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The Bulletin from Temple Beth Sholom, December 2000



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    TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM Bulletin Mallins to be honored by Temple Beth Sholom Inside This Issue: Cover Story Mallins Honored Join Sandy (if Stan In The Temple's Beautiful New Ballroom A Message From Rabbi Felipe Goodman The Virtue Of Envy Message From Sandy Mallin, President Memo From Ops Charlene Herst Director of Operations A Special Place For You And Your Family Jacob Raijman Director of Education slnd Programming Early Childhood Development Center Parental Involvement Is Great! A Message From Cantor Daniel Friedman Contributors December 2000 Temple Beth Sholom is proud to be honoring Sandy and Stan Mallin January 7, 2 0 0 1 , at "Hat's Off!" a gala to be held in the temple's beautiful new ballroom. Sandy, now in her fifth year as Temple Board of Directors President, made it her mission to see the new syna-gogue built by the year 2000, and she did. Stan's involvement in our commu-nity goes back to the 1 9 6 0 s when he was the developer/owner of Caesars Palace and Circus Circus. Together their leadership and commitment have been to raise funds for Temple Beth Sholom, as well as working in the Jewish community as a whole. Stan served as the Jewish Federation's campaign chairman and Sandy served as the President ofWomens Division of Jewish Federation. Please join in the celebration. A spectacular evening is planned with very special guests, entertainment, wonderful food and drink all included in the price of the ticket. An extraordinary silent auction will feature many beautiful items and wonderful trips. Mayors Jewelers in Desert Passage has donated an exquisite diamond and ruby necklace that will be auctioned along with a beautiful watch donated by Fred Leighton Jewelers in the Bellagio. Please call 804-1333for your reservations or information. Remember that seating is lim ited, so get you reservations in early. Temple Beth Sholom is a Conservative Congregation Affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Visit us at A Message From Rabbi Felipe Goodman The Virtue of Envy In past generations there was a popular exercise among some students of the Bible to criticize it and deny its historicity. Cynics recommended that it should not be placed in the hands of children, since it describes conduct which reflects greed and immorality. These crit-ics did not understand that the Bible is not a book which describes perfect people. It describes ordinary people, weak and sinful, who made mistakes. Relating the deeds of these men and women indicates that through faith in God, even the lowliest persons could reform their lives. Repentance makes it possible for people to become better human beings. The synagogue is not a place in which perfect people gather in self-righteous appreciation of each other. We come to the synagogue because we recognize our weaknesses and feel we need strength. We know we are not pcrfect; we come in order to find guidance and inspiration to improve our lives. The Torah deals with envy, which can lead people to destructive paths. The Ten Commandments warn against envy: "Thou shalt not covet," you must not want that which docs not belong to you. The Bible presents a story which indicates how far jealousy can go. The patriarch Isaac had neighbors who were not very friendly. The origin of this hostility is described in one verse. "And he had flocks of sheep, (locks of cattle and many servants, and the Philistines were jealous of him." (Genesis 26:4) This envy led to hostility. The Philistines stopped up the wells of water that Isaac possessed. In a dry country life depends on water. They destroyed the source of life. Their jealousy did not permit them to look kindly on the prosperity of Isaac. We all agree that jealousy is evil, yet we suffer from it. Even though we try to suppress the "green-eyed monster" we often begrudge others their good fortune and the blessings which they enjoy. Our sages pointed out that jealousy need not be a curse. If it is used properly, it can become a blessing. The Talmud quotes the maxim: "The jealousy of scholars increases wisdom." We might call this constructive jealously. If a scholar observes that a colleague discovered something important, his envy may spur him to study harder. Envy can be recycled from destructive to constructive efforts. In fact, one of the ancient scholars observed that "without jealousy the world could not exist." Envy induces people to work hard, to improve their homes, and to be creative. The very desire to surpass others, if it is held in check and disciplined, can actually become a blessing to the world. The Philistines could have satisfied their envy in another way. They could have dug wells of their own to have more water. Their jealousy did not have to destroy. We have to harness our weaknesses to the higher aims of life. We have a natural tendency to surpass our neighbor. There are two ways in which we can be higher: one way is to push him down and another way is to climb, not at the cost of pushing our neighbor down. Many people try to enhance their own worth by tearing down others. The gossip monger is guilty of this, passing on bad news about other people. What is the psychological motivation? The gossiper relates scandal. By lowering the other person he subconsciously implies that he lives on a higher level. There are two ways in which we can be higher: one way is to push him down and another way is to climb, not at the cost of pushing our neighbor down. Many fail to see that competition among world powers need not be in terms of weapons of destruction. Our nations can compete on a constructive basis. We need not count guns, atom bombs and tanks. We can weigh the amount of bread that is provided to citizens. Who lives better? Who has better schools? Which system produces more happiness? If there is to be rivalry in the world let it not be a rivalry of destruction. Peaceful rivalry can be one of the most constructive forces in the world. We can observe this theory in action in the field of medicine. Scientists have made tremendous strides in bringing healing to the world. This is because they have developed a rivalry that is not destructive. New discoveries quickly become the possession of the entire world. What is learned in Moscow, Berlin, Paris, London, New York or Chicago is disseminated to all people. The reward is the pride that a country feels when its citizens bring benefits to mankind. If we can compete in doing good, we can build a world in which jealousy would be constructive and beneficial. There is one field in which this rivalry has not yet been tried. It is the field of religion. In the past 2,000 years there have been hostilities and warfare caused by religion. There is a sad record of religious wars. Catholics used force against heretics. Moslems fought with Christians. Christians persecuted Jews. Catholics fought against Protestants. There is an ugly record of a rivalry between religions that resulted in wars and persecution. Even today there is much ill-will between religious groups. The paradox is that in defense of religion we destroy what it teaches. Berthold Lessing was a friend of Moses Mendelsohn, the great Jewish teacher of Germany. Lessing wrote a book called Nathan, the Wise. In it he deals with the problems of the competition between religions. The proponents of each religion claim to possess the truth. How is one to know which is the true religion? Nathan tells a story in response to that question. There was once a nobleman who had inherited a beautiful ring from his father. It was handed down from generation to generation. Each father gave it to his most deserving son and it brought favor in the eyes of man and God. The ring went from father to son for generations until it came to one man who had three sons. The father tried to pick one who was worthy of wearing the ring, but he could not make up his mind since they were all worthy. In desperation he called in a jeweler and asked him to make two more rings that are so identical to the original that even he could not identify it. The jeweler made the rings so skillfully that no one could tell them apart. Then the father gave each son a ring. When he died the family gathered and the three sons displayed their rings. They were puzzled and wanted to know who had the genuine one. They decided to go to a judge and each son declared that his father had presented the authentic ring to him. The judge examined the rings and saw that they were absolutely identical. He declared that no one can tell which is the genuine ring. There is only one way of knowing. The son who lives the best and the noblest has the genuine ring. Each religion claims that it has the truth. It can prove to be genuine by showing how its adherents live. The world will know which one is telling the truth. This is the challenge to all of us. We do not have to quarrel about politics, religion or personal life. We need not tear each other down in envy and rivalry. We can demonstrate the truth of our convictions by our conduct. No man can live without some semblance of envy and without engaging in competition. Let there be competition in goodness, charity and human welfare. 2 A Message From Sandy Mallin, TBS President There is no doubt about it. I am certain that these past months have been as reward-ing to you, the congregation, as they have been to me. Together we experienced the dedication of the Fanny and Joseph Goldberg School building, the Lawrence A. Scully Library, our moving Temple dedication, Sharon E. Sigcsmund Sanctuary dedication and the dedication of the Judy and Ronald Mack School of Religious Studies. Our High Holiday Services were held in the new Synagogue just as we planned. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to Shelley Carroll and her High Holy Days Committee, the Men's Club with Irwin Goldberg and Jerry Katz for organizing the Ushers, (they were the best yet) and Steve Saxe, the Ritual Chairman and our Gabbaim, Ruth Goldbfarb, Morris Golden and Mort Karsh. Honorable mention must go to our capable staff, Charlene Herst, Director of Operations, Louise Appcnzcllcr, Helene Rosen, Loric Stowers, Patrick Pittman, David McDonald, Dunbar Temple Beth Sholom is a welcoming and caring congregation. Lawhorn, Jr. and Jon Jensen. We welcome Cantor Daniel Friedman to our congregation and look for-ward to him bringing his talent and personality to services and activities. Visit our schools, meet with Deborah Jensen and Jacob Raijman. See all they arc accomplishing with our children. Everything is coming together at TBS. Mona Silverman and the Membership and Fundraising Committees are breaking records with their successes. Please contact Mona, she needs your help and is anxious to meet and work with our mem-bers. Margaret and Lou Bouchct and Nina and Les Boshes and their chavurah have "adopted" one of the senior members of our congregation. They take him to services, have him for dinner and call him weekly. They have brought joy and meaning to someone living alone. There is no doubt about it. Temple Beth Sholom is a welcoming and caring congregation. Our members are from all over the country and it is a pleasure getting to know you all. Last, but certainly not least, we are proud to announce our partnership with Majestic Caterers from Los Angeles. They will be available for all weddings and B'nai Mitzvahs. Shalom A special acknowledgment and profound thank you to all our friends for the generous donations made in honor of our 50th wedding anniversary. Together, may we continue to share God's blessings for many years ahead. Shalom, Irv & Gloria Bransky Dear Precious Friends & Relatives: We thank you all for your wonderful wishes, donations and messages of Mazel Tov on our 60th Wedding Anniversary Sentimental Journey. How fortunate we feel to have had you all to share this joyous occasion with us. We are still feeling the warmth of your friendship. A very heartfelt thank you to you all. Lilian & Ken Glicken A very special thank you to Dr. Stanton Carroll for his hard work in researching and finding infor-mation about Temple Beth Sholom so that we can have accurate historical data for our archives. Our grateful appreciation to the TBS Men's Club for their generous donation to defray the cost of our Break-the-Fast. 3 Memo from Ops... 1 felt very strongly that this is what I was meant to do and Temple Beth Sholom is where I needed to be. I have come full circle or maybe it is just coming home again. When asked if I was interested in the posi-tion of Director of Operations I became very excited, which sur-prised me as much as the person who asked me. I felt very strongly that this is what I was meant to do and Temple Beth Sholom is where I needed to be. I started this journey officially on October 23, but I am positive I have been heading toward it for a long time. Sholom a place where Jewish fami-lies felt at home. I was a member of the Board of Education and served as its chair. I was on the Board of Directors for six years. I watched all four of my children take their prop-er place in the temple environment through Religious School, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs and youth groups. They have all grown up to be out-standing Jewish adults. It is the con-tinuity and tradition of our religion that kept us together through C h ^ t a v ^ e happy and sad times. Director of Operations My family moved to Las Vegas in 1954 and we immediately joined Temple Beth Sholom when it was on Carson Street. Many of our members remember that building and how fast we outgrew it. We built a very modern and large syna-gogue on Oakey and I spent most of my teenage years involved in temple activities, especially in the Danny Kolod Youth Center. My brother had his Bar Mitzvah and I was confirmed within the familiar surroundings of the sanctuary. As the years flew by I married in the synagogue, named my babies there and took my place as an active adult in making Temple Beth After many years of working in tel-evision, public relations and market-ing I am back where I began my life's journey, but in a new and extraordinarily beautiful synagogue created through dreams and hard work by a very dedicated group of volunteers. This congregation can only grow and the temple will continue to prosper through the continued support of a dynamic membership and hardworking staff. Everyday is an adventure, filled with challenges, frustrations and tri-umphs. I am so happy that I am a part of it all. I have come home. 4 Education, Youth and Programming Department Special Place for _ Qy/ou and G^amily Jacob Raijman Director of Education and Programming There's a place for you at Temple Beth Sholom, a place to increase your Jewish knowledge, a place to nourish your Jewish soul. A place for your children to flourish and to grow into vital Jewish adults. A place for your parents and other family members to share Jewish life. A place to come home to, again and again. MMk Our department is more than a Religious School, more than a center for events. We are a caring community of people like you: family - oriented, active and involved, and working together to ensure a bright Jewish future for the 21st century. We have all kinds of committees and activities for all ages and we would like to invite you to be part of this center of Jewish Life. If we ask where life starts, probably the first answer will be in the birth of the child. For us it's not the answer, because in January we will start the program Lemazal, a Lamaze class for expectant couples in a Jewish environment. The course includes a comprehensive prepared childbirth instruction and such Jewish topics as creating a Jewish home, choosing a meaningful name, the Brit Milah and Baby Naming ceremonies etc. ' The Judy and Ronald Mack School of Religious Studies is committed to developing each child intellectually and spiritually, with curriculum emphasizing the Hebrew language, Bible, Jewish holidays and prayers. # # -A V;: Hebrew reading, Hebrew conversation, Israeli Folk dances, Introduction to Judaism are only a part of what we have in Adult Education. . In addition to participating in formal classroom activities, Temple Beth Sholom children and teens experience the joy of Jewish community and friendships through our Kadima and USY programs.The 2nd Saturday of each month we have the Havdala Family Services where families enjoy a spiritual havdala service together with a special activity each month. The 20 to 40's couples chavuroth are starting their own activities, and are waiting for you to join them. The same happens with the 55 plus club, where we have Chavuroth for singles and for couples, ? ^ We will start the Havdala Singles Dance, together with the JCC in the next few monrjis. The Beyachad group for the elderly members is now taking its first steps. There's a place for you at Temple Beth Sholom, we have committees for each group and we invite you to be a part < be very happy for you to share your ideas with us. Kol Israel Arevim Se la Se (All Israel is responsible for each other). r*. j tm, and we will The Sandra and Stanley Mallin Early Childhood Center at Temple Beth Sholom has been very busy since our opening in September. We began with 50 children and have increased enrollment to 70. We have been doing wonderful things with our children to integrate Judaism into our curriculum. The Rabbi spends time every week sharing the Torah with the children, and our Cantor sings twice a week in our "music minyans". Our entire school celebrates Shabbat together every Friday with prayers, songs, and a meal of Matzo Ball Soup with Challah. We also have an excellent readi-ness program that prepares children for first grade. We have an active Parent Committee which meets regularly and finds ways to help our children. They make our costumes for our Hanukkah Festival which was held on December 13 in our sanctuary. We involve our parents in many ways: Once a month "Bagel Talks", gives parents a chance to meet each other while discussing parent-ing issues, a bi-monthly scrapbooking class, fund raising activities, and even a special project where they put the children's hand-prints all around our sandbox. We are very excited about our program because we teach academic preparedness while encompassing the true essence of Jewish education, traditions, values and experiences. the true essence cfjexuish education, traditions, values a nd experiences We will have open enrollment for the 2001- 2002 year in March. For further informa-tion, please call us at the Temple! 5 Hineini?Campaign Contributors The Past We Inherit, The Future We Create... Our Temple is now complete! We thank you the members of our congregation for participating in the Capital Campaign. We need every member of the synagogue to join us in this partnership and help ensure the continuity of our congregation. Eleanor 8c Martin Adler Gail 8c Ambassador Chic Hecht Ellen Scully 8c Lawrence Scully z'l Susan & Hillel Aronson Evelyn 8c Howard Hertz Claire 8cjared Shafer Louise 8cJerry Appenzeller Sheryl 8c Stuart Honig Evelyn Shafer Mrs. Irving Applebaum Marlene 8c Maury Jones Florence 8c Melvin Shapiro Lovee 8c Robert Arum Carole 8c Ed Kainen Miriam Sharp Roberta Baiter N'adolyn 8c Kenneth Karchmer Charlotte 8c Sam Showel Adele Baratz Bea Katz Sharon E. Sigesmund Alan 8c Raquel Baratz 8c Family Brenda 8c Jerry Katz Mona 8c Charles Silverman Mary 8c Dr. Barry Barkan Mimi &c George Katz Nolan Sklute In Memory of Hyman Genzer, Mr. Bruce Bayne, Irwin Kishner Naomi 8c Art Sloan Peccole Nevada Corporation Wendy 8c Matthew Kraft Dr. Doris 8c Bill Soroky z'l Alvin Benedict Lillian 8c Henry Kronberg Betsi 8c Dr. David Steinberg William Bennett Foundation Judith Konigsberg Faye 8c Dr. Leon Steinberg Sam Berkley Ishi Kunin 8cTerry Leavitt Elaine 8c Irv Steinberg Bonnie Berkowitz Yvette 8c Ellis Landau Ida 8c Sidney Stern Nancy 8c Ed Bernstein* Debbie 8c Harold Lederer Deanne 8c Harold Stralser Seena &Jack Bernstein Judith 8c Philmore Leemon Sunbelt Communications-Beverly 8cjim Rogers Evelyn Bittker z'l Deena 8c Dr. Steven Leibowitz 8c Melanie 8c Gene Greenberg Arlene 8c Jerry Blut Maria 8c Tom Letizia Laura Sussman Amy May 8c Dr. Allan Boruszak Fran 8c Leonard Levien Temple Beth Sholom Sisterhood Nina 8c Leslie Boshes Elaine Lewis Brenda 8c Dr. Murton Strimling Ruth 8c Allen Brewster Anita Lewy Hillari 8c Dr. Howard Tischler Eileen 8c George Brookman Carol 8c Dr. Joel Lubritz Carole 8c Jerry Turk Roberta 8c Lawrence Brown Barbara 8c Jim Lukasiewicz Drs. Ellen 8c David Underwood Sharyn 8c Jay Brown Judy 8c Ron Mack Barry Vinik 8c Shannon Goldsmith Adam Brustein Jody 8c Michael Mack Mary Sue 8c Steven Weiss Shirley 8c Sidney Chaplin Dawn 8c Steven Mack Norma 8c Philip Wilensky Shelley 8c Dr. Stanton Carroll Sandy 8c Stan Mallin Ruth 8c Mel Wolzinger June 8c Bert Colodny Howard Martin Foundation Carole 8c William Zeidin A1 DeArmas Norman Marsh Carol Scjeffry Zucker Lee 8c Ed Devore Agnes Mason Lovee 8c Bob Arum - "Mitch Halpern Belinda 8c Andrew Donner Flora 8c Stuart Mason Memorial Field" Geraldine Dupler Blanche 8c Philip Meisel Jodi 8c Stuart Berger Sam Dvorak Eunice 8c Albert Merkin Bernice 8c Ivan Eisenberg Susan 8c Irwin Molasky Gina Brown in loving Memory of her father, Mel Exber Allison 8c Jon Morvay Judge Seymour Brown Arlene 8c Bruce Familian May Mushkin In Honor o f Michael Dodson's BarMitzvah Rene Feinstein Nevada Title Company, Carol 8c Dr. Joel Lubritz Suzanne Dodson Shelley Lubritz Lucia 8c Israel Feit Robert Graham, President Susan 8c Dr. Alan Feld Reesa 8c Dr. Gerald Niznick Geraldine Fischer 8c Herbert Fischer z'l Emily 8c Michael Novick Suriva 8c Robert Fischer D"Vorre 8c Hal Ober Michael Gaughan Dr. Joan Silverstein 8c George Foldesi Melissa 8c Mitchell Ogron Patti 8c Leo Frey Gail 8c Hugh Olbur Sheila 8c Jay Gershman Sylvia Friedland Minnie Orenstein Milton Gold Cheryl S. 8c Steven Friedman Jane 8c Dr. Ronald Ostrove Michelle Gavens 8c Brian Margolis Barbara 8c Terry Raben Eythe 8c Irwin Goldberg Joyce 8c Morton Galane Rose Raphael 8c Sheldon Raphael z'l Susan Baranoff Langsner 8c Scott Langsner Terri Wilensky-Genzer 8c Robert S. Genzer Barbara 8c Jeffrey A. Richardson Dee 8c Fred Glick Bonnie 8c Dr. David Rogers Sue Levin Lilian 8c Ken Glicken Philip Rosenberg Estate of Bernice Marion Anita 8c Jay Goldberg Lynn 8c Arne Rosencrantz Samuel Goldberg Marcy 8c Dr. Steven A Saxe Linda 8c Alan Sklar Viola 8c Mort Goldstein Julie 8c Mark Scheiner Carolyn 8c Oscar Goodman Faye Schulman Sandy 8c Marvin Snyder Evelyn Goot Florence Schulman Susan 8c Frank Stumer Joel Goot Abigail 8c Milton I. Schwartz Estate of Dorothy C. Guberman Dorit 8c Ronnie Schwartz ' Designates Past Presidents Sandy Hanson z'l Priscilla Schwartz Bold Designates Ne-w Donor since August 2000 Lisa 8c Dan Harris Sylvia 8c Howard Schwartzer 6 Thank You To All Our Generous Sponsors Invest up to ?100,000 ferred for your child's or grandchild's college education. Through the new NextGen College Investing PlanSM. 702-227-7053 Merrill Lynch 2300 West Sahara Avenue Suite! 200 Las Vegas, NV S9102 Attn; Joel H. Qoot Financial Consultant Vice President For many families* the expense of higher education Ls one of their greatest financial challenges. That's why you should consider the NextGen College Investing Plan % a new rax-advanuged way to invest up to $100,000* per child for higher education. Highlights of the NexiGen^ plan include: * Assets from the Plan am he used ar accredited U.S. colleges or posi-secondary school*. * Earnings grow federal- mcome-ta\- dcicrrcd. * Any family members or friends may contribute for a beneficiary, * Contributed assets, are considered removed from vour estate for estate tax purposes, ? The bcneficiary may be changed i within the family) without losing tax deferral. * Choice ol professionally managed portfolios.. Call today to find out more about the N e x t G e n " '"' p l a n . ftrr more complete mforms mm including charges, experts** and rum &f twisting $? fhf Nexr&m^ plan* dik for apwgntm desenpikm. ymi immi. 'lease read it car FAME Mwstt Suae ia>MM&? ! '?japfe* be r&gMsr ?? mm&me up w Merrill Lynch $te?M?st> w * ??(Jtf fm mtom amity* smbk -pk, *tmm b&m* i.*-*-- k SM^iWm per tatititjun* ' 7 Thank You To All Our Generous Sponsors FRAMING STUDIO . ??? ? * 511 Red Canvas Place las' Vfgas nv 8 9m 7 0 i w ) z m Bax No charge to jxxvprofd organizatioris jesoepr for film & prrxrsstng! Bus. Uc P0 6006?;MM<HI BEAUTIFUL, SURPRISING, IMAGINATIVE FRAMING FOR 25 YEARS | Carved, Hand-drawn, and Custom-Designed Mats We Specialize in Framing NEEDLEWORK and JUPAICA 2550 S. Rainbow Blvd. (Behind 7-11 at W. Sahara Ave.) NEVADA CARDIOLOGY ASSOCIATES SPECIALISTS IN COMPREHENSIVE CARDIOVASCULAR CARE MARTIN D. SCHAFFER. MD, FACC, FACP BERGE |. DADOURJAN, MD, FACC SEAN S. AMELI, MD. FACC FOAD MOAZEZ. MD, FACC JEFFREY B. GITLIN, MD SAMUEL E. GREEN, MD, FACC PATRICK C HSU, MD 3!21 S. Maryland Pkwy. Suite 512 Us Vegas. NV 89109 1702) 796-7150 3150 N. Tenaya Way- Suite 460 Us Vegas. NV 89128 {702} 233-1000 ? 8 Thank You To All Our Generous Sponsors Rase Raphael ERA Sunbeh Realty i}* *;t% r'Wk Urttcs (TSTi 3S*-??9 ^ f ax > m\ 363 3622 MilfioiJ QoUar Cfofr Tsil free: 1 SSI EMftttK p \ LtssiI: 3tqtaft?sr2aeU8i8 wwwjESAjcant Buying or selling, f will contribute 10% of my commission to TBS upon swcccssfe! close of escrow Buying or selling, I will contribute 10% of my commission to TBS upon successful close of escrow. Q u a l i t y W o o d P r o d u c t : ! 3 B 9 - 3 0 B 8 BOQ1 N. Nellie Blvd. Residential Entry Doors French Doors Prehung Doors Door Hardware Mirror Wardrobes Stair-Rail Systems Hath Hardware Closet Solutions Commercial Hallow Metal Doors & Frames Wood Doors Toilet Partitions UL Approved Metal Shop Free Estimates License DD5012 Wholesale & Retail - Custom Doors "There is no substitutefor Quality" When only the best will do... 10% OFF INITIATIONS INVITATIONS Bridal Accessories and Calligraphy by S c r i p t a t i o n s Bar/Bat Mitzvah Invitations ? Skull Caps ? Favors Balloon Decor ? Theme Parties Please call for an appointment with Karen Schore 702.257.7400 2600 West Sahara. Sat 103 ? Mon.-Fri. 11-6, Sai. 11-5,- Sunday by Appointment Ruthe Spector & grandsons, Harold & Ronnie SfieiCa & J a y Cjersfiman ( T O ) 655*5500 (800) 788-8368 - < * i: ' 4 SSI*! ^ ^ : ? * 4 . ? Yew c o n h a v e J L e n M C / I > J o r . . . . , . . o 8 R N D + D J T o g e t h e r U J C D D 1 N G 5 ? f l f t R & B U T M I T Z V A H S ? S O C I A L & C O R P O R A T E ? V ? N T S ? R e l a x a m i be a g u e s t a l y o u r l i m c h o l s i n g l e & m u l t i c a m e r a p a c k a g e s M f t f i M r o s l v c v i 4 e e f r a p h y fbO lire fcroadc-?Jr ^iiolifu crjnwos tKAtrg onct oi.j'Xii stfecti pr?gcttjw? ihoairs & rwwill* krv* ?5aT,*v rnmrT?f mw wmm m um* ^ ^ii wwm wm t ?mu c JIUiR*M ( ? a a > 788-8368 <708) 655-5700 BURIAL SITES Have you considered buying a cemetery plot for you and your Family? Temple Beth Sholom has a section available for immediate sale. Call the Temple Office at 804-1333 or Allen Brewster at 598-9900. Palm Mortuaries and Memorial Park. ALLEN BREWSTER FAMILY SERVICE CONSULTANT & PRE-NEED PLANNING BEEPER: 702/598-9900 BUSINESS: 702/464-8360 RESIDENCE: 702/873-4269 INFORMATION ON: Cemetery and Mausoleum Spaces Shipping out-of-state prices on flat & upright headstones 9 OUR SINCERE APPRECIATION TO OUR TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM FAMILY FOR THE MANY ACTS OF KINDNESS EXTENDED TO US ON THE PASSING OF OUR BELOVED MOTHER, EVELYN. WE THANK EACH AND EVERY ONE WHO THOUGHT OF US IN WORD AND IN DEED. THE CONGREGATION'S GENEROSITY WAS OVERWHELMING AND THERE ARE NOT WORDS ENOUGH TO EXPRESS HOW MUCH IT MEANT TO OUR ENTIRE FAMILY STEPHEN AND JOEL GOOT AND FAMILY Tributes . . .Donations From Our Hearts . . . Family Siddur Fund: In Honor of the Marriage of Maria Mogul and Elliot Abt Nina 8c Les Boshes In Honor of the 90th birthday of Arthur Schimmel Les 8c Nina Boshes Transportation Fund: From the Heart Mort Karsh Preschool Fund: In Appreciation of Deborah Jensen and the entire Preschool staff for their kindness and thoughtfulness The Shreiar Family Laurence Scully Library Fund: In Memory of Laurence Scully Marlene & Maury Jones In Honor of Mrs. Barry Berman's Birthday Ellen Scully In Memory of Sam Showel's brother Ellen Scully In Honor of the 50th Anniversary of Gloria 8c Irv Bransky Shirley Winston Arlene & Art Zonder In Honor of the Laurence A. Scully Library Ethel Mittenthal In Memory of Mrs. Sandy Weinstein June 8c Bert Colodny In Honor of the dedication of the Laurence A. Scully Library June 8c Bert Colodny The Snyder Memorial Fund: In Memory of Sandy 8c Marvin Snyder's children Susan & Dennis Smith Ronni 8c Andrew Klein Judith 8c Jeffrey Lowenhar Carole 8c Maurice Pockey Sandra 8c Harry Leasure Doreen & Stuart Mann Rabbi's Discretionary Fund: In Appreciation of all that TBS did and Rabbi Goodman's kindness for the memorial sen-ice for Arthur Goldberg Sig Rogich and Don King The Rogich Communications Group In Honor of Our First Grandchild, Adam Joshua Cohen Dr. & Mrs. Alan Galsky Refuah Shlema to Louis Singer Zena 8c Bennett Fishbain From the Heart Aliza G. Rothenberg From the Heart Mr. 8c Mrs. Dennis Stralser Mazel Tov on Rabbi Felipe 8c Liz Goodman's anniversary Louise 8c Jerry Appenzeller In Appreciation of Rabbi Felipe Goodman officiating at my mother's funeral The Vickter Family In Memory of Lillian Shore Janice 8c Jeffrey Rudeseal In Appreciation of Rabbi Goodman doing a Mishabarach for us Gloria 8c Dr. Alan Mintz In Memory of Charles Isler Reba Isler In Appreciation of Rabbi Goodman's Baby naming for our granddaughter, Alexandra Rachel Thomas In Honor of the 50th Anniversary of Joanne 8c Leslie Levine Andrea, Drake &c Richard Gordon Neal, Beth, Jordan 8cJared Schore In Memory of Paul Rubin Sidney Chaplin, Larry Ruvo and your friends at Southern Wine 8c Spirits of Nevada In Memory of Gil Rosenberg Sidney Chaplin, Larry Ruvo and Your friends at Southern Wine 8c Sprits of Nevada In Memory ofYochai Joe Knaani Laraine M. Knaani In Honor of my Aliyah Dr. Doris L. Soroky In Appreciation of Rabbi Goodman's beautiful Brit service for our son, Alex Michelle 8c Dr. Ira Weiner In Appreciation of Rabbi Goodman officiat-ing at Sari 8c Joel Mann's wedding Melanie Sc. Gene Greenberg From the Heart Chai Kainen In Memory of David Goodman Marcy 8c Dr. Steven Saxe Judy 8c Ron Mack Judy 8c Manny Stein Carolyn 8cMayor Oscar Goodman June 8c Bert Colodny Liz Olbur Paul Schmier Natalie Berman Wendy 8c Matthew Kraft Heather 8c Larry Saxe Anita Lewy Barbara 8c Ron Kirsh Lynn 8c Arne Rosencrantz Ellen, Erica, Lissie 8c David Underwood Gloria 8c Irv Bransky Gloria 8c Dr. Alan Paul Mintz Carolyn 8c Morris Gertz Elaine 8c Irv Steinberg Marianne 8c A1 DeArmas Nicole, Alan, Josh 8c Blake Weissman Arlene 8c Jerry Blut Ann 8c Harold Gastwirth Drs. Debora 8c Mark Barney Adam Brustein Neil 8c Maxine Ostrow Linda 8c Herbert F. White Maria 8c Tom Letizia Miriam Sharp Flora 8c Stuart Mason School/Scholarship Fund: From the Heart Jacqueline Ronald Turshinsky Prayer Book Fund: In Honor of the Senior Sermon of our Nephew Ruven Barkan at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America Mary 8c Barry Barkan In Honor of Ken 8c Lilian Glicken's 60th Anniversary Louise 8c Jerry Appenzeller Fran 8c A1 Boccia Arlene 8c Jerry Blut Ruth 8c Allen Brewster Shirley 8c Sidney Chaplin Gerry Fischer Tina 8c Craig Hamilton Ceina 8c Sam Kalin Sadie & Irv Kaplan Judy 8c Ron Mack Sandy 8c Stan Mallin Cheryl 8c Dr. Alan Miller Earl Monsey Ellie Callie 8c Harold Newmark 11 Tributes . . .Donations From Our Hearts . . . Lvnn 8c Arne Rosencrantz Diane Schwartz Florence & Mel Shapiro Patricia Shapiro Florence 8c Bo Sokoloff Mona Sc Charles Silverman Elaine Sc Irv Steinberg Addie Sc Aaron Tilkin In Memory of David Goodman Sandy & Stan Mallin Marlene Silverman Dr. Doris Soroky 8c Richard Aarenau Julie Sc Mark Scheiner L