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RTHE ORIGINAL omeikF PRESS CMggjjjGS ?√ß" 220 W. 19th-St, NHfJiK 11, N.Y. .^e Tel. CHelsea^8860 Cir. (Dr^^^) This Ctipi^^^royn Along Broadway By danton walker I -/GERMAN industrialists reported ||f: supporting the Cbipniies in West Germany as well" as Ilast Germany for "insurance" that if war between the U. S. and<Russia breaks ioing.they will be spiled by the 1l|&S;^.;fp^z Kuhn, fofsi8r leader or^e German-American Blind who was aeported, now a pants cutter .in Frankfurt, Germany . . . Anna Pauker said to have diamonds r*stashed away in Switzerland worth oyer a million dollars . .?√ß?√ß'. Geologists believe they've uncovered the world's richest and biggest uranium deposit in Australia . . . President Batista's newest scheme to raise revenue is to increase the, price of pistol permits, of which there are a fantastic number in Cuba. * * * THE CORONATION will have theater-TV , . . Gottfried von Ei- nem?╟? composer of the opera ton for a second picture, "Maud," "Junto's Death" and Austria's out-{penned byl^mk^Auchittcloss . . standing living composer, here on a Magda G^^|^Jmddling w i t hi cultural tour as the guest of the F r e djg|^f|p>tas over a TV| State Department . . . Westera Union reports that the floo^.-tSl congratulatory telegrams forg&fci| will mark a new high in the company's history. , * * * Harry S. Truman's firsf TV appearance as a private citizen will be on the Kate Smith' show during the first week in March/ according to Ted Collins . . . Pan- American forced to hold up its purchase of three British jetliners until the CAA, decides whether they meet our safety and noise-control standards . Book publishers now find that manuscripts about FDR are run- ining ahead of Lincoln for the /first time. * * * J THE KINSEY REPORT on the jfemale sex due out in November j. . . Gabe Katzka, the boy money Iraiser for Broadway shows, who personally raised a quarter of a million dollars this season, planning to go out on his own. His first project is to get Fernandel and French singer Irene Hilda for an American version of their re- I cent Paris musical hit. * * * MARY MARTIN may return to films under the J. Arthur Rank banner in a movie biography of Gertrude Lawrence . . . Lowell Thomas broke his ankle skiing near his home in PawlinggN. Y.... The Huntington Hartford 3ds (Marjorie Steele) expect their second heir in July. Incidentally, Marjorie, who co-stars with Robert Preston in her* husband's production, "Face toi Face," has been teamed with Pres-y fashi^^^^p:5?7T John. Ryan, his| roniaBe|OT&h ISartba Kitt apparently oyer, leaving for Italy $&&?║Ljg\ JohMMuston's productionyi^^t^U Oh pe latter's latest /Jj^Tentujps Marilyn Monj^fffo mak&j|j^fer I night club bojgpfhe SandsVHbtel I in Las VjpP^ somefftfp* ne*t month , jjpFTwo rec^to outfits bidding ,pr album rights to the I "Morejjpiout LQjt^iab show at the ^Upailles^^r . Joan Davis passatf up pfijr' pictures at Co- lunpp to continue with her TV sejpf, "JpMarried Joan/' which sh?· c|Wms is more profitable. * # * DIANA LYNN set for the lead opposite Melville Cooper in Mil-i lers' new production, "Horses in Midstream," due later this season 'Dancing Waters," the European fountain spectacle which throws 38 tons of water 30 feet in the air, now at the Music Hall, signed for the World's Fair at Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 1954 ... TV promotion firms trying to sell Katharine Hepburn on playing* "The Millionairess" for a one-shot closed circuit deal. ?╟≤^Mf * * * The Broadway..... legit theater suffering from the tightest booking jam in years. At least four plays on the road or in rehearsal (Touchstone, Josephine, Where Late the ..Sweet Bir&M>anggand J Take a Giant Step) JjayiBn't been j booked into a theafe^as yet. , jE*g * * ;*Wm PU^^T.DICiJ^ftNEY re-1 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York NEW f ORK, N. Y. TELEGRAPH Circ.%%3,107 is, column tlplKatherine Mice Brj^^Margalo cSCSP Johnso?╜l$&pi Merrill ~ tes were aMolg the ac- e^3^^^11 offers-to- the two d^fam^d^chool r"The ChiMren's HouF - _Jiy was fi$it' produced 118 years aJKlt appearrlhey feared j a repetitiom>pf-what happened to j Basil Rathboheg Ann Andrews, | Helen Menken and colleagues who eight years befo?║gp926) had been hauled off to the1 West 47th St. Station in a patrol car when local politicos and puritans demanded the closing of "The Captive," in which they were engaged, becausel its theme was the unnatural af-f fection of two women for each other. j JWni9S3 /* .0$ihe Hollywood Scene Herb Stein Amazed at Reception Chaplin I Has Been Given in England; Disney Reveals Versatility Anew HOLLYWOOD, Jan. 23.?╟÷Lana Turner and <M-G-M are in a helluva hassle. The eh irk nanntx 18 months abroad and the studio's lOkay on her "Flesh and the ?√ßmmma tMt,& aU _ were but Thomas m l f0r , Lena Horne -Ajrtr-' Edith Piaf ^HBserved one of ?·he Me who works in Vegas nan 10 G's a week is a. ^^^^ag- TV is beginning in ear- g nest to breathe down the necks of the big motion picture meggers WkWM?·%88!&R&'- '" ^ic^es^ Pr0 Solf tourney picks I off at the Vegas Desert Inn links in April. DM j you know the Wilbur Clark course, |njgHwn remark- ' ably fine shape, cost 375,000 clam^jff^ ESTABLISHED 1888 '(G) BArclay7'5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York HOUSTON, TEX. PRESS Circ. D. 144,346 JAN 10 1953 j Now to Learn to Cpok! /With a firm grip on my Escoffier Cook Book, I interviewed blondsome, tres-shapely, twice-divorced Eva Gabor . . . this Hungarian-born beauty had just finished an early-afte"rnoon breakfast of cornflakes, sliced bananas & nearly a quart of*/?·ream ... $wl "I'm a lucky girl," she accented, "I don't have to watch what I eat." (Eva's 5-1 ^ & weighs between 106 &108.) .,..' "I made a, what you call, uh, receep for Look magazine . . . an 'after -1}??- show' egg thing . green peppers, sausages, paprika, tomatoear-everything I theenk of ... I eook it deeferent each time, yes." I "I likePifeaks, very rare," continued ";this brown-eyed charmer, "and hamburgers. Texas has thej^?╜ best of the^fg ^l:"| On the subject of men Miss Gabol^was, Sjfplieit enough ?╟÷"All of them I love have been &blef|) cook something." At which point I hurried away to j^eti&Lpn my stove. By this time next week we will h*$e vfglted with another petite femme whose size (5-im 96 lbs.) belies a | prodigious appetite?╟÷Sonja Henie. 1 A Needle for Galv&aajk I There's more to Ed Leach's nef|i|jflveston beach hotel project than meets the eye . . . f||||$M)o-size Jacl^Tar owner checked resort spots in 28 $mm& before he drew up. plans with his architect ... I ffiiklr. thej&iltra-mo^ern, sun-decked hotel will give the Isle ?pty the needle it has needed ... Ed's ready to spend $1,500,000 only dise and he's a gent who can mak%M of the Jack TarfCourts is tops that spot can't be beat.. . .11 I Big Ed's super-swank hotel jaffl||I*Ijoin tM present Courts on the west side VW mioss frdR Stewart Beach .. he'll try to open,^mt^^s muc^whoop-de-d& as Jakie Freedman's Las WgW Sands, Ji July?? This new hotel, the Frema-Wt^c^ing $15,000,000 yearly Air Force payrolL^anJFa re-ogiiing of the Bali- nese Room fexpected neJFwyk) shmid put the ??Teahder City high behind?╟÷& wjire mr it ^0 per cent. EVA GABOR Bananas on cornflakes. Sierf para- r (is ojlralifen Pprai#eii#-of ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay lWf\ PRESS C#P1NG BUREAU 165 Church-Street - New York PHOENIX, ARIZ. GAZETTE Circ. D. 44,356 JAM7 1953 HOLLYWOOD iJohnny Farrow Talks Picture Deal With Wayne; Felb^^ By SHEILAH ftRAWAiw By SHEILAH GRAHAM HOLLYV^boRgJan. 7 (NANA) [Mrs. Gregory Peck .has reservations to return here early this month with their three children I according to a letter from Greg in Paris. And she will enroll them in school here, he adds. In the same letter, Greg writes he Expects her to return to him in the French capital.. But that isn't what he s telling his close pals over! (there. ti^Hfe I says Babs, "J0tn.>. vg^ me more money thaa^nypjp^jevet did." JANiy^O^^fee stepfather, by th^way,JMis-'a-'iJjhtel next dooryfo tl^pnds, aiid ..'gets the flow. ^^3frTsta1^;^^hoters MPe^SR?╜yi|&fiy. ... ,. fon. while Wesare on Dject oi hote^^lireaks &r?iUnf.f0r hiWfe^- tfi^teverly Hills Hilton, i^ebruar^Prid he openslthe Ca^Jana h\ MMvid in Bette Davis is fighting a case of Yau\joulX|rifeire see^pie line flu. And did you know that Lucille of men^t Wp|ire: ou^^^igaks. Ball rfiffi^ *"?╟÷'" ' " for their first:sale for. ^^l'tfe-and the mad scra^^j^^^^f|^ao6rs opened. Sorn^^^p"$&$%$- melee we glimpsed ^^^fiya^ohroe, but U1H juu xmiuw inat-L'UCUl Ball refused to make "The Star1- two years ago.?'But so did Joan Craipord and Claudette Colbert! .It's(^n#-i^ Siye Bette an academy nominatiida. ^ ^ \ ;**-^%^ :Ki^|toTON,S lawyer visited [hirh'lipiay and stayed an hour.... Hildfegarde Neff has abandoned the ^prorcing "Kenneth Harper of Londlri; and reverted to director Anatole Litvakgg. . For the first I anniversary of their marriage, Bob Fallon gave Marie Wilson a gold locket inscribed "1 down, 49 to go.'' Kirk Douglas changed the title of "Girl On the Via Flaminia" to "Somewhere in the World." Seems a pity to lose the name of the bestseller. They'll make the movie in the south of France. Kirk writes he's lonely for his kids. ?╟≤ . .'.But Pier Angeli is lonely for Kirk. JOHNify HARROW is discussing _??three-picture deal with John Wayne and Bob Fellows. And when Johnnyfi^Jfed-sMaureen O'Sullivan with afeg&ink ooa^-tfor Christmas, their ^^year-old i?;iMichael said, "Daddyf-i^ would h^ve been cheaper to rape it with $20 bills." . . . Janet J??f|gh gave^^feiy Curtis a I projectofMrid screjei^lle gave her a mink?╜jgi>llared ^ i^eater. Jerry Lewis gated his <ft^r with diamond cuff links.vjgKp And more [gals here marry 4^^>rs than they 'do.members bf a^^pther profession. To name a ragi?½ Audrey Tot- er, Claudette Colb^p Joan Leslie, Rhonda Fleming. 'S?Σ≤t AL HORWITSrj who handles "Hemingway's fil^pghts, says un- iless' Gary Coop)fa?f^oeg. "G14 Man and the Sea" wt^a. major sfedio, tile Jfeal willg^alffi^hrough.'* pary I wahfe in<^^eri^^ft^moduction, so Barkar-^^ytp^^SDjlreti^s toj EngTa^a xrtP- ,^^ jVn^^V.plctures;' doesn't' as^ for^pich ''ka^ry-^ie j prefer^'an^f,?^J;^-,a, pj&#" of the ' .Americ^jfli^rio'utiop nghfc, . . . j "Lire"' ana: ^Tjllae*' are r^Ptically living vmm^^^ts. oW%.e "Run I, for the Hffilrr^so'und stage. Tom \ Neal, incidentally, functions as; Barbara's business manager. "And,"j for once the fH^Stfereir't fighting .= for her. She coiil|^f compete with ..[j - -._^. ^,ilv, muwwETryjjiuye te will! 3 their desire for^replenishing their ?║ supply of und'^aTSts, vests,. 1 suspenders. ^pl^4?? Van Hef lin hlis^ed to a If tour of "The Shrike," in horj landing the movie for indepef productiot. 1 JUL ens PRESS CLIPPfl\G BUREAU Established 1888 SAN FRANCISCO Los Angeles Portland - Seattle San Francisco, Calif. News (Cir. 125,625) M' * * raw I|*!SCO NEWS- - w^*" BIKINI BAlfc-Wearing hi8 ^nver?╜o?╟? of the Bikini, jamie Wills, 18 months, debates the I wisdom of taking the plunge might work up enough courage eventually but he better take those shoes off first.