlich on the paddlewheeler on Lake Mead Yom Kippur Services Board Meeting ? All Congregants Invited NOVEMBER Family Pot Luck Shabbat Service ? Nov. 3 Board Meeting ? All Congregants Invited DECEMBER Board Meeting ? All Congregants Invited Channukah 6 THESHOFAR August 2000 2000 HIGH HOLIDAY SEASON CALENDAR OF RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES September ?5 September ?9 September SO October 1 October 4 October 7 October 8 October 8 October 9 October 9 October IS October 14 October 15 October ?0 October 21 October ?8 December ? 1 Midnight Selichot ? Temple Beth Am Sanctuary 7:S0pm Rosh Hashana ? LDS Sanctuary adjacent Temple Beth Am 9:SOam Rosh Hashana ? LDS Sanctuary adjacent Temple Beth Am 9:S0am Rosh Hashana -?nd Day ? Temple Beth Am Sanctuary 8:00pm Service of Healing ? Temple Beth Am Sanctuary 4:50pm Bus leaves for Tashlich on Lake Mead from Temple Beth Am 1? Noon Tashlich: Religious School 7:S0pm Kol Nidre/Yom Kippur ? LDS Sanctuary adjacent Temple Beth Am 9:50am Yom Kippur ? LDS Sanctuary adjacent Temple Beth Am Afternoon Yizkor Service ? LDS Sanctuary adjacent Temple Beth Am 7:50pm Sukkot ? Temple Beth Am Sanctuary 10:50am Sukkot ? Temple Beth Am Sanctuary 1? noon Sukkot/Religious School Blessing of the Animals Picnic?Lone Mountain Park 10:50am Simchas Torah/Yizkor ? Temple Beth Am Sanctuary 9:50am Simchas Torah/Yizkor ? Temple Beth Am Sanctuary 9:50am Simchas Torah/Yizkor ? Temple Beth Am Sanctuary Sunset Chanukah, Light the First Candle O Temple Beth 2000 AUGUST Am 5760 o Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 Bereavement Group TBA 7:00pm 3 4 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 5 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 6 7 8 9 Sisterhood Board Meting 7pm 10 Fast ofAv 11 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 12 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 13 14 15 16 Bereavement Group TBA 7:00pm 17 18 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 19 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 20 Religious School Registration 10am-12 21 22 23 24 25 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 26 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 27 Religious School Registration 9am - 11am Beach Party at The Beach In Desert Shores 12-5pm 28 29 30 31 1 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm g n * * 2 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 3 4 5 6 Bereavement Group TBA 7:00pm 7 8 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 9 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am REMEMBER YOUR LOVED ONES AT YIZKOR SERVICES ON YOM KIPPUR Temple Beth Am is pleased to announce the continuing publication of our YIZKOR MEMORIAL & SERVICE BOOK for the HIGH HOLY DAYS. Jewish Tradition encourages remembering in a way that affirms life. We invite you to consider making one of your donations for the Holy Day Season in the form of a tribute in memory of your loved ones. The following is a list of minimum donation amounts required based on the size space you wish to use to honor your loved ones: FULL PAGE $100.00 HALF PAGE $ 55.00 (maximum 10 names) 1/4 PAGE $ 36.00 (maximum 8 names) 1/8 PAGE $ 18.00 (maximum 3 names) NAME LIST $ 5.00 (per name) Please fill out the memorial form information below and mail with payment POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 8, 2000. Mail to TEMPLE BETH AM, 9001 Hillpointe Road, Las Vegas, NV 89134, No inclusions will be made until full payment is received. An entry of "Mr. and Mrs. " will count as two names. Please direct any questions you may have to the Temple Beth Am office, 254-5110 or Lorraine Steckler, 240- 0183. Don't delay! Send your form in now so that ample time can be devoted to the arrangement of your remembrance. YIZKOR MEMORIAL FORM YOUR NAME: YOUR ADDRESS: HOME PHONE: BUSINESS PHONE:. SIZE OF TRIBUTE FULL HALF 1/4 1/8 NAME LIST AMOUNT OF DONATION ENCLOSED $ PLEASE WRITE OUT THE WORDING OF YOUR TRIBUTE AND THE NAMES OF THOSE HONORED AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR (for names listed in the Scroll or Remembrance, please just list the names). Please attach an additional sheet of paper if needed. "House of the People" TEMPLE BETH AM 9 REMEMBERING LOVED ONES WITH THIS MONTH'S YARTZEITS August 3 Allan Braveman Son August 16 Edythe Edwards August 3 Barbara Glass... .Sister in Law of Nancy August 17 Nancy fis? Martin Stone August 17 August 5 Shirley Elgin Mother of Carol Carol & Mark Sender August 5 Antonio Mastrangelo... .Father of Illene August 17 Illene & Albert Zukermandel August 6 Eugene "Sonny" GrilL .. .Father of Brian August 17 Becky & Brian Grill August 7 Arnold ZukermandeL .. .Father of Albert August 20 Illene & Albert Zukermandel August 8 Lucy Cuccia... .Mother of Salvatore August 21 Robyn & Salvatore Cuccia August 8 Alfred Korson... .Father of Suzanne August 22 Suzanne Kloud August 9 Bessie Ullian... .Grandmother of Nancy August 23 Nancy 6? Martin Stone August 10 Isidore Tobman... .Father of Herb August 24 Jean Herb Tobman August 11 Dorothy E. Broselow... Mother of Stand August 25 Bernyce & Stan Broselow August 11 Blanche Glxaer-Vosko... Mother of Jack August 25 Rachel & Harold Vosko August 11 Bearice SolL .. .Sister in Law August 26 Helen & Hymen Forkos August 12 Jennie Arager... .Grandmother August 29 Jacqueline fisf William Arager August 12 Russell Meyer II... .Brother of Linda August 30 Linda fs? Allen Cohen August 13 John Batykefer.... August 30 Marjorie & Joel Present August 13 Russell Meyer... .Father of Linda August 31 Linda & Allen Cohen August 13 Sid Shane... .Father Michael Shane Jack Vosko... .Father of Harold Rachel & Harold Fosko Samuel Arager... .Father Jaquelme & William Arager Ida Hailpern Mother of Ben Arvajune & Ben Hailpern Paul Recktenwald.... Uncle ofMichele Michele & Irwin Glassman Carmen Spring... .Grandmother of Bob Carin & Robert Bachant Michael Killeen Father of Elizabeth Nancy & Steven David Schwartz Moe Cohen... .Father of Jean Jean & Herb Tobman Libby Garris.... Gail & Hugh Olbur Louis Caro Father of Linda Linda? Robert York William Weinberger... .Father of William Beth & William Weinberger Claire Lewis... .Mother of Keith Michelle & Keith Lewis Sam Specter.... Helen & Lon Jaffe Frank Chabrow (Efriam)... .Son Mel & Jay Chabrow Betty Rich... .Grandmother of Debra Deborah & John Miner Isador Friedlander... .Grandfather of Carin Carin & Robert Bachant Herbert Widder... .Brother of Gladys Goodman, Ronni & Dorfler, Gladys Francis Goldberg... .Grandmother of Steven Schwartz, Steven David & Nancy 10 THESHOFAR August 2000 Our Goal Grows Closer As you can see from the thermometer below, we have not reached our goal yet, but we are getting closer. When a member of the board calls you, please extend as much help as you can. Together we will build a Temple Beth Am that will remain to serve the entire Las Vegas Community and bring great honor to all who have contributed to make it happen. $500,000 $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $ 50,000 DEDICATION OPPORTUNITIES 60AL $1,000,000 As the New Temple Beth Am rises out of the desert earth, make you and your family a permanent part of our new buildings. There are many dedication opportunities over a wide range of amounts. Some of them are listed here. Contact any Board of Directors member for more information. 0 Campus o Sanctuary Rotunda 0 Sanctuary 0 Social Rotunda o Social Hall o Temple Kitchen o Chapel 0 Administrative Suite 0 Education Center 0 Entry Doors 0 Hall of Memories o Intrants' Cry Room 0 Learning Center o Rabbinical Suite 0 Judaic Shop o School Foyer 0 Mikvah 0 Senior Center 0 Sanctuary Foyer Foyer 0 Adult/Senior Center 0 School Director's 0 Celebration Garden Office 0 Outdoor Worship 0 Classrooms (13) o Mediation Garden o Chapel Eternal 0 Stained Glass Light Windows o Cloak Room 0 Bimah o Computer Room 0 Torahs (2) 0 Lectern ? Rabbi 0 Brides Room 0 Lectern ? Cantor 0 Chapel Bimah 0 Lectern ? Chapel 0 Judaic Garden 0 Catering Office 0 School Library 0 Chapel Torah 0 Senior Center Reading Table Library o Chapel Torah 0 Temple Library Stand 0 Outdoor Terrace 0 Sanctuary Torah 0 School Playground Reading Table 0 Porte Cochere 0 Sanctuary Seating 0 Sanctuary Ark 0 Library Tables 0 Sanctuary 0 "Building" Bricks Eternal Light 0 "Walkway" Stones Tashlich Service Aboard the Desert Princess October 7, 2000 You'll be eager to join us for a very special and very unique Tashlich service that will be held aboard the Desert Princess paddlewheel boat on lake Mead. The date is October 7, 2000. The Brotherhood of Temple Beth Am has chartered the Desert Princess for a 2- hour cruise, during which time both Rabbi Mel Hecht and Cantonal Soloist, David Auerbach will conduct a memorable "Casting off of Sins." The bus will depart the Temple parking lot at 4:30pm. Music and a light meal will be served onboard the boat. This is our 3rd joyful and meaningful event of this kind. Reservations fill quickly so please make your reservation now! The cost of $50 per person includes: Round-trip bus transportation from Temple Beth Am to lake Mead, the Tashlich service, the 2-hour cruise, the music and the light meal. For more information, please call Sandy at the Temple Office, 2.54-5110. Be sure to join us for this wonderful experience. Please fill out and return this coupon to the Temple Beth Am Office with your check before it's too late. r "J ! Tashlich Service on the Desert Princess October 7, 2000, bus departs TBA 4:30pm ', Number of Reservations: @$50 per person. Total $ i Name: i Address:_ Telephone: ! ] Your cancelled check is your receipt i | Temple Beth Am, 9100 Hillpointe Road, Las Vegas, NV 89134 tU Mm/ Vim, it IU a Year of Progress a Year of Growth a Year of Prosperity a Year of Peace 1 Q & h A l ? frultM*^ t(U {jbJwU fan y>(H+ l^n Zero Coupon Bond 7 . 6 0% 7th Development Issue (DI) Bond Effective yield to maturity and current purchase price of $2,884 for bonds purchased through August 25, 2000. Matures at $6,000 10 years from issue date (first day of the month following the month in which subscription is accepted by Fiscal Agent). $500 AND INCREMENTS OF J500 CURRENT INCOME BOND: Annual interest rate is 4.00% payable by check once a year on May 1. Available in increments of $500. SAVINGS BOND: Matures at 180% of issue amount, resulting in an effective yield to maturity of approximately 4.00%. Matures 15 years from issue date. Jubilee (Series A) Issue Bond 7.00% Chai Bond Fixed annual interest rate for bonds purchased through August 25, 2000. Matures 5 years from issue date. Minimum Subscription $25,000. Jubilee (Series B) Issue Bond 7 . 3 5% Fixed annual interest rate for bonds purchased through August 25, 2000. Matures 10 years from issue date. Minimum Subscription $25,000. LIBOR Floating Rate Issue (LFRI) Bond Purchase price: $136. Matures in 5 years at $180. Non-transferable. Not eligible for early redemption. Purchaser may only purchase one Chai Bond for a given owner in any calendar year. May only be purchased for or registered to an (only one) individual. Owner receives an attractive certificate suitable for framing. 7.8125% Interest rate for bonds purchased through June 2000. Based on 75 basis points (fixed at time of purchase) above the applicable 6-month LIBOR rate. The applicable LIBOR rate is adjusted thereafter on March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1. Minimum Subscription $5,000 ($2,500 or $2,000 for IRAs only). Matures 10 years from issue date. israelbonds. com Rates subject to change. Call local Israel Bonds office for current rates. This is not an offering, which can be made only by prospectus. Read it carefully before investing. Member NASD, SIPC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FOR ISRAEL / STATE OF ISRAEL BONDS Los Angeles Office: San Fernando Valley Office: 6222 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 300, Los Angeles, CA 90048 21031 Ventura Blvd., Suite 513, Woodland Hills, CA 91364 (323) 939-3000 or (800) 92-BONDS (818) 999-9491 c f j f V t f J t l QtvhAi M/it&H, you yOWl * NW V w i ! Temple Beth Am's Brotherhood & Sisterhood Invite you to a Beach Party Sunday, August 27, 2000 12 - 5pm At the Beach at Desert Shores On Regatta $3.00 per person, children under 3 free Space is limited to the first 50 people paid Drop your check off with Sandy at the TBA Office Or call her for information - 254-5110 14 THESHOFAR August 2000 Simcha's Tor ah Stories ? Dignity Parschas Balak by Simcha Groffman ? Ohr Somayach International A ? Ivi, fancy meeting you here. I thought that I was the only one who knew this shortcut home from school. Not at all Chaim. I have been going this way for a long time. I like walk-ing past these new homes. Look at that one, the front door is wide open. Wow! You can see straight into the house. Hmmm. That is really inter-esting. It looks like they are doing some remodeling in there. Avi, should you be looking into someone's front door? Well, they left it wide open. They must know that people will look in. I see that they nave left it open. But I still do not think that we should look in. After all, looking into someone's home is an invasion of pri-vacy. People do things inside of tneir homes that they do not want others to see. I guess you're right Chaim. But why do they build their home in such a way that you can see right into the front door from the street? That's a good question, Ari. The homes should be built to provide more privacy. Just as it was in the desert. The desert? Who has a private home in the desert? The Jewish people's homes were very private during their wanderings in the desert over three thousand years ago. Didn t they live in tents? They surely did. Tents are not very private. Usually not, Avi. However, they were very careful to pitch their tents in such a way that no two openings faced each other. That is not so easy to do. How do you know that Chaim? It is in this weeks parsha Avi. Bi-laam HaRasha, the wicked Bilaam wanted to curse the Jewish people. G-d would not allow him to curse us. He only let him bless us. He went to the top of a mountain and looked down on the Jewish encampment. He said, "How good are your tents, Jacob, your dwellings, Is-rael" (Bamidbar 24:5). Rashi com-ments that Bilaam saw that the open-ings of their tents were not facing each other. This was a true blessing, complimenting the tznius (dignity) of the Jewish people. They respected each other's privacy. They would not look into eacn other's homes. I see what you mean Chaim. Look-ing into someone's house is really prying into their business. We have no rignt to do that. It shows a lack of self respect and respect for the other person. Exactly Avi. One of the trademarks of the Jewish people has always been our tznius. We express it in many ways. Our clothing, manner of speech, even the way we walk, all reflect our dignity. Chaim, I am so proud to be a mem-ber of this people. We have main-tained our dignity through the many struggles of our three thousand years of history. I have to make my effort to carry on the tradition. I will try never to look into someone's home again. I won't even think of asking tnem a personal question. Avi, I am going to stand up the next time that you enter the room. Why Chaim? Because I am in the company of a visiting dignitaiy. NEVADA CARDIOLOGY ASSOCIATES SPECIALISTS IN CO