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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    4 f I clark Bounty fair & recreation board CONVENTION CENTER CONFERENCE ROOM JULY II, 1961 4:00 P.M. A regular meeting oF the Clark County Fair & Recreation Board was called to order at 4s00 P.M. with the Following persons present: Chairman Reed Whipple, Board Members Jack Petitti, Joe Man ixf Ed Fountain and Arthur Olsen; Advisory Board Members Leigh Ellsworth and Henry Bridgeman and Phil Empey; Executive Director George Albright, Convention Bureau Manager Desmond Kelly, Auditor Robert' J, Willstead, and Clerk Wanda Trent. Upon motion by Member Petitti, seconded by Member Olsen, the Board unanimously approved the Minutes oF June 13, 1961. MrJ Albright reported that he had not received suFFicient inFor-mation as yet on the equipment necessary to construct an ice rink. He said that he would make a report when he has received further information, ^1 f^f sa*^ a bulletin has been sent to a I I motels and hotels telling them that it would be necessary For them to abide by their agree-ment beginning the 16th of July, whereby they will notify the Room Reservation OFFice when they wish them to stop selling any category oF rooms, it has been the Feeling that the Room Reser-vation Service is not working out the way it was hoped that it would and iF this doesn't work better, and the motels cooperate more than they have in the past, Mr. Albright suggested the program be dropped and the money collected For its operation be channeled into additional advertising or a signboard program. The Members oF the Advisory Board who were present, alI motel men, agreed with Mr. Albright's suggestion. Mr. Ellsworth pointed out to the Board ^hat although bus^mess has been up over last year, the smaller motels have not been 40% Full as tourists ar?║ Flocking to the larger motels and ignoring the smaller ones. He said the motel association has made inquiries to see iF it were possible to curtail additional hotel and motel building until the demand has increased commensurately?√ß In answer to an inquiry, Mr. Albright said the revenue From the room tax gross was up 6% to 7% over the same period oF I960. Mr, Albright reported that the Chairman has signed the contract For the erection of seventy-Five signs on Highway leading into Las Vegas. These boards should all be installed by September 1st. The Fair Board has received a letter From the United States Department oF the Interior, Bureau oF Land Management, extending their lease on six sections oF land west oF Nellis Air Force Base until August 10, 1961. In addition to the CaliFornia Sports Car Club, the Sports Car Club oF America has indicated they were very interested in securing this land For drag racing. According to Mr, Monahan oF the County Engineering Department, a drag strip, approximately two miles long, 30 Feet wide, including a pit 50 Feet by 1000 Feet, would cost in the neighborhood of $ol,000. The car racing clubs have not indicated how they would Finance such a venture iF the land were available but Mr. Albright wanted to know iF the Board desired to have this jease extended For another six months. The Board agreed that it would be a good thing to have the lease extended For a little while longer. Upon motion by Member Fountain, seconded by Member Petitti, the Boerd unanimously voted to invest surplus Funds oF $200,000 to $250,000 with the First Nat ions I Bank of Nevada upon their posting U.S. Government securities, iF such investment is legal according to the Board's attorney. Mr. Albright distributed copies oF a special edition oF the Las Vegas Review Journal made up to welcome members oF Delta Airl ines as they attended a cocktail party and luncheon hosted by the Fair Board and the Chamber oF Commerce upon the installation oF Delta Airlines service to Las Vegas.