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I agree.m July 3, 1928 9215-355 Mr. E. E. Calvin, Vice-President, Omaha* Nebraska. Dear S ir: Herewith A.F.E. Request No. 158 fo r an appropriation o f $71*000 to cover construction o f 2,500,000 gallon capacity reservoir and 14*x 40* settlin g basin together with incidental piping, as contemplated by 1928 Budget Item No. 58. This oonforme to instructions contained in President’ s memorandum attached to your le tte r o f February 17, 1928 advisipg o f 1928 Budget Items favorably considered, the budget estimate having been reduced from $178,000 to $71,000 to cover construction o f only the reservoir, settlin g basin and connecting pipe lin e s this year. Yours very tru ly ,