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essreleasei jLiL/iblliFttJtL^DriEiljS^O^^^^SW H } KJ i, t 5~?? Jk?╜*~*^ ?√ß?√ß ?√ßESSREu__ ?^:iR^"A5x. >P-: 3RELEASEPRE5SRELEASEPRES5RELEASEPRESSREL1 ESSRh^weT>f Zh R-Li A^r>I?╟÷3RELEASEPRESSRELEASEPRESSRELEASEPRESSRELEJ Ijsssreleasepressreleasepressreleasepressrelease TO: VEGAS VISITOR FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, PLEASE. August 25, 1975 DIRECTOR OF PUBLICITY & ADVERTISING THE SANDS HOTEL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89109 (702) 735*9111 PROMOTIONS AT SANDS - Richard G. Danner (left), general manager of the Sands, is shown congratulating newly appointed executives (left to right) Dan Napier, Assistant Resident Manager; Rand D. Clark, Jr., Sales Director; and Ted Ward, Resident Manager. Prior to their appointments, Clark and Ward had served as assistant department heads, and Napier held the position of chief clerk. -30- TH E &a'n&e so far ahead it will always be new! ressrelease" ssreleasepressreleasepressreleasepressreleasepres8relea3 ressreleasepiessreleasepressreleasepressieleasepressreleasepressrelela pESSRET^kDJix .lESSSELtA^^RESSRELEASEPRESSREI a 3EPRESSRELEASEPRESSRELEA: llESSRE__ l^nRITAS*. ^'SRELEASEPRESSRELEASEPRESSRELEASEPRESSRELEA: RESSRfc^"^! ^ 'RJL A^I ?╟÷3RELEASEPRESSRELEASEPRESSRELEASEPRESSREIJELA bESSRELEASEPRESSRELEASEF iSRELEASE PRESSRELEASE TO: LAS VEGAS REVIEW JOURNAL FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, PLEASE, August 25, 1975 dkH Qugwcm DIRECTOR OF PUBLICITY & ADVERTISING THE SANDS HOTEL LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89109 (702) 735*9111 PROMOTIONS AT SANDS - Richard G. Danner (left), general manager of the Sands, is shown congratulating newly appointed executives (left to right) Rand D. Clark, Jr., Sales Director; Ted Ward, Resident Manager; and Dan Napier, Assistant Resident Manager. Prior to their appointments, Clark and Ward had served as assistant department heads, and Napier held the position of chief clerk. -30- THE &aii&0 so far ahead it will always be newl