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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 - IW7 A. X have figures here that X have taken free my 19^7 and 19M3 inventory, and have broken It down to the actual use of the water produced by the las Vegas Land and Water Company. In 19^7, the average annual daily use was 8,732,000; in 19^S, it was 9,33M21, a«d is 19**9, 9,702.337, Wow, that is the average, ineluding the high peak as well as the low use of water. Those figures show an increase fro® 19^7 to 1$M! of 606,000, and from 19^8 to 19^9 of 36**,000, The average daily Increase doesn't show a very substantial increase — around one and a half million gallons a day. However, if those actual figures were based on the peak use, it would give a higher in* crease probably. Q, In other words, as I understand your testimony, the average dally use Is not a source of trouble in this City. A. Hot very definitely, Q, these peaks are the ones that cause low pressures and shortages. A, That's right, Q. Bid you hear Mr. Shamberger*s testimony with respect to the Installation of pumps on certain wells of the Water Company? A. X did, Q, Bo you feel, in your opinion, that the installation of such pumps would Increase the water supply of the City, and possibly take care of the peaks you have Just referred to? A, X feel that very definitely, it would improve the situa* tion temporarily, very definitely. Q, You mean until possibly water can be brought in from an