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    CITY OP HOPE: BRIEF FACTS The City of Hope -- a Pilot Medical Center ?╟÷ occupies 92 landscaped, acres in Duarte, California, near Los Angeles. Pioneering new weapons against heart, blood and chest maladies, cancer and. leukemia, the City of Hope depends upon voluntary support to meet its budget and has launched, a five-phase, $10,000,000 "new Horizons" expansion program involving new construction, equipment and. facilities. As a Pilot Medical Center seeking to influence medicine and. science everywhere, the City of Hope is dedicated to patient care, research and medical education in the major catastrophic maladies of this era. Its specialized, services are available without charge to the afflicted on referral by private physicians, no matter where they live and regardless of race or creed. Since its founding in 1913 ?? the key word at the City of Hope has been personalization of patient care. For example, patients?╟╓ rooms house no more than two persons. Another example of City of Hope piloting is its Parent Participation Program, enabling parents to help care for their stricken children. Initiated, in 1954, features of this program have been adapted, by other hospitals in the U.S. City of Hope research receives support from the National Science Foundation, National Cancer Institute and other U.S. Public Health Service agencies, and from private foundations and. donors. Original research ?╟÷ exemplified by many hundreds of findings by City of Hope scientists -- is under way in biochemistry, biology genetics, virology and. neurophysiology, as well as in hematology, pathology, cardiology, surgery, radiology and. other clinical areas. Radioactive cesium-137> a new product of the Atomic Age, was first used in daily cancer therapy at the City of Hope. The Institute for Biomedical Studies, inaugurated at the City of Hope in i960 and. the first program of its kind in the biological sciences, fosters creative contributions to human knowledge by outstanding medical scientists, including Nobel Prizewinners, from all parts of the world. Its policies and programs determined through biennial conventions of more than 425 chartered Auxiliaries throughout the U.S., the City of Hope has been deservedly called. "America's outstanding democratic philanthropy." <C -3 2-