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    AnS i ?╟≤Wing bureau Hedda Hopper's Ho//ywW| s Danny Thomas' Friends Len<U a Hand at Vegas rr n j inicture. Must say that Denise cuti Hollywood pi?Σ≤Jf;- ^^fetching figure on tht 1 ^eSandi^e^oaeofthemosta ^ghty fetchmg 1 bea^ruT tnSisyegas, opened ?Σ≤to|stage' ^ !?√ß?·&?· ': I Jimmy DuraWmaim to taks {life easier. He'll pla^m Copa- \cabana in New York next April, ^an enormous splash; and a con- $ tangent of filmites were on hand to If help out. Proof that there are no people like show people came when Danny Thomas, who was to head-r1*","""/* "" ___% * . line the floor show,, got laryngitisf n?· ha* anP^er engagement at '-^M^wssffiSEfflftfc^. SLasua Florida night spot. Meanwhile, \Warners is contemplating doing his life story. Jimmy won't "ap- ______ bear in the picture and hasn't ^USS toe packedl^^f ide? who wiU P1^ M audience with their singing. Jimmy\self- But that casting shouldn t Durante banged the piano while his\be hard, as Jimmy's one of thr ?╟≤l""/->cf i*Yihcr<:nnated of comediam and couldn't do it. His cronies took lover and did a show that would Ihave cost thousands of dollars; but,,itJ ?╟?m ?╟??╟?.,.,.. gfor Danny they went on for free. *eflr in the picture and hasn't th well, Denise Darcel and1 -?╟≤ - - . t^g_^ , .?╟? ul?╟??╟? \_m vpal, Eddie Jackson, did a singing 'g skit. The. Ritz Brothers followed ^ with a zany act of their own brand. I Danny thought ?√ß his throat trouble was due to the fact that he recorded six numbers from "The Jazz Siriger" in one day ?╟≤aui?Σ≤?Σ≤B^*?Σ≤ ImM-r&n immmm Terry Moore brought along a raft H of: clothing, because she intended $. going oh to New York for the pre- ?√ß miere of "Come Back, Little Sheba," || but she had to return to Hollywood Ktof'test for "The Moon Is Blue." Senile here she was also interviewed why Stanley Kramer for the part ?√ß opposite Marlon Brando in "The 1 Cyclists Raid." ?║?╤r\ %.. Denise Darcel had a head full of || plans. She appears on radio with . I Bob Hope; also with Robert Taylor | in "Westward the Women" this 1 month. Then she starts a series of I night club appearances, opening at | the Jung Hotel in New Orleans. 't\ She's cooking up a TV show of her I) own, and may go to France for a most impersonated^ of comedians. i Jack Buetel, with three pictures on the fire, is planning a TV series* j based on Billy the Kid. Remember" it was the part of the Kid in "The Outlaw" that brought Jack to fame. Spike Jones explained the reason he was starting a chain oft, super markets was that his wife, \Helen Greco, has 11 brothers and - \sisten in the business. Two of the brothers will manage the first one \in La Crescenta. Said Spike, "J \aim to keep b "tying stores until J^ run out of in-laws to handle ihem.**: W&$i ^:Jr JUL ens PRESS CUPPING BUREAU Established 1888 SAN FRANCISCO Los Angeles Portland: - Seattle Sacramento, Cal. Bee ^(C!r.lip7,644) DEC 16 1052 NFeyf Us V^BaaHotel \ Is First Nigrrf Looser LAS VEGA^Nev.. ?╟÷ AP?╟÷ Six I hours--jg&eF the jfenew $5,500,000 Sands'Hotel ojpffed for business hf?^ortLf^#)Dlin^ tables had iostJ^S5^0p, The hotel announced more than 10,005 persons attended the opening. '< ;':mMm Ahe Tne,w ?·oteI is beinS operat- ed by Jake Freedman, Texas millionaire horseman and oil man JUL ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-537! PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York ANDERSON, S. C. .5W MAIL,-, 0EC261352 Earl Wilson IT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT Jimmy Boyd, the freckled, 12- | year-old Mississippi singer, will I make around $1,000,000 this year I ?╟÷a nice round sum for a boy to I have. Mostly it'll come. from that "Mommy Kissin' Santa Glaus" ._ coird, movies and TV. But on j Christmas, instead of playing with j trains, he'll be appearing bet- ! ween halves at a Syracuse basketball game?╟÷for $1,000. gis Mommy?╟÷not the one that kisses Santa Claus?╟÷but that kisses, his poppy?╟÷is that clear now? ?╟÷travels with him. His manager, Aljpbe Grechler, says in view of him making $1,000,000, Mommy just increased his allowance 50 per cent?╟÷from $1 a week to $1.50 a week. OUT AT THE OPENING of the Sands Hotel gambling spot in Las Vegtt^-ffrrftmy Durante shouted: "It cost $5,000,000 to build this place and are the bosses burned up! It took 'em four hours to get even!" PRESS CLIPPING ffti|U 165*Church Jfcget "<- ^l^y^f'ork GARY, INDii POSTvmiBtPE DEC 231862 1 CURE FOR WINTER BUM I Joyce Johnson didn't do anything special ?╟÷ didn't win a trophy, isn't "Miss Something-Or^wiher." She's just'a pretty girl, relaxing in the sun at aJr-%% jfcgflfii N"?╤ ligipr* ****** That seemed reason enough for the photograpfi&y?? take a picture jwith which ip cheer the folks who are chW^r^ibg through another rough northern winter. lens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 SAN FRANCISCO Los Angeles Portland - Seattle Sacramento, Cal. Union (Cir. 31,158-S. 37,766) DEC 2 8 1952 EARL WILSON sffighth Annual 'Earl American' Name%Best ) Yt)RI^AndV-way we go! ... with^gurj^^^^oadway __mWour Eighth Annual Earl American iri w^t|^ $rj?║liave-~ the gall to make like an expert and confer agfew encomtej jJackie Gleason was the Best New TVg Comedian. The expression a-way we go!" with which we opened this essay, is his. It caught on from the rock-bound fingers of Paulette Goddard in New York to the sunny slopes of Marilyn Monroe in California. S^f Girl of the Year: Marilyn Monroe, of course. Woman of, the Year: Mamie Eisenhower.' Book: Ernest Hemingway's "The Old Man of the Sea." Comebacks: Batista's, and, in Show Business?╟÷Blossom Seeley's. The sixtyish singer came out of retirement and was a smash hit singing "Somebody Loves Me" in an act with her husband, Benny WISH I'D SAID THAT: "The nickel cigar has come back all right, but it takes a dime's worth of matches to keep it going."?╟÷Galen Drake. Fields. Another comeback: "Little Mary Small." Film of the Year: "Cinerama." Greatest Single Comedy Act: The Puerto Rican at the Republican Convention. This was a great year?╟÷the year of B-'Bop gags, telethons, chlorophyll, a new TB drug, Winchell vs. Josephine Baker, the Mickey Jelke vice case, and Sam Chapman,and Nancy Hawkins. And this was the year we lost Gertrude Lawrence, Dixie Crosby, Albert-D. Lasker, John Garfield, David K. Niles, and Mark Kelly and Perry Charles, a com' pie of beloved writers and prrfss agents. A.lso Gene Howe, Fulton OuL ler, Fanny Ward and Ferenc Molnar. Songsation of the Year: Johnnie Ray, who got famous, mar- General McGrath. Most Exploited TV Debut: Tallulah Bankhead's. Yea, and this was the year of "U.S.A Confidential," stereo carhVg eras, Corinne Calvert, flying saucers, panel shows, Jaguars, and is-R i t a-gonna-take Aly-back-and- does-anybody-care-any-more? \ Most Seen Kisser: Betty Fur- ness\ TV Hits: Lucille Ball and Desi , Arnaz in "I Love- Lucy," Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, and Hal Block. Best Speech: Adlai Stevenson's acceptance address. Best?√ß ?╜| B'way Shows:. "The Seven-Year Itch" and "Wish You Were j Here." Most Sudden Rise: "Thel Continental." Most Guts: Bette Davis, forgj having the courage to sing and-j dance on B'way in the face of so f many difficulties. Best New I B'way Personalities: Vanessa^! Brown, Sheilah Bond. Best In^-i vestigated: Thomas Luchese, al-1 so known as Three-Finger1; Brown. Top Record Seller: GI Eddie ?║ Fisher. Top of the , New Crop: I Jimmy Boyd, the 11-year-old boy | whose "Saw Mommy Kissin*! Santa Claus" rivals "Cry" as the I big record of '52. Other "big-1 gest" records: "Here in My I Heart" by Al Martino, "Wffi|J Don't You Believe Me?" by Joilf James, "Wish You Were Here"! by Eddie Fisher, "Somewhere f Along the Way" by Nat Cole and! "You Belong to Me" by Jo Staf-f ford. This was a great party year,! joo the -foremost being thel Sands Hotel's opening in Lass Vegas, whei?· guests were given! money to^gfmble, the CBS Tele-j !5ity opening" iti Holly-I wood, and the Pen & Pencil, res-f taurant's parties for Tallulahj Bankhead and Ethel Menna??' inJSTew York. ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Charch Street - New York NEW^dRK,N.Y. MIRROR Circ. D. 1,066,279 - S. 2,168,284 DEC 28 1952 Lead for Russell Connie Russell has been signed for a leading role in Columbia's Technicolor musical, "Cruising Down the River," which co-stars Dick Haymes, the Bell Sisters and Billy Daniels. She is currently starring at the new S^mA* Hvt8J^gfaJ^i|J|?·egas and reports to the Columbia srftdios in Hollywood on Jan. 19. Jlllen s PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 SAN FRANCISCO Los Angeles Portland - Seattle Berkeley, Cal. Gazette (Cir. 15,894) J?║ % 5 1952 HOLrjSrdbD IpUgilJSt, Jpslbifg WEGnxeu tu uu **?╜. v~?╟÷ ~ ~"~c~7*<mi8MBBB~-i screen, mit has about given up hopes of its ever being legally cleared , So he bought a prize fight yarn of his own, titled "Knockdown/' 3,tj concerns a fighter so devastating and ruthless in the ring that he; becomes the most hated figure in the sports world. Finally he's' knocked out himself and 'learnsT ~~g humanity in fighting his way backjVegas, her ever loving father, Ray H Hedda Hopper's ?║P| 0LLYW00P . 25 ?╟÷ Jack Palance, formerly a professional ited to do "The Jack Dempsey Story" on'thej to the top. Jack will offer both himself and the story to Paramount for production^gl^l 4ean Peters, was heart-broken when she; was yanked from her planned tour of Korea to do "Blueprint ^ior- Murder." She's: worked like a beaver preparing her wardrobe. One of the items consisted of a parka with a wool] eloth exterior and lined with silver fox fur. She had cut up one of her own blankets to make the middle lining. Jean had also bought a seal coat, and had an old one, originally punrchased from her landlady, refurbished for the trip. She so wanted to make the trip that she offered to go off salary during her absence; but the studio expects her to report fo^work Fri- flew down and wrote her a new; song about, a clown gone to pot. j ' tp& SANDS, hotel one of. the_ most- beautiful in Las Vegas, opened with an enormous splash g and a contingent of filmites werej oi- hand to help out. Proofe that! tljere are no people like show people came when Danny Thomas, who was to: headline the floor show, got laryngitis and couldn't doj it. His cronies took over and did a show that would have cost thousands of dollars; but for Danny they went on for free. Jane Powell, Denise Darcel, and Frankie an wowed the packed audience with their singing. Jimmy Durante banged the piano whileghis ,pal, Eddie Jackson did a singing Skit. The Ritz brothers followed with a expects her to report lo^wwft. ^j-i-jine ruiz ui day. However, she'sWn promised j zany act of their own brand. Dan permission to go on the next tour to Korea. ZSAZSA GABOR is killing ruf mors that she and Colette Mar4 chand feuded while making "Moulin Rouge" by tossing a cocktail party for her upon her arrival here for the premiere of the picture. Zsazsa's accompanying George Sanders as far as New York. He .leaves for Europe Saturday. She'll remain in the big city for a couple of weeks to do.television shows;. . Alan Ladd "won't! ~get started; on his ne&gf picture, abroad, "The White Mantle,'': until'March. Part of the -filmgwj|i;|lje;, shot in -the jWettei'Sfea^p^of" Denmark. .. . ny thought his throat trouble was(l due to the fact that he recorded! I six numbers from "The Jazz Sing- j in one day. ^JPllll When Joanne Gilbert was held over her scheduled time for her night club appearance in Las Terry Moore brought alohgi .?╟? raft of clothing, because, she in- itended going on to New York lor the premiere of "Gome Back, little i Sheba," but she had to return to Hollywood to test for-"The Moon Is Blue." While here she was also iinterviewed by Stanley Kramer 'for .that part opposite Marlon JBrando in "The Cyclists Raid," and finally winged to-New York Monday night ^^^^S The-Richard Burtons will stay Iwith Jean Simmons during the several weeks Stewart Granger will be absent on a business trip I to London and location shooting Ion a pictureAn-.Xa*>**&i&?╟÷