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uac000119. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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SENATE MEETING //15 Tuesday, October 26, 1976 I. Call to Order Meeting was called to order by Pam Beury at 5:05 p.m. II. Roll Call Roll Call was taken by CSUN Secretary. Members present: Members Absent (UNEX) Jeff Barta Dan Newman Dominick Cirone Andrew Sultan Debl Fields Joe Mann Sharon Baker Brad Peterson Leona Gonzales Warren Stief Eugene Russo Joe Warpinski Thomas Moreo Tara Corcoran Cathy McLaurin Jim Rafferty Mike Whipple David Cavalieri Tony Gwirtz Iris McCowan Greg McKinley Keith Terry Marshal Willick Ron Mc Cormick Jim Bateman III. Approval of Minutes Postponement of approval of minutes until next meeting. IV. Announcements Elections Board meeting declared that the Arts and Letters election would be rerun this Thursday and Friday from 12 to 4 in the Student Union. Pam Beury gave welcome address to the new Senators. V. Committee Reports A. Activities Board Joe Warpinski moves to approve the Erick Von Daniken Lecture for $2,350.00 in the Hainm Hall for November 15, 1976. Seconded by Ron McCormick. Discussion. Motion passes with two opposed and five abstentions. B. Organizations Committee Pam Hysell moves to accept the Chinese Student Association, Emanon Society, Hotel Association, and Associated Music Students for recognition. Seconded by Marshal Willick. Motion passes unanimously. C. Treasurer's Report Expenditures and Revenues 9/21/76 - 10/22/76 General Expense Expenditures Revenues Radio Station Exp. Rev. Activities Exp. Rev. Day Care Center Exp. Rev. Yell Exp. Rev. $3,365.08 - 0 - 45.00 - 0 - 11,462.78 1,973.90 378.28 3,451.55 2,528.02 396.55 Balances in All Accounts 10-8-76 General Expense $-2,28125 Radio Station Matching Funds Activities Day Care Center Yell Contingency TOTAL BALANCE 58,932.60 76.33 -11,233,83 216.30 -8,599.42 517.57 $37,628.30 Activities Monthly Report Expenditures and Revenues May 1 Beginning Balance May June July August September Revenues - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - 980.80 $980.80 TOTALS TO DATE Expenditures $1,155.50 342.17 620.01 3,192.30 13,749.93 $19,059.91 Balance $12,915.01 11,759.51 11,417.34 9,797.33 7,605.03 -5,164.10 D. Pajn Hysell requests a copy of the detailed Activities budget for 1976-77 be submitted to each member of the Senate at the next meeting. Seconded by Mike Whipple. Joe Warpinski calls for the question. Seconded by Keith Terry. Motion passes to vote immediately. Request for budget passes with one abstention. Union Board The Operating Policy will be postponed until the next meeting. Mr. Warpinski also that there is approximately $181,000 in the Union General Expense and $365,000 in the reserve account which Is for capital expenditures and must maintain a $95,000 balance. Old Business Presidential Nominations and Appointments Brad Peterson moves to approve Darla Anderson to the Activities Board. Seconded by Joe Warpinski. Motion passes with one abstention. VII. New Business Marshal Willick made a motion that the Senate send to the Administration and Priorities Committee a resolution expressing our desire for them to hire a Teacher to the Communications Department that would also serve as a Debate or Forensics Coach. Seconded by Sharon Baker. Discussion. Motion for the resolution passes with one opposed and two abstentions. Joe Warpinski read the following resolution that was passed by the Univ-ersity Senate on Tuesday, October 26, 1976: That the University Senate of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, unequivocally supports and upholds as inalienable the rights of individuals to participate in the political and public service activities of their choice regardless of the possition held, whether classified, student or professional, at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. The Senate believes that University represent-atives should take political position soberly and responsibly, taking care to differentiate their personal from their official capacities; but that the right of free expression and association is such a basic legal and even constitutional one that it must take precedence over at-tempts to restrain political activity simply because a person is employed here. Joe Warpinski moves that the Senate accept and change the wording that the CSUN Senate supports this resolution. Seconded by Marshal Willick. Motion passes. Jim Rafferty made a motion that the CSUN Senate adopt a first-name basis. Seconded by Mike Whipple. Motion passes with one abstaining. Jim Rafferty moved that the Senate support a motion in the form of a resol-ution to the University Senate Library Committee that the students be allowed to take records from the Library. Seconded by Dominick Cirone. Joe Warpinski made an amendment to the motion that we would request that the Committee give us an explanation why they have this policy of not letting students take out records instead of demanding that they be able to. Seconded by Ron McCormick. Amendment passes unanimously. Discussion on main motion. Passes unanimously as amended. Tom Moreo made a motion that of all forms involving money in the CSUN office, requiring signatures, that one signature be that of the Treasurer so that she will be able to keep track of the disbursements. Seconded by Sharon Baker. Para Beury passes her gavel to President Pro-Tempore Joe Warpinski, comments, and takes gavel back. Joe Warpinski calls for question. Seconded by Ron McCormick. Passes for immediate vote with one opposed and two abstaining. Show of hands on motion. Eleven in favor, 8 opposed, and 4 abstaining; motion passes. Brad Peterson reminds the Senators that three meetings missed that are unexcused will be grounds for dismissal. Excused absences should be phoned in to the CSUN office to either Pam Beury or Mona Willden before the meeting takes place. Mailboxes are located in the office for all Senators and should be checked periodically. Joe Warpinski moves that CSUN encumber $200 for use by the Union Board for Legal fees. Seconded by Tom Moreo. Discussion. Motion passes with one abstention. Motion by Sharon Baker to adjourn. Seconded by Keith Terry. Motion passes, meeting adjourns at 6:05.