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    This Clipping From NEW YORK, N. Y. WORLD-TELEGRAM & SUN Tips on Tables 1 NEW IhJRn, Confidential Jane Russell Due At Latin Quarter By ROBERT W. DANA. Next week's calendar of cafe events is extremely promising, rich with sentiment and would artistically significant. It ^Jb0^ I JSS^-7- would be 'hard to signal out fl3*\ ^5^^\4- L any one event as the high Z 22*i\^-^>^Afct1^ point when you realize they involve such names as Sig- rrtund Romberg, Hildegarde, Gordon MacRae, Nat (King) Cole and Jane Russell. So I will list each in order of their appearance. Mr. Romberg, the beloved composer, will be present through his music, sung in the Pierre Cotillion Room by Earl Wrightson, Betty Benee and Felix Knight. The opening is next Tuesday. After an absence of nearly 10 years, Hildegarde will return Wednesday to the Persian Room of the Plaza, a room which was done over as showcase for her when she moved over from the Savoy- Plaza in the old days. Gordon MacRae, singing star of such movies as "Oklahoma!" and "Carousel," and his wife, Sheila Stephens, will open their act Thursday in the Empire Room of the Waldorf-Astoria. On the same night Nat (King) Cole, the Blackburn Twins in a new act with comedian Jerry Collins, and dancer Peggy Womack will open at the Copa cabana. Jane Russell, the Hollywood beauty, will do a song and dance act as star of Donn Arden's "All About Dames" when" she makes her New York cafe debut Friday at the Latin Quarter. Pony Sherrell and Phil Moody have written *S^ original music and lyrics for the revue, which will include a flock of new beauties. Two other openings are scheduled for Tuesday. Mary Small, singer, will open at Le Cupidon, appearing at 10 p.m. and 12:30 a.m. Dee Lawson, jazz singer, will make her night club debut at the Village Vanguard, sharing the bill with the Phineas Newborn trio and comedian Irwin Corey. Maude Craig's elegant restaurant, Craig's, 661 Northern Blvd., in Great Neck, L. I, recently celebrated its first anniversary. It has become gourmet's rendezvous for its Continental and American cuisine, with complete lunches from $1.75 up and table d'hote dinners from $3 up. They have a special children's dinner for $2, piano music by Marty Gruen and party facilities. This Clipping From WOMEN'S WEAR DAILY NEW YORK, N. Y. OCT, 28 1958 Night Clubs By BEN SCHNEIDER I Jane Russell Tops I Latin Quarter Revue Movie star Jane Russell brought I her night club act to the Latin ?√ß Quarter last night, headlining the ?√ß new Donn Arden revue. The film ?√ß queen is supported by a group of ?√ß male dancers in an act staged by | Jack Cole. Following usual Latin Quarter I policy, there is a host of support- ; talent in the revue. . Among I them are Bennett and Patterson, ?√ßWest Coast comedy sensations mak- ling their New York debut and Margin Roy, with his mystifying sleight | of hand feats. Pony Sherrell?╟÷who th Phil Moody fashioned the I music and lyrics for the show ?╟÷ lis featured songstress. Lewis and I Roberts dance and Boubouka is an I exotic Turkish dancer in the revue. By LEE MORTIMER TUESDAY, AND IS IT NEWSDAY! Sherman Adams may be out of the White House, but he is not out of the hearts of probers who want to know about possible "influence" behind the Army's decision to change the uniform color to green at a cost of several hundred million?╟÷to the delight of textile manufacturers including one B. Goldfine . . . Wonder if Joe Adonis knows his 22-year old daughter prefers 'teen age boys? (Cradle robber.).. .Royal family had enough trouble this week, when British customs men declared a ring was using Queen Elizabeth's Sandringham estate for the delivery and collection of drugs. This is Exciting, Too (Anyway it is to me)! Add upcoming probes: The "leak" on the Federal Reserve Bank's decision to "up" the margin rates to 90 percent. Who profited when the market dropped last week? . . . Those in the know won't be surprised if investigators come up with info that the fascists who run these "hate groups" are secretly financed by Communists?╟÷and certain New York "liberal" groups who cash in on unrest and publicity. Sort of Reichstag fire. (Or Hitler-Stalin pact.) PLEASANT TIDINGS FROM ACROSS THE DRINK. Inasmuch as actress Susan Strasberg's mother is a persistent denier,'I expect a denial that the real reason Susan likes London is Colin Clark, son of Sir Kenneth Clark, chairman of the Arts Council...If Eva Bartok and Milford Haven are that serious, what was she doing with handsome racing driver Prince Shiv of Palitana, wherever that is, and what was he doing with model Carolyn Poosonby, sister of Lord Sysonoby?... AND HAPPY DOINGS'HERE AT~HOME: Big laugh when Henry Ford II saw the illuminated Cadillac display in the glitter* ing lobby of glittering El Morocco and demanded "equal time" from John Perona . . . Top Met Opera star Cesare Siepi back in town in time to catch "the only girl I'd like to marry," when Mitsuko Mori- gai, Japan's most, famous beauty, opens at the Latin Quarter this week-end in the new Donn Arden revue starring Jane Russell. (And I know a lot of guys whoyd like to catch Russell.) . . . T. S. Froige, the builder, had reason to celebrate with Maurice at Ed Wynne's gay Harwyn: The birth of a daughter and a $14,000,000 Edgemere housing contract all on the same day . . . Others celebrating there for various reasons were Gia Scala (recovered from her suicide try in England) with Marty Mills, Tommy Dorsey's widow Janie forgetting with Al Besselink, the golf champ, and Natalie Trundy, the deb actress, with Oscar Molinari who flew in from Paris' to replace young Batista. VIVE LA FRANCE: Can't find a happier guy than me over success of lovely France Nuyen as "Suzie Wong." She's one of the most adept performers I've ever seen, full of fire and feeling, and natural too, a great actress on or off stage. She's worth the price of admission and more, a fantastic child with a fabulous 'future. But I hope she's being misquoted by thfe scribes about her social and political views. No Comment, Please: Funny how some of the girls in "Suzie" overlook their "past" in the "program notes." To read Mary Mon Toy's, you'd think she went direct from Julliard school to "Suzie Wong," completely skipping Tom Ball's China Doll, the Latin Quarter and Miami Saxony among others. And Sirat, the Siamese songbird who doesn't sing in this one, neglects the Viennese Lantern where she started, amazing Harry Mufson's famous Miami Eden Roc Mona Lisa Room and exciting, exhilerating Chez Vito where it's New Year's Eve every night, even without her plug. THIS I CAN DO STANDING ON MY HEAD (But it hurts!): Dagm'ar ailing? I hope not . . . Harvey (The Fireman) Rosen, a former Democratic office holder himself, is strictly non-partisan at his El Borracho Kiss Room. Carmine DeSapio threw a cocktail party there last week for Peter J. Crotty, Democratic candidate for Attorney General, so Harv will repair his political fences when friends of Louis J. Lefkowitz throw a blowout there Monday for the favored G.O.P. incumbent.. .After Cass Franklin and Lou Walters Jousted their long time booking agency, Cass became "big business" Avith a story in the Wall Street Journal abouthis Chrystler trade-show and Lou signed with the Las Vegas Riviera (at 25 Gs for four weeks) and the Miami Carillon. Good luck to both . . . Marriage has a lot to offer a gal. Including alimony . . . Lupos rediscovering the romantic magic of Max Loew's Casanova at 79th & 2nd where singing fiddler Alex Rosati, a Noel Coward protege, slays the babes. (If she still says "No" after hearing him she ain't stubborn. She's dead.) . . . Blonde beaut Judy Reid, darling of the traveling celebs as a Pan Am stewardess and Skipper of the N. Y. Clipper Club, in Benghazi, Libya -(of all places) assisting husband Don Nagy care for CARE'S affairs there. IT'S HOW THE BREAKERS BREAK: Former State Senator Seymour Halpern, who's as good as in Congress to succeed Henry Latham, is getting more action from the State Dept on the release of American prisoners held by Chinese Reds, than most veteran congressmen. (Did you know Halpern is a fine and sensitive artist. Painted two portraits of my beloved Ann which caught so much of her never-to-be forgotten spirit and beauty).. .Sol Hurok, impresario who brought the Moiseyev hoofers to America, in Russia on a mission to bring another group of Commie favorites here . . . WOO WOO OF THB WEEK AND EVERY WEEK: Lovely Marion Mitchell, thrilling titian-top thrush at the Pierre . . . Rex Rich- ards, society's leading floral arranger, is one of cafe society's best dressed men. THRILL OF THE NATION: Uncle Miltie Berle on TV . . . Excitement at the Copa: Joe E. Lewis' ''closing party" Wednesday and Nat "King" Cole's opening Thurs. . . . Some guys make gals yen. Others make 'em yawn. NOTES TO THE LITERATE (But who can read?) Every American should buy the Overstreets' "What We Must Know About Communism." Most important book on the subject since J. Edgar Hoover's bestselling "Masters of Deceit" so it's sure to get the brushoff from the highbrow literary reviews . . . Another anti- Commie blockbuster is Edward Hunter's "Black Book on Red China" . . . Maggie Davis, a comely former Atlanta radio commentator, has a winner in "Winter Serpent," an exciting novel about a Viking's moll, which is something she ought to know about down there in Georgia.. .Wish I had written "So You Want to be a New Yorker" by Le Roy G. Provins, and come to think of it, Lait and I did write a lot of it ten years ago in "New York Confidential." This is one of the best on the subject and right up to date... This Clipping From DAILY VARIETY HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. S?·P 30 19S8 Nitery Review DESERT INN ($3 Minimum) Las Vegas, Sept. 29. ?╟÷ B< Grable brings her nostalgic mus turn back in,to the Painted De.1 Room, where it's sure to do h( business even during this so-ca slow season. The act is basics the same as she had here bef< but a dandy new burlesque m ber has been added as a fir (in which Miss Grable is bn queen "Bumpsy Daisy") mak the whole offering a fast-movi pleasan,t romp. Star revives soi and dances from her film clic and gets solid backing from quartet of virile lads in the ch and terp department ?╟÷ Jim Hod Bobby Navarro, John Drexel z Harry Nofel. Bob Williams, a local fa brings his uncooperative dogs for more sustained yocks. It's unusual an,d very funny act. Two new Donn Arden prod tion numbers, ""Malumbo," ?· "Autumn Nocturne," featuring 1 flashy Flamenco dancing of 1 and Maria Morca, and the robi singing of Art Johnson, balai the bill with classy flair. Carli Hayes and his orch (14) capal provide the notes for the she skedded for four frames. Duke This Clipping From HOLLYWOOD REPORTER HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. NOV 13 a- - MOULIN ROUGE The Mills Bros., who for 25 years have been proving barbershop harmonizing never jades the public, serve up a pleasing and nostalgic turn. Holding over are the Donn Arden Revue and comic Paul Gilbert. There's a minimum of gab as the Millses wisely get down to the business at hand?╟÷singing. The strongest number in the act are those they've sung for years?╟÷^"Opus No. 1," "I'll Be Around," "You're Nobody 'til Somebody Loves You," "Basin Street Blues," "Paper Doll," "Glow Worm," "You Always Hurt the One You Love," "Lazy River" and "She Was Five and He Was Ten." The Arden Revue still comes across as alive and fresh as when caught upon its opening last month. Dick Stabile's orchestra deftly backstops. ?╟÷ Neal Graham.