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The Bulletin from Temple Beth Sholom, May 2008



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    Temple Beth Sholom Bulletin May 2008 Solomon Schechter Day School Annual Lag B'Onier Kosher Chicken WingFest & Spring Fair! Sunday, Mav 18th at TBS 12 to 3 p.m. Bring the family, friends or come alone, but don't miss (lie SSDS Annual WingFest & Spring Fair! It promises to be the talk of the town with exciting rides, games and fabulous food! Be daring and ride our Mechanical Bull! Sink some of SSDS's finest in our Dunk lank! Test your Bow & Arrow skills at our .Archery Station! Get a thrill as you speed down our mammoth Titanic Inflatable Slide! Plus we'll have Summo Wrestling, a Bungee Trampoline, a 4 sided Rock Climbing Wall, a D.J. and Game Director for I loola I loops, Potato Sack Races, Tug of War, Fgg on Spoon, Water Balloon loss and Line Dancing, a Petting Zoo, Moon Bounce, Face Painting and lots, lots more!!!! Admission is only $10.00 per person (FRKE admission for children 3 and under) which includes one meal ticket, all entertainment, and a FREE raffle ticket! An additional $5.00 wrist band buys entrance to all the KIDDIE rides, games and attractions, and a $15.00 wrist band includes ALL rides, games and attractions for the entire afternoon!!! SSDS's very own Lance Graulich, of Wingstop fame, will provide his famous Chicken Wing sauces as well as supervise the delectable Kosher Wing preparations. Plus we'll have corn on the cob, coleslaw, pasta primavera, water melon, chips, drinks, cotton candy and sno cones! Sponsorship opportunities are available for the f(X)d, games and rides. Sponsor alone or as a group! A special plaque will be posted at the site with your name. We look forward to your support of this spectacular SSDS family and community event. To sponsor, or if you have any questions, please call WingFest Chair Lynn Wexler at 481.1428 or email, or call Ivy in the SSDS office at 804.1333, ext. 114. Annual Congregational Meeting and BBQ Join ns on Wednesday, May 1 2 0 0 8 for the Annual Congregational Meeting and BBQ. During this meeting, the congregation will have an opportunity to thank the outgoing Board members and officers, elect Board members for open positions and hear from leadership about the challenges and accomplishments of the Temple over the past year. The nominees for the upcoming 2008-2009 Board of Directors are: Ivy Gage-member since 1998 Dan Miller- member since 2(X)4 Joel Mann-member since 1999 Jeremy Bach-member since 2002 Mark Handel man-member since 1999 Adam Schwartz-member since 20(H) Please RSVP to the Temple office at 804-1333, ext. 100, prior to May 7. Rabbi's Message 60 Years! Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu... Rabbi Felipe Goodman Do you remember the first time your feet touched The I .and of Israel? I remember my first time, and as it turns out, that brief second of initial contact changed my life forever. Israel has been an ever present blessing in my life, then; is no day that I don't think of our homeland or wish that I could be there constantly and perhaps even permanently. Something magical hapf>ens when your eyes see Israel for the first time; you suddenly sense the awesome importance of the I listory of our People. When the air first hits you and you think you smell the sweetness of the orange orchards, what you an; really smelling is the fragrance of freedom and self determination. Israel represents much more than our dreams and the embodiment of our noblest ideals. Israel is a beacon of light and hope in a severely fragmented and wounded world. It is the only democracy in a sea of fundamentalism and hatred, the only moral and ethical voice in the midst of the screaming voices of terrorists and anarchists. After 60 years Israel means much more to us than just the obvious. For 60 years our brothers and sisters coming from the four corners of the world have found in our young State a restoration of ancient dreams and the vindication of profound modern realities. To speak about Israel today means much more than simply shaking about survival. To speak about Israel today means understanding that many of tin; most unbelievable technological advances that we use in our every day life were thought of, designed and brought to life in Israel. To speak about Israel today implies that we are talking about a nation that although surrounded by enemies never stops dreaming of peace! One of my favorite Israeli songs says: "Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu, Peace will still come our way!" We are a people of dreamers, a people of builders, but above all we are a people of optimists! When everyone has given up, when there seems to be no hope and in the face of disastrous adversity...We still believe! As we set on the journey toward t he next 60 years that will take us to the magical 120, we pray and hope that God allows us to repeat our success, to learn from our mistakes and to build an even brighter future. Many times I close my eyes and think of what past generations would feel if they could stand here today rejoicing with us side by side. I think of my great grandparents and their generation who faced persecution, poverty and hunger in Europe. I think of so many of our brothers and sisters victims of genocide, hate and xenophobia. Israel is a beacon of light that shines proud and bright, that lights our way even in the most difficult of times. Make this be the year you visit Israel, let its fragrance, its light and its spirit change your life forever. Cantor's Message Cantor Daniel Friedman Shalom everyone! As we begin to wind down the school year and prepare for the summer months I would like to bring to your attention two exciting programs that are and will Ik; an integral part of our musical life here at Temple Beth Sholom. At various times over the last 7 years that I have been your Cantor I have tried to create a Zimriya (youth Choir) and a Makheylah (adult Choir). I have experienced various amounts of success with both endeavors. I will not give-up as I believe we have a tremendous group of very talented singers just itching to participate in group singing. So, once again, I am introducing the formation of our very own Temple Beth SholomZimriyah to begin this month, May!!!!!! I have listened to all of you and your request for something that is not too obtrusive with you very busy schedules, so, please send your children ages 8 to 15 to sing with me every second Friday of the month from 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm. We will then participate in the Kabbalat Shabbat Service that night at 7:30 pm!!!!! Wow. What an idea. I have already introduced the melodies to your children through the tcfillah curriculum in the Religious School and what they don't know they will learn very quickly. My goal is to have this group of singers not only participating in Kabbalat Shabbat every second Friday of the month but other chagim through-out the year. This is only the beginning. Secondly, you may already know this but if not, we have a terrific group of young instrumentalist that have been rehearsing every Tuesday from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm. ITiis "band," the TBS Jr. Ruacli Ensemble, under the guidance of famed oboe player and TBS member Alan Shlachter already j >art icipated in our first PurimPalooza and Kabbalat Shabbat Choi I lanioedshel Pesach. If your child plays an instrument at any level bring liini or her by on Tuesdays. I am very proud of this group and they also will Im; participating in more and more advanced programming through-out the year not only at TBS but around the city as well. President's Message I am very excited about these programs and hope they fulfill my long-standing desire to have a choral presence here at Temple Beth Sholom. Please help me actualize this goal and inspire our children through music. As always, I look forward to seeing you at Temple. Happy Passover to all of our Temple Beth Sliolom Community! By Dr. David Steinberg As I write this message, jobs and homes are being lost in Las Vegas. It has been a difficult year for many in our valley. While this is going on in our community, Temple Beth Sholom is putting on the finishing touches to the contract for the hiring of our first Assistant Rabbi, Adam Watstein. Rabbi Watstein will be the Rabbi in Residence in our religious schools and will be given the charge of helping develop a better sense of community within those schools. As most of you know, Mr. Modlin has been our Interim Executive Director. With his assistance, we are finalizing a contract for our new Executive Director, Alan Glazerman who will start on July 1st. Before the school year ends, we will start the first phase of our addition to our Solomon Schechter School which will include classrooms and laboratories. Phis will be integrated into the Friedman Family Pavilion as we continue to raise necessary monies to complete t his project. All I his excitement in our synagogue and yet in I^as Vegas it is very clear that many people, both our congregants and our fellow I .as Vegans, are suffering the effects of the burst in the housing bubble. With this in mind, the Executive Board met and decided there will be NO dues increase this year. Even in this difficult environment, we are planning many new programs and hope to diligently pursue our capital campaign. The Board will make the necessary modifications to run the synagogue in these challenging times. I hope to see you all at the annual meeting and I thank the congregation for their support. I would like to thank the many volunteers that have worked on the numerous I BS projects throughout this year. Without our volunteers, the good work that our synagogue performs would be impossible!! Temple Beth Sholom Annual Gala Honoring Flora & Stuart Mason Over 300 Temple members and well wishers from the Las Vegas community and beyond were on hand Sunday, April 6th at the Four Seasons I lotel in Las Vegas when Temple Beth Sholom honored Flora and Stuart Mason at their annual gala dinner. Longtime Las Vegans, the Mason family joined I BS immediately after moving to the community in 1965 and have been very active ever since. Flora holds the honor of being the first woman elected by the general membership to serve on the Temple's Board of Directors and Stuart is a Past President of the Board. Outside of their Temple activities, Flora has been involved with the Anti- Defarnation League, and the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. Reaching out beyond the Jewish community, the Mason's are co-founders of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation in Las Vegas and Flora has served on their National Board of Directors. As a building contractor and owner of Taylor International, Stuart helped change the landscape of Las Vegas with his many building projects, including building the largest hotel in the world... three times. The Temple was proud to honor two such outstanding members, and the event was a major financial success. Temple News Women's League News Spring is in the air and Sheryl I lonig and I can attest to that! We were privileged to be able to go to the Women's League Spring Conference in Irvine, CA last weekend. It was truly an unbelievable op[M)rtunity to strengthen our bond with other Sisterhoods throughout the Pacific Southwest Region. We met several of the 200 delegates and established a connection with many of them. The enthusiasm and bubbly personality of our new President, Marilyn Berkowitz, was overflowing and made us all feel welcome and excited about Women's I .eague. It definitely refreshed our spirits to be at morning minyan with 60 plus women conducting the service in its entirety. Everyone (except perhaps one or two) was wearing a tallis and we all felt a deep connection to our Judaism. The Torah readers chanted beautifully and were truly an inspiration to all. I was honored with an English reading and was thankful for the opportunity to participate. (Tie speakers and workshops were invigorating and we learned something new each day. We look forward to inspiring and exciting the imaginations and creative talents of our women through the knowledge and many new ideas we received. We encourage all of you to participate more and to ignite the spark of Women's League within your souls. Our Donor Luncheon will be held on Sunday May 4, 2(X)8 at 11:30am. We will be honoring Fran Levien with a Lifetime Achievement Award. Do not miss this opportunity to show your support to our Women's League and the many women who work tirelessly to make it all hapi>cn. By now, you should have received your raffle tickets in the mail. This is another way to achieve your donor credit. You will receive 50% credit for any ticket you buy and/or those you sell to non-Women's League members. The raffle will be drawn at our Election meeting on Sunday, June 8th. Please help us in our endeavor to actively support the many programs and needs of our Temple. It is only through your commitment and generosity that we are able to perpetuate Conservative Judaism for our families and for generations to come. Men's Club News The Men's club honored Schechter School students Rahn Kraidman and Bella Green as the February and March most improved students at its March meeting. The meeting was packed by the younger crowd as we had four B'uai Mitzvahs present their charity projects. With a picture tour by the Rabbi and announcement of the nominating committee it was a busy night. The nominating con in i itteepresented the slate of officers at the Yom I lashoah candle mailing that took place at the beginning of April. We hope that everyone was able to light the yellow candle on the 30th. Elections are scheduled for May 18th at our Sunday morning breakfast meeting (9:30 following Minyan). Departing from our meeting theme dedicated to the culture, values and traditions of Judaism this meeting will be about identity theft. I Thought only the Pope Wore a Red Kippali? Men's Club members are encouraged to wear their red Kippahs at all TBS services, when attending another synagogue's service and of course, during our Men's Club meetings. Our red Kippah is a symbol that clearly shows that you can; enough to participate in an important arm of I BS as well as being a member of the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs. All Men's Club members in the Western Region wear the traditional "red Kippah" so whether you're visiting Valley Beth Shalom in Los Angeles, Etz Chaim in Scottsdale, or any of the 27 Conservative congregations that are part of the Western Region, you can feel like you're not ua stranger in a strange land" when you see other" red Kippot". Although members of other FJMC Regions across the U.S. wear their own color Kippot, the style is recognizable as being a member of the international Men's Club organization. Jewish visitors to Las Vegas have often attended Shabbat and holiday services or morning Minyan to recite (Caddish. Seeing the familiar red Kippot can help make those visitors feel more at home by easily recognizing another member of the Men's Club. Phis symbol creates a I sometimes forget that we are a member Rar Mitzvah of a larger organization (beyond the Yoni Schnee Temple) .. Consequently, this final with Parent . 1 . Cantor David thought. ? schnee Temple News L'Dor V'Dor coordinator, Shel Kolner (228-+744 or 334-8914), or the Temple office (804-1333 ext 100). We'll make sure they receive invitations to the upcoming events. Volunteers are the 'back-bone' of any organization and we are no exception. If you can spare a few minutes every other month, your help would be greatly appreciated. This is especially true in the transportation area. Many of our guests live in their own homes but only get out when someone is able to take them. We need a few good men and women who would be willing to pick up a guest or two, stay during the event if you wish to, and then to take them home afterward. It takes about 3 hours of your (Jay - not a major amount of time. If you can afford this small amount of t ime on the day of the event, we would love to talk to you about it. Call Lillian Radomsky at 942-3251 or 757-581 -6544 (evil) or call Shel at 228-4744 or 334-8381 (cell) for more details. We invite you to join the camaraderie and see how good it feels to make a difference in the life of a homebound senior by being part of the L'Dor V'Dor Volunteer program. Our next event is planned for June 3, 2008 to celebrate Shavuot. Again we will have well over 200 guests. Many of them come to every L'Dor V'Dor function and tell us they look forward to them and really appreciate what we do for them. This really is a feel-good time for all involved and a mitzvah as many of these people do not have a chance to get out without help. Bat Mitzvah Jennifer Rose with Mother Sharon If you know of any senior who is homebound and could benefit from this opportunity to socialize with other people, please call the friendlier atmosphere that could encourage a visitor to sit next to you after services to have coffee and a bagel - - a great way to publicize our TBS family. lake pride in wearing your red Kippah during services and feel how heartwarming it is when there is a sea of red Kippot within the congregation. Let me know if you don't have your own traditional red head covering or if you want to join our organization and become an active supporter in our synagogue. Men's Club membership is only $36 a year, but there's no cost for you to have your own red Kippah. TBS men's club has given substantial checks to each B'nai Mitzvah after hearing of their wonderful projects. The two Schechter School students were given checks also together with a framed Certificate of Excellence. TBS Softball Team Bruce Cale and David Alexander are Co- Captains of the Team which is in first place! The pictures were taken on 4/13/08 Sunday. The game was very exciting to watch. For more information either to join the team or attend the next Double Header call Bruce Gale at 360-5151 or Jerry Springberg at 877-1219 L'DOR V'DOR - Making a Difference for Seniors We did it again!! Another successful L'Dor V'Dor function is in the books. We brought in well over 200 seniors to celebrate Passover. Sadly our students were on their break, which is probably not sad for them, but it did mean they could not entertain. But we did have entertainment by Sasha Senianoff and we all enjoyed a Kosher for Passover lunch catered by Chef Gustav Mauler. All in all we provided 3 wonderful hours for our guests. Education The ?aixlra 4c Stanley Main Kartv f 'ItiktxxHl Center Jennifer Znkowski Karly Childhood Director Early Childhood News The children of the Sandra and Stanley Mallin Karly Childhood Center spent the past weeks preparing for Pesach. They enjoyed weekly sing-alongs during Mini-Minyan with Cantor Daniel where they learned such favorites as "Dayenu" and "Mah Nishtanah". The teachers ensured that the children were surrounded by the sights and sounds of the Passover story. They filled every developmental area on their lesson plans with new and exciting activities to familiarize the children with all of the aspects of Pesach beginning with Baby Moses and culminating with the trek through the Desert. This month of study concluded with our annual family Pesach Seder. Rabbi Goodman and Cantor Daniel led our children and families through the I Iagaddah with colorful props and songs. This fabulous feast was catered by the unsurpassed Chef Gustav Mauler. The Camp ICton Ton Difference We an* proud to host Camp ICton Ion at Temple Beth Sholom. We are looking forward to another enjoyable and fantastic summer We offer 3 two-week sessions beginning June 23rd through August 1st. Each session is based on a different fun-filled theme and packed full of arts and crafts, water play, cooking, dancing, sports, special theme days, visitors, and Judaic activities. The older children have the wonderful opportunity to experience a different field trip twice a week in addition to swimming at the local pool. And of course, we all gather together on Fridays for our famous Shabbat lunch. I lere at Camp ICton Ton yon do not have to worry al>oiit your child's safety or welfare. We take special pride in having our camp sessions lead by the same trained and experienced school staff that we use for our regular school year. We also supplement each class with a specially trained Counselor in Training (CIT). Yon have the choice of either full-day, half-day, or extended-day programs for your child. We offer Monday through Friday for all of our age-groups. We also offer the option of either a M, W. F or T/Th program in our Toddler and 2's classes. We accept children ages 18 months by March 1, 2008 up through those entering First Grade in the Fall. For more information please contact the Preschool office at extension #112. Solomon Schechter Day School of Las Vegas Schechter Celebrates Passover Tuesday, April 15th kicked off a week of Passover Celebration in Solomon Schechter. Our Kindergarteners and their families were invited that afternoon to a special seder led by the children themselves. The next day our Fourth Grade students hosted their parents for a Passover program of their own. They created and facilitated their own interactive stations to teach their parents everything they have learned about Passover, which is a ton! Finally, on Thursday, April 17th, First, Second, and Third Grades ushered in the Passover I loliday and Vacation with a tradition Passover Seder of their own. It was an amazing opportunity to see jnst how well Schechter students not only learn how to do Passover, but also why, what Jon IVlitziuaclicr Director of Kducation and when. Passover Vacation was well-earned by all! Schechter Sings for Israel @ 60 In tribute to Israel's 60th anniversary, The Solomon Schechter Day School Association has launched a collaborative musical initiative that will involve all our member schools across North America. The project demonstrates the deep connection of Solomon Schechter schools to the land and people of Israel. It also links the many day sch<x)ls affiliated with the Conservative movement in a shared experience that will enlarge their feelings of belonging to a Schechter community. The two components of this project are: ?Kumi Ori, a signature song for Israel @ 60 for the Solomon Schechter Day Sch(x)l Association's member schools. An original composition by Rabbi David Paskin, Kumi Ori will be performed by Schechter schools in their Yom I la'Atzmaut concerts and assemblies. ?A CD set of Schechter schools' choirs is in the works. More than thirty compositions reflecting the musical treasury of Israel across six decades will be featured. The Solomon Schechter Day School of l^as Vegas recently went into t he recording studio to record t heir contribution. The Greenspun Family Foundation, in participation with the United Jewish Community/Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, an; thrilled to launch The PJ Library in the Las Vegas community. Each child enrolled in The PJ Library will receive a monthly gift of a high-quality, age-appropriate Jewish book or CD as well as a reading guide to enhance your family's experience. The aim is to turn bedtime story moments into meaningful Jewish moments for you and your loved ones. Please visit www. to enroll! Schechter is pleased to announce its planned expansion into Fifth Grade as it kicks off enrollment for 2008-2009. The school in just four short years has grown from a First Grade of six students to a K-4 elementary school of sixty-eight. Enrollment materials for 2008-2009 are available now. The Judy and Ronald Mack School of Religious Studies After a year of hard work by members of the Task Force to Re-imagine the Religious School, we are prepared to launch an exciting and innovative new format for the Religious School next year! This new format could change the face of Congregational Supplementary Religious School for many generations to come. Four major changes are going to be implemented in the coining year: Shabbatonim (weekend retreats) Twice a year, students in Grades 3-7 will go away for a weekend of Shabbat Camping, enjoying an authentic Shabbat experience, informal educational activities, and community building. This is the sort of experience where lifelong friendships are formed! Quality Instruction- Teachers will be hired according to their subject matter expertise. Students in Grades 3-7 will Yonina Sclinee Assistant Director of Religious School Ac Adult Education Education rotate through 30-minute periods, learning Jewish Studies from teachers who specialize in their respective subjects, (Jewish History, Jewish Text, Jewish Values, Tefillah, and the Arts) and to top it off, they will choose an elective such as Israeli Dance or Conversational I lebrew. Individualized Hebrew Instruction On weeknights, students will study in small groups of five or less with a I lebrew teacher, for an intense session of I lebrew reading and writing. Spiritual Mentoring Each student will be assigned a spiritual mentor from among our clergy members and educators, with whom they will meet with on an individual basis, providing each student with a sounding board for questions or concerns. This program will be facilitated by our new Assistant Rabbi, who will also serve as Rabbi in Residence for the Religious School! Watch for the brochure coming in the mail soon, and contact Ivy in the Education Office 804-1333 ext. 114 for registration material. Religious School Happenings Oil April 6th, students of Kitah Vav (6th grade) put on a presentation on what they have learned about the I lolocaust. The PowerPoint, art, and dramatic presentation was accompanied by informational packets that the students created. The entire presentation was impressive, and I want to thank their teacher, Maryjayne Mack, for helping them coordinate their efforts and creativity. Students prepared for Passover by learning the four questions, creating items for the seder table, and understanding the meanings of the symbols, and the story of our exodus from Egypt. On April 13th, each grade celebrated in the classroom with activities, model seders, or chocolate seders. Coming up: Yom I la Zikaron (Memorial Day)/ I la Atzmaut (Israeli Independence Day) celebration on May 4, 2008. Featuring Israeli Dance, A "Jewish Wedding" and other exciting activities! USY Update - It is never too late to join in the fun!!! On Saturday, April 5th, I BS USY and MKT USY joined together at the Miracle Mile Shops at Planet I lollywood for a Photo Scavenger I Iunt. Four teams ventured out into the mall in search of a list of items they needed to capture in a photograph. The teams were extremely creative in their findings of 2 for 1 signs, feather boas, 5-inch heels, a purse over $500, and even a picture of a "hot" guy or girl!!! The teams met back together to share their Polaroid pictures and share in the laughter. It was fantastic seeing the teens instantly connect with each other. At the end of the night, each teen was looking forward to the next joint event, the limo scavenger hunt, on April 12th. Upcoming Event: Israel After Dark - May 3rd @ the Venetian For more information regarding TBS USY, contact l^auren Frydman at 327- 5858 or email, cotinselkids8@yahoo. com B'nai Mitzvah Yonatan Schnee Yonatan was born in Jerusalem. He lived in Israel till the age of seven at which time, his family packed their belongings and moved to New York. With only memories left of their familiar life in the Holy Land, they began to forge a new life in a strange, foreign land as Yoni's parents, David and Yonina, began their studies at the Jewish Theological Seminary; David in the H.L. Miller Cantorial School Instead of his easy-going existence in the town of Modi'in, where people left their doors open, where the view from his bedroom window was that of rolling hills and open space, where children could safely walk the streets, Yoni suddenly found himself squeezed into a tiny apartment in Manhattan with his parents and his two brothers, Raphael and Gavriel. Instead of having a view of rolling hills outside his bedroom window, Yoni found himself looking out onto fire escapes, buses, garbage cans and more tall apartment buildings. It took a bit of adjustment, but Yoni survived in a new world where teachers taught in English, where winters gave a new definition to the word "cold", but also where "snow days" became something to look forward to. Yoni has loved living in Las Vegas (other than missing the snow days). He has made many friends at Temple Beth Sholom, and he loves to go there to see them. Yoni is in the seventh grade at Victoria Fertitta Middle School, where he loves art and writing. This year, one of Yoni's drawings won second place in a city-wide contest. Besides being a prolific artist, he has also earned recognition for his many poems and songs. During summer vacation, Yoni will be spending one month at Camp Ramah in California. Yoni has chosen as his Bar Mitzvah project to collect video games and equipment and donate them to Sunrise Children's Hospital. He hopes to provide a bit of comfort and maybe even put a smile on the faces of the unfortunate kids there who are undergoing harsh and uncomfortable treatments. We are proud of Yoni and his accomplishments, and we want to wish him a big Mazal Tov on this momentous milestone in his life. Paislie Neal Paislie Alexis Neal, daughter of Shawn and Barbara Neal, granddaughter of Marilyn Barkan and Barry and Mary Barkan, will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on May 10, 2008. Paislie is in 7th grade at Sig Rogich Middle School. She is a beautiful, kind- hearted person. She loves cheerleading, dancing and music. She is wonderful with children and enjoys babysitting (especially cousin Ivy). She is a volunteer referee for AYSO Soccer and is interested in becoming a dress designer in the future. Her bat-mitzvah project is collecting snack items for gift baskets she will give to families of hospice patients. Her late great grandmother Frieda Barkan was in hospice this past December in Arizona. Paislie and her family were very touched by similar gift baskets donated by other children. Her family, including sister Mollie and brothers Brandon and Riley are very excited about her upcoming special day. and Yonina at the Davidson School of Jewish Education. B'nai Mitzvah Jakob Brounstein Jakob is a 7th Grader at Hyde Park middle school where he maintains straight A's. Jakob won 2nd place in the National Science Fair and was awarded a Savings Bond from the Army Core of Engineers. He is the team captain of the winning JV Quiz club, and Jakob enjoys all sports including running the mile, playing basketball, rock climbing and hiking. He is first chair percussion in the Band which is playing for Hawaii's 50th statehood celebration on the Arizona memorial 2 weeks before his Bar- Mitzvah. Jakob taught himself to play piano and is an avid drummer. Benjamin Herscliel Marx Benjamin Herschel Marx will be called to the torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, May 24, 2008. Ben is an honor student at Las Vegas Day School which he has attended for the last three years. He is a member of the Science Club, and has won the 2nd place award in the Environmental Division at this year's Day School Science Fair. He was asked to participate in the Regional Science Fair at UNLV, two out of the three last years. As a sixth grader, he won the First Place award in the Nevada Stock Market Simulation in the Middle School Division winning over 210 teams and is currently within the Top Ten of this years competition. Ben enjoys computers, bowling and swimming. He has attended JCC activities since Kindergarten. He will be attending high school at The Adelson School in the fall. Ben's love of reading started when he taught himself to read at 2Vi. This inspired his idea for his mitzvah project participating in "Spread the Word Nevada Kids to Kids'', where he is col