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uac000334. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 AGENDA Senate Meeting #27 Moyer Student Union Building 4 p.m. Gold Room June 1, 1982 I. II. III. IV. Call to Order Roll Call Approval of Minutes #26 Executive Board Announcements IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment V. Executive Board Nominations 1. Press Secretary-Karen Cohen 2. Intramurals Director-Howard Paley (effective August 1) 3. ESP Member-John Michailidis 4. Appropriations Board Members-Paul Berger, Nancy Felsing, Charles Bloom, 5. Elections Board members-Lynn Best, Charles Bloom 6. Bylaws Committee-Tammy Shipp 7. Extension of Dave Levin's appointment as Intramurals Director through July 8. M.£ci:j.&&s Board Chairman- Randy Crum (from table) VI. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board K. Intramurals Director B. Entertainment and Programming Board C. Elections Board D. Organizations Board E. Publications Board F. Radio Board G. Bylaws Committee H. Student Services Committee I. Radio Station Manager Report J. Beverage Manager VII. Unfinished Business A. Nominations for vacant Allied Health Senate Seat, and Business S Economics B„ proposal for CSUN to purchase printer for Computer Lab C. Done Good Award Nominations (see back) D. Proposal for CSUN to pay $400 for National Student Exchange E. "Spiro Gyra" concert proposal, June 21, Ham Hall VIII. New Business A. Appointment for Science, Math & Engineering Senate Seat 1. Paul Berger 2. Tom Newell B. Approval of S.B. 003 "Executive Board Membership" (Oshinski) C. Approval of S.B. 004 "Secretary Bill" (Clay) D. Repeal of Bylaw Suspension Senate Meeting #27 Page 4 6-1-82 VII. Unfinished Business A. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats: Allied Health- Business and Economics-Jef Wild nominated Rosana Reyes Bv Proposal of CSUN to purchase printer for Computer Lab Senator Starlin moved to approve the concept and to refer it to the Appropriations Board. The motion was seconded. Senator Starlin moved to amend to send the purchasing of printer to the Appropriations Board. The amendment was seconded. Discussion took place.- President Oshinski moved to - amend'the amendment to refer the purchasing of -the^computer printer to the Student Services Committee. Ditiussion took place. 'The- amendment to the amendment passed with 9 in favor and 1 opposed. Since the amendment to the amendment passed it superceded 1the"1" amendment and main motion to refer the purchasing of the computer printer to the Appropriations board to the Student Services Committee. 'The Senate was considering• the main motion to approve the concept and refer it to the Student Services Committee. The motion passed with 9 >in favor and 1 opposed. C. Done Good Awards Nominations Senate President Clay moved that if the Senate was in favor to vote by clapping their hands„ The Done Good Awards passed as follows: 1. Steve Bailey-Epilogue Editor "for an outstanding job in chronicling the activities of the 1981-82 CSUN clique" 2. Dave Gist ESP Chairman "for keeping CSUN afloat" 3. Greg Goussak-Beverage Manager "for plugging the leaks and mopping the spillage" D. Proposal for CSUN to pay $400 for National Student Exchange Senator Clayton moved to approve $400 for the National Student Exchange program. The motion was seconded. Much discussion took place. There was a motion to table the approval. The motion to table was seconded. The motion passed with 8 in favor, 1 opposed, and 1 abstention. VIII. New Business B. Approval of S.B. 003 "Executive Board Membership" (Oshinski) Senator Griffith moved to approve to the Executive Board membership. The motion was seconded. (see attached to original) The motion passed with 10 in favor. D0 Repeal of Bylaw Suspension Senator Starlin moved to approve the repeal of the Bylaw Suspension concerning operating policies, Article II, Section B. The motion was seconded„ The motion passed with 10 in favor. IX.. Open Discussion President Oshinski briefly commented on the Executive Board Nomianations, and the Senate's actions„ X. Adjournment Senate President Clay adjourned the meeting at 5:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by, Cathy Clay Acting CSUN Senate President Respectfully Prepared by, Robin Starlin MINUTES Senate Meeting #28 Moyer Student Union Building Room 203 4 p.m. 6-8-82 I. Call to Order Senate President Wild called the twenty-eighth meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate to order at 4 p.m. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Tammy Shipp Ginger Clayton Charles Bloom Robin Starlin-arrived 4:10 Cathy Clay Cathy Powell Nancy Felsing Pam Jacka MaryBeth Nitzschke Lisa Griffith Paul Berger Pat Thomas-excused absent Phil Horn-excused absent Jimmy Hill-unexcused absent III. Approval of Minutes #27 There being no further additions or corrections, the minutes of Senate Meeting #27 stood approved as submitted. IV. Executive Board Announcements A. President's Announcements President Oshinski announced that 1 Senator is needed to serve on the Preschool committee. The Board of Regents meeting has been changed to June 18. The meeting will be held on the UNLV campus in EDU-399. President Oshinski would like each Senator to make an appointment with him, to discuss the goals of CSUN. B. Senate President's Announcements Senate President Wild announced that Shawn Lumos has resigned from the CSUN Senate. Senator Clay moved to suspend with the rules and move into item VII, Unfinished Business B. Proposal for CSUN to pay $400 for National Student Exchange. The motion was seconded. The motion passed with 9 in favor, 1 opposed, and 1 abstention. VII. Unfinished Business B. Proposal for CSUN to pay $400 for National Student Exchange (from table) Senator Clay moved to remove this item from the table. The motion was seconded. The motion passed with 11 in favor. The Senate was in discussion on the approval of funding $400 for the National Studenti Exchange. Doctor Phelps from the Philosophy Department briefly spoke to the Senate about the program. Discussion took place. Senator Clayton called for the question. The call for the question was seconded. The call for the question passed with 7 in favor and 4 opposed. The approval of $400 for the National Student Exchange passed with 9 in favor and 2 opposed. Senate Meeting ft28 Page 2 6-8-82 VT. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board Chairman Goussak read the minutes of the meeting held on 6-2-82. The board approved a budget submitted by Jim Fitchet which is a O-based budget. The Board approved the Appropriations Board Operating Policy and Nancy Felsing as Vice-chairman. Members absent from the meeting were Scott Snoek, Phil Horn, and Nancy Felsing. Phil Horn absent on 6/2, Nancy Felsing 6/3, and Scott Snoek-6/2,6/3. See attached minutes for budget approved and operating policy. Senator Starlin moved to approve. The motion was seconded. A friendly amendment was accepted as psrt of the main motion to approve, into the operating policy item III. The Appropriations Board acknowledges the following: A. At a time deemed necessary to smooth the flow of administration, the CSUN President and CSUN Business Manager may approve emergency transfers up to but not exceeding $500.00 and report these transfers at the following Senate meeting. President Oshinski discussed how important it is for the Senate to be conscious about the budget. Senate President Wild asked for a vote by a show of hands, because approving the minutes would be approving the 1982-83 budget. The minutes and budget passed with 11 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstentions. B. Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman Hamilton read the minutes of the meeting held on 6-4-82. Absent: Roby Turner,and unexcused absences-Scott Snoek, and Sam Leiberman. Shawn Lumos was elected Vice-Chairman. The committee discussed a calendar of events. Senator Starlin moved to approve. The motion was seconded. There being no further additions or corrections the minutes stood approved as read. C. Elections Board-No Report D. Organizations Board -No Report E. Publications Board Chairman Griffith announced that the committee met informally and discussed the possibility of having a yearbook, and the Quicksilver. If anyone has any ideas for new publications please let Lisa know, F. Radio Board- No Report G. Bylaws Committee-No Report H. Student Services Committee-No Report V I. Radio Station Manager Report-No Report J. Beverage Manager-No Report K. Elections Board Investigative Committee-No Report L. Intramurals Director-No report M. ACdh aHiorcm aCno Cnlsatyittount iiosn atlr yRienvgi tsoi osne tC oumpm iat tmeeee ting time0 Senate Meeting #28 Page 3 6-8-82 VII. Unfinished Business A. Guardian Angels Bill S.B. 004- Senator Nitzschke moved to approve S.B.-004 concerning the establishment of a security coordinator for the Guardian Angels. The motion was seconded. The bill passed with 10 in favor and 1 abstention. C. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats: Senator Clay nominted Dave Levins for the Business and Economics Senate Seat. Senator Starlin moved to close nominations on 1 of the vacant Business and Economics Senate seats. The motion was seconded. The motion passed with 11 in favor. VIII. New Business A. Approval of 1982-82 Budget This item was approved in the Appropriations Board report. IX. Open Discussion Senator Clayton requested that on the Senate agenda ,Meeting #29 the reinstatement of the last summer's directive for CSUN Office hours by the CSUN Executive Board. Senate President Wild announced that he is experimenting with different seating arrangments and set-ups for the Senate meeting, to see what is most comfortable for the Senate„ Senator Clay announced that her job Serving as Senate President Pro Tempore is to be in charge of extracurricular events for the Senate. If anyone has any suggestions please see her. X. Adjournment Senate President Wild adjourned the meeting at 5:00 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by, Respectfully Prepared by, Jef Wild CSUN Senate President Robin Starlin CSUN Senate Secretary CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 AGENDA EMERGENCY SENATE MEETING SESSION #12 Noon June 25, 198 2 MSU 128 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #28,29, and 30 IV. Unfinished Business A. Appointment of Business & Economics Senator 1. Dave Levins B. Transfer of $4000.00 from 906-9002 (Contingency) to 903-9001 (E&P) V. New Business A. Transfer $1000.00 from 900-9002 (General) to 906-9001 (Contingency) B. Transfer $4000.00 from 901-9002 (KUNV) to 906-9001 (Contingency) C. Transfer $5000.00 from 908-9002 (Intramurals) to 906-9001 (Contingency) VI. Open Discussion VII. Adjournment cc: Dave Levins MINUTES Emergency Senate Meeting Session #12 Noon June 25, 1982 I. Call to Order Senate President Wild called the meeting to order at 12 p.m. in MSU 128. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Robin Star1in Paul Berger Phil Horn Pat Thomas Cathy Clay Lisa Griffith Tammy Shipp-unexcused absent Pam Jacka-unexcusted absent Nancy Felsing-excused absent MaryBeth Nitzschke-excused absent Ginger Clayton-absent Charles Bloom Quorum was not achieved at this time, the meeting was recessed until 12:15 p.m. At 12:15 p.m. Senate President Wild called the meeting back to order. Robin Starlin Paul Berger Phil Horn Pat Thomas Cathy Clay Lisa Griffith Tammy Shipp-unexcused absent Pam Jacka-unexcused absent Nancy Felsing-excused absent MaryBeth Niztschke-excused absent Ginger Clayton Charles Bloom III. Approval of Minutes Senator Starlin moved to amend the minutes of Senate meeting #2 6 to correct to approval of Special Project Funds to SPRTA for $160. The motion was seconded. The amendment passed. Senator Starlin moved to correct the absences of Senators, Thomas, Horn, Clayton & Starlin excused absences for Senate Meeting #30. Thermotion was seconded. The motion passed with 6 in favor and 2 opposed. There being no further additions or corrections the minutes of Senate meeting #26,#28,#29& #30 were approved as corrected. IV. Unfinshed Business A. Appointment of Business & Economics Senator Senator Griffith moved to approve Dave Levins as the Senator for Business & Economics. The motion was seconded. The motion passed with 6 in favor, 1 opposed, and 1 abstention. Emergency Meeting June 25, 1982 B. Transfer of $4000 from 906-9002 Contingency to 903-9001 (E&P) Senator Clayton moved to approve the transfer. The motion was seconded. Discussion took place. The motion passed with 8 in favor, 1 opposed. V. New Business A. Transfer $1000 from 900-9002 (General) to 906-9001 (Contingency) B. Transfer $4000 from 901-9002 (KUNV) to 906-9001 (Contingency) C. Transfer $5000 from 908-9002. (Intramurals) to 906-9001 (Contingency) Senator Horn moved to approve items A,B & C. The motion was seconded. Discussion took place. The motion passed with 9 in favor. IX. Open Discussion Senate President Wild announced the meeting scheduled for Monday will be cancelled since a meeting was held today. X. Adjournment Senate President Wild adjourned the meeting at 12:34 p.m. RespectfulJ-y^Submitted by, Respectfully Prepared by Jef Wild CSUN Senate President Robin Starlin CSUN Senate Secretary I CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 AGENDA EMERGENCY SENATE MEETING SESSION #12 Noon June 28, 1982 MSU 128 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes from Meetings #28,29,30, and Emergency Meeting (6/25/82) IV. Approval of Agenda, Emergency Meeting (6/2 5/8 2) V. Open Discussion VI. Adjournment cc: Dave Levins