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    Annual Report to the State Public Service Commission 2 IDENTITY OF RESPONDENT 1. Did the respondent-make an annual report to this Commission for the preceding year or for any part thereof? If so, in what „am(> Las Vegas Land and Water.. Company * » 2. If any change were made in the name of the respondent during the year, state all such changes and the dates on which they were made. None 3. Give location of main business office at end of year. No..?P.®^—? ..; ; City........lA S ....y® gaS ...................................................... ................... ............. .I.; S t a t e ............ .... .................... 4. Give the title, name and office address of each general officer of the respondent at the end o f the year, and the date when he first began to discharge the duties of his office. If there are receivers, trustees or committees in control of the property and operations of the respondent, give also their names and titles, the locations of their offices, and the date of their appointment. Title (a) Name of officer (b) ’ Address (c) Entered upon office (d) President______ V i«5 Presjdent- A sst.S e cj, ft ' A.E.Stoddard JLS i T r e s a . i S S lie r - or._____ ! A t6jQedge Omaha 2 , Nebr Mar "C a lif. $S4*W B o , JLY." f ; 5. Give the name and address of each director of the respondent at the end of the year and the date when his term expires. Name o f director (a) Address1 0?) Term expires (C) Remarks (d) A • £ .Stoddard 1A16 Dodge S t .t Omaha,Nebr* N ov.8,195/ W in . Reinhardt k22 West 6th S t .,io 3 Angeles ______________I___ C a lif. H J.W.Padden H H It n E.E.Bennett s n n it W.H.Johnson n it n it A .C .R itter 10 South Main S t .,S a it Lake C ity , Utah n 6. State whether respondent is a corporation, a joint stock company, association, a partnership, or an individual...................... Corporation.... I 1 If a corporation or association, state (a) Date of incorporation............M sy. 2 » i 9 0 § ............................. (b) Under laws of what State incorporated ......................................(c) Whether incorporated under a special or a general law..........Q ® h e r a l............. 7 Were the respondent’s articles of incorporation amended during the year.................. i f so, give particulars of date and place of Aung- amendments and file with this report a copy of the amended articles, if in print............................................ .................... 8 If during the year the respondent acquired other companies or was reorganized in any respect or merged or consolidated with other companies, give full particulars; also give names of other companies owned, controlled and operated in conjunction with respondent’s property.............N....o..u...s......................... -.................................................. 9. Give names of cities, towns and other municipalities supplied by the respondent.........^.A.Y.®M !?.A..^®Y& 4&..................... 10. Give name of corporation owning, controlling or operating respondent, if any. Los nqeleff and Salt:--lakfl-.fiailxm A..Cc^^ .... 11. What, if any, other service is furnished by respondent........... :......:.NSI1®........... COCfO