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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Page Two/Mr. Tom Hughes 15. Repaint town drop perspective. 16. Add more winter/spring effects. Of course, there will be construction, items that our carpenter will want so that items like the shew portal, house flats/ etc*, are stiffened and supported for a long tour. Meanwhile, you can expect the scenery delivered to the Dallas.. Summer Musicals on Tuesday, August 29th. As soon as I get an estimate from dark Transfer, I will call you as to specific time of arrival. You can expect to receive all the scenery, props, and two boxes of miscellaneous costumes purchased by us. The bulk of the oosturaes, of course, .will be returned., to Brooks-Van Horn. May I take this opportunity on behalf of all of us to extend our utmost appreciation to you and your organization for cooperation and assistance throughout .the sunnier. Let's hope we can do this again and again* Sincerely, Fritz Holt /jr cc: Lawrence Kasha David Landay Peter Wolf