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    “ Hercules “ Ledge Notice is hereby given that [not legible] the undersigned have this day claimed fifteen hundred feet, undivided, along the course of the “ Hercules “ vein, Lode, or mineral deposit, as authorized by the second section of the mining act of Congress approved May tenth eighteen hundred and Seventy two, the said vein, lode or deposit extending in an Easterly and a Westerly direction as near as can be determined from present developments. The claim hereby located, running in an Easterly direction the distance of Seven Hundred and Fifty feet; and in a westerly direction the distance of seven hundred and fifty feet from the discovery shaft on said mineral vein or deposit; from the mouth of which said shaft [not legible] south from El Dorado Wash at the distance of about the fourth of a mile, and East of the “ Johnson “ Location at the distance of about three thousand feet. The surface ground claimed in connection with the Hercules Location, four hundred feet in width, the same extending two hundred feet each side of the middle of the vein at the surface as allowed by the mining regulations and customs of the El Dorado mining district, county of Lincoln, state of Nevada, in which said mining vein is situated. The mining ground hereby claimed and taken up is so marked by stakes and monuments at the corners thereof, that the boundaries may readily be traced upon the surface as required by Law El Dorado mining District, [not legible] of Lincoln State of Nevada. March 4th 1875 Locator J. [not legible] Nash Filed for Record on the ground March 8th 1875 J.N. Nash Recorder