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Letter from Walter R. Bracken and Al M. Folger (Las Vegas) to Mayor J. L. Russell and City Commissioners (Las Vegas), March 30, 1940


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The Las Vegas Land and Water Company informs the mayor of Las Vegas of their efforts to promote Emergency Ordinance No. 247 and of the improvements they have made to the water system to increase capacity. J. L. Russell was Mayor of Las Vegas at that time.

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    hln000838. Las Vegas Land & Water Company Records from the Las Vegas Valley Water District, 1945-1959, 1978, 1989. MS-00912. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    LAS VEGAS LAND AND WATER COMPANY W . M. J E F F E R S , PRESIDENT, OMAHA, NEBR. FRANK STRONG, VICE-PRES., LOS ANGELES, CAL. W . H . J O H N S O N , SECRETARY, LOS ANGELES, CAL. C . B. M A T T H A I , ASSISTANT SECRETARY, OMAHA, NEBR. P A U L R I G D O N , ASSISTANT SECRETARY, OMAHA, NEBR. H . A. T O L A N D , AUDITOR, OMAHA, NEBR. W . S. U R E , TREASURER, OMAHA, NEBR. CHARLES ADAMS, AGENT, LOS ANGELES, CAL. WALTER R. BRACKEN, VICE-PRES. AND AGT. LAS VEGAS. NEV A . M . F O L G E R , ASSISTANT AGENT, LAS VEGAS, NEV. Las Vegas - March 30, 1940 Honorable J. L. Russell, Mayor and City Commissioners, Las Vegas, Nevada. Gentlemen: This has reference to the water shortage with which the City of Las Vegas has been faced in past years during the hot summer months, due to abnormal waste. It has been suggested that we invite the attention of owners of large air coolers to the present ordinance, No. 247, which prohibits the running of water into the sewer mains without the use of a recapture device. We are heartily in accord with this suggestion, and are sending you herewith a copy of circular letter addressed this date to the principal hotels, creameries, groceries and other business houses, soliciting their cooperation in the conservation of the city's supply of water. As you know, we have made considerable expensive improvements during the past winter, including new trans-mission mains from the wells and springs into the city, re-placing old redwood lines with new cast iron of larger diameter, drilling additional wells and otherwise preparing for the usual heavy drain during the coming summer, and we respectfully ask the cooperation and assistance of the city officials to see that the water thus supplied is placed to beneficial use for the common benefit of the community and is not allowed to run to waste. Thanking you, we are Respectfully yours, LAS VEGAS LAND AND WATER CO. WALTER R. BRACKEN, Vice President and Agent A. M. FOLGER, Assistant Agent.