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uac000544. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING 17-11 FEBRUARY 12, 1987, THURSDAY MSU 201 4:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. OVERRIDE OF THIRD UNEXCUSED ABSENCE IV. APPROVAL OF SENATE MINUTE 17-5 AND 17-10 V. ANNOUNCEMENTS VI. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS A. Lance Gilman to Entertainment and Programming B. Brian Correa to Entertainment and Programming C. Harry Fagel to Entertainment and Programming D. Rob Mentnech to Elections Board E. Allison Tiffany to Elections Board F. Corrine Goldstein to Student Services VII. BOARD, COMMITTEE AND DIRECTOR REPORTS VII. OLD BUSINESS A. Approval of Bryan Brooks to Interim Program Director of KUNV B. Nominations to Senate President Pro Tempore 1. Sue Cunningham 2. Steve Evenson C. Appointment of Senate President Pro Tempore D. Approval of Mike Mixer to Judicial Counsel E. Approval of $100 stipend to Senate President Pro Tempore VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of $400 to Student Nurses' Association A P R B. Approval of $400 to Pre-Professional Association!^ C. Approval of $400 to J4ti Sigma Alpha A p p "P; UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS Agenda 17-11 2-12-87 Page 2 D. Approval of $400 to UNLV Bowling ClubTi c >R.i«cl E. Nominations to vacant Business & Economics Seat 1. Jack Spicer 2. Sam Lieberman F. Appointment of Business & Economics Seat G. Nominations to vacant Health Sciences Seat H. Appointment of vacant Health Sciences Seat I. Approval of Resolution to save LV High - DiBennidetto IX. OPEN DISCUSSION XI. ADJOURNMENT UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS SUPPLEMENT AGENDA SENATE MEETING 17-11 FEBRUARY 12, 1987, THURSDAY MSU 201 4:00 PM V I I I . NEW BUSINESS J. Approval of travel for Rob Rosenthal and Bryan Brooks to attend Intercollegiate Broadcasting System National Convention on March 20-22, in New York City, in the amount of $334.00 per person. K. Approval of Contract with Sigma Nu on Feb 20, for clean-up after TGIF party in MSU courtyard in the amount of $50.00. (E&P) L. Approval of contract with David Lersten for running^ judging^ Lipsync contest on Feb 20, in the amount of $50.00. (E&P) M . Approval of contract with Zellie Dow for providing D.J. services for TGIF Party on Feb 20, in MSU Courtyard in the amount of $75.00. (E&P) N . Approval of contract with Naked Combo ( Turner) for providing entertainment on Feb 20, 1987 for TGIF party in MSU courtyard, in the amount of $300.00 (E&P) O . Approval of Lipsync contest prize money for TGIF party on Feb 20, 1987. 1st place $75.00, 2nd place $50.00, 3rd place $25.00. (E&P). P. Discussion/Action for nominations for Spanous Outstanding Teacher Award. UNIVERSITY O F NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 Senate Meeting 17-11 Feb 12, 1987 MSU 201 4:00PM CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Senate President Zayas at 4:08 pm. I I . ROLL CALL Present Absent Sen. Allan Sen. Chambers(unexcused) Sen. M . Chastain Sen. Fagel(unexcused) Sen . A . Chastain Sen . Harrington(late) Sen. Cunningham Sen. Mentech (unex. late) Sen . Evenson Sen. Muir(unexcused) Sen. Gentile Sen. Goldstein Sen. Gomez Sen . Ler oy Sen. Retke Sen . Smith Sen. Tiffany Sen. Zayas-Dorchak There being quorom, the meeting continued. III. OVERRIDE OF THIRD UNEXCUSED ABSENCE * This was out of order, since Ray Parker resigned. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 17-5 AND 17-10 There being no onbjections, the minutes wer.e approved. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Vice President Muir -- The Organizations Board will be reorganizing the operating policiy. There are 4 organizations up for approval, all were approved unanimously. Senate President Zayas -- Thses are the rules for conduct: 1) Any three out of orders, and speaking privileges will be revoked. 2) Upon the fourth, the Senator will be removed the Senate with anunexcused absence. 3) At any meeting without quorom, everyone not there is considered unexcused. VI. EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS A. Lance Gilman to Entertainment & Programming B. Brian Correa to Entertainment & Programming C. Harry Fagel to Entertainment & Programming D. Rob Mentech to Elections Board E. Allison Tiffany to Elections Board F. Corrine Goldstein to Student Services VII. BOARD, COMMITTEE, DIRECTOR REPORTS KUNV-ROB- KUNV had a record number of people show up for orientation. Yell-Carmen- The Yell will be presenting a reoort in Meeting 17-11 page 2 a few weeks on the difference that going twice-weekly has made to revenue. Entertainment & Programming-Randy-Items are on the agenda one week early so that paperwork can be completed early. The lip-sync will continue for the rest of the semester. Radio Board-Jack-Board will be meeting to discuss the future qualifications for program director. V I I . UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Approval of Bryan Brooks to Interim Program Director. Motion by Sen. Retke, Seconded by Mentech Brian Brooks addressed the Senate. Motion passed with 15 in favor, 0 opposed. * B. Nominations to Senate President Pro Tem 1) Sue Cunningham 2) Steve Evenson With no further nominations, the* nominations were closed. C. Appointment of Senate President Pro Tem This was out of order at this time. D. Approval of Mike Mixer to Judicial Counsel Motion by Sen. Harrington, Seconded by Sen. L e r o y . There was discussion. Motion carried with 13 in favor, 2 abstentions (Mentech, Retke). E. Approval of $100 stipend for Senate President Pro Tem Motion by Sen. Harrington, Seconded by Sen. Smith There was discussion. Motion carried with 14 in favor, 1 abstention ( Evenson). VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of $400 to Student Nurses' Association Motion by Sen. Evenson, Seconded by Sen. Cunningham. A representitive of the SNA addressed the Senate. Motion carried with 15 in favor, 0 opposed. B. Approval of $400 to Pre-Professional Club There being no representative, the item was tabled. Meeting 17-11 page 3 tabled C. Approval of $400 to Pi Sigma Alpha Motion by Sen. A. Chastain, Seconded by Sen. Evenson. A representative of PSA addressed the Senate. There was discussion. Motion carried with 15 in favor, 0 opposed. D. Approval of $400 to UNLV Bowling Club There being no representitive, the item was E. Nominations to vacant Business & Economics seat 1) Jack Spicer 2) Sam Lieberman . 3) Rod Richter F. Appointment of B & E seat. There was no action at this time. at 5:20, Sen. Retke left the meeting (excused). G. Nominations to Vacant Health Science seat- 1) Wendy Hopkins H. Appointment of vacant Health Sciences s-eat There was no action at this time. I. Approval of resolution to save Las Vegas High This was tabled until the following meeting. Approval of Executive Board Nominations Motion by Sen. Harrington to approve nominations A , B , C , D , F Seconded by Sen. Leroy There was discussion. Motion carried with 14 in favor, 0 opposed. J. Approval of $334.00 per person for Rob Rosenthal and Bryan Brooks Motion by Sen. Gentile, Seconded by Sen. Harrington Rob Rosenthal addessed the Senate. There was discussion. Motion carried with 13 in favor, 1 opposed (Smith). K. Motion to approve items K through 0. Motion by Sen. Harrington, Seconded by Sen. Evenson Randy Tidwell addressed the Senate. There was discussion. Motion passed with 14 in favor, 0 opposed. (Items K through 0 listed in addedum). P. Discussion/Actionm for nominations to Spanos Teaching award 1) John Swetnam Meeeting 17-11 page 4 IX. OPEN DISCUSSION There was no open discussion.{ X . ADJOURNMENT Th meeting was adjourned by Senate President Zayas at 5:45 pm. 2) Skip Swedlow 3) Barbara Cloud Ron Zayas Senate President CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT TO: Pam Levins, Accounts Payable FROM: Ron Zayas, Senate President 2/20/87 RE: Senate Approvals Pam: Included in this memo are a list of items that passed on the 11th meeting of the 17th Session of the CSUN Senate on Feb. 12. The minutes for that meeting have not yet been typed up since we have recently had a change of both Senate Presidents and Senate secretaries. Therefore, I am writing this to let you know that the check requests included with this memo are items that have been ap-proved . Thank you for your time in this matter, I understand that full minutes will accompany the RFC that come out of my office in the future. Here are a list of the items: $400 for the Student Nursing Association $400 for the UNLV Bowling Team $325 per person for Rob Rosenthal and Bryan Brooks to attend the IBS conference March 20-22 $50 for Sigma Nu for post-party clean-up $50 for David Lersten for lip sync judging $75 for Zellie Dow for DJ services on Feb. 20 $300 for Roby Turner for Naked Combo performance $75 for 1st place in Lip Sync Contest, $50 for Second, $25 for third $400 for Pi Sigma Alpha UNIVERSITY CF NEVADA. LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 39154/(702) 739-3477