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I agree.toe Angeles* March 9* 1928. 9215-355 Mr* M» A* W illiam s} Mr* Bracken re c e n tly received a memorandum fr o m 4 B&B Supervisor Bigelow to the e f f e c t that wood star© pipe lin e in sid e o f chop fence a t has Vegas ie lea k in g again . A fte r In v e s tig a tin g the s itu a tio n Mr* Bracken has submitted rsccmaondation that th is email amount o f 16" wooden pipe fro® chop fen ce to end o f 16" Cl pipe be renewed a t the ease tiase work i s resumed under "f.o. 470? which covers new w e ll end id " wood stave pipe lin e in the v ic in it y o f Big S p rin gs. Mr* Bracken state© th at sectio n o f main re c ommended fo r renewal i s in bad con dition and causes water se rv ic e department constant tro u b le . I t I s my understanding that th is pipe lin e is owned and maintained e x c lu s iv e ly by the 'Railroad Company and i f t h is i s c o rre c t* I see no reason why the M B Supervisor should nave taken up matter o f r e p a ir s with Mr. Bracken in stead o f with the D ivisio n Engineer or Superlntendent* In any event I assume that you w i l l arrange f o r proper maintenance o f th is pipe lin e and i f necessary re p la c e in kind the section in sid e o f s h o p fence when work i s resumed on improvements authorised- by vork Order 4707.