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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    t?╟÷?╜?╟÷*?╟÷ --------.?╟÷I | Armistice j Dinner Dance | ; NOVEMBER 1QTH :| . : . ^ * - i ! For members arid guests ! f. Semi-format !' I Dinner 7:30 to 10:00 P. M. > I. ? σ | | Jack Mo nan's Orchestra ! Ambassadress-at-Large Alice Smith, BCC?╟╓s Ambassadress WITH PORTFOLIO, has been busy flitting from one club to the other up and down San Joaquin Valley way, assisting Clarice Richardson* South Valley Director of the Wo- men?╟╓s Golf Association of Northern California, with her chores. So far this year Alice has attended Open Days at Sunnyside Golf, and Country Club, Visalia| Polvadero, Merced; Fort Washington, Hanford, and next our own Open Day on No- vember 13 th. BCC thanks its minister of good will for her efficiency, hard work and application to the task! BLESSED EVENTS IMAGING are Ed and Gloria Urner . . . the event taking place in breathless springtime! IT?╟╓S A GI-R-R-L! for the Bob Wilsons who welcomed this fourth little addition to the family menage August 9th. NOVEMBER . . . the time of harvest . . . and thankfulness for the blessings that are ours! their public relations department will help you get choice seats and tables at any other floor shows you wish to see while you are there. Mike Shapiro from the Sands will greet and see that the weekend will be most pleasant and enjoyable . . . First flight November 9th. Page 4* Something New: "Kern County Weekender" Something new has been added through the efforts of some of our members. A new service is about to be inaugurated on November 9th, Friday, and every Friday thereafter. The fabulous Sands Hotel in Las Vegas is arranging for. chartered planes, DC-3?╟╓s, to fly Bakersfield and Kern County folks to the Sands Hotel, leaving on Friday around 3 or 4 o?╟╓clock and returning on Sun- day, same time, for a holiday week- end of fun, excitement, entertain- ment . . . The flight will be called the ?╟úKern County Weekender?╟Ñ . . . a direct charter flight to the Sands Hotel, a 90-minute flight, no traffic worries, just fun and relaxation for a fab- ulous weekend in Las Vegas. For further/.information on this new service from Bakersfield, i call Bud Lambome Travel Agency, 1807 H Street,/. Bakersfield, phone FA 5-5919. Many, many Bakersfield and Kern County people go to Las Vegas regularly, and now it is possible to fly in 90 minutfes and have ; no wor- ries with the highways as in the past. Bud Lamborne will handle all res- ervations and plane ticket arrange- ments, so get up your own group and plan a wonderful weekend in Las Vegas, at the ?╟úSands?╟Ñ where A ROUSING BCC WELCOME! New members to be given a salute are Evelyn and Grover LeViner and their son, Jack, of 3132 Monterey Street. Mr. LeViner is an electrical contractor.