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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, October 28, 1996






Includes meeting agenda and minutes, along with additional information about bylaws and memorandums. CSUN Session 26 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000877. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President Joe Laxague STUDENT SENA TE MEETING 26-34 Monday, October 28,1996 Moyer Student Union Room 201 6:30p.m. Terry A. Moore Studies Senate President Pro-Tempore Lei a Fleischman Fine & Performing Arts Laura Zurek Hotel Administration Joaquin F. Trujillo Business & Economics Jeremy A. Aguero Hotel Administration Heather Anderson Business & Economics Frank Lideros Engineering Kyle Lopez Student Development Veronica Perez Liberal Arts 'argarel Persch alth Sciences ,/iUiam Price Communications Todd Rasmussen Liberal Arts Andreas Roell Business & Economics Robert W. Solomon Education Michael Atherley Business & Economics Derrick Bruce Hotel Administration Ryan Marth Science & Mathematics David Fisk Education I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Director reports 1. Entertainment and Programming Director Castillo; 2. O.S.I. Director Hamilton; 3. Organizations Board Director Bonghi; 4. Nevada Student Affairs Director Valera; 5. Student Services Director Tolbert; 6. Elections Board Director Reed; B. Senate Committee Reports C. Faculty Senate Committee Reports D. Business Manager Report E. CSUN--Residence Hall Liaison Report VI. PUBLIC COMMENT [in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)] VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Executive Board nominee Keith McLain to the position of CSUN Judicial Council Associate Chief Justice; * B. Discussion/Nomination/Appointment of a CSUN representative to the Library Dean Search Committee; cr> r o C O o cccr>* C. Action Item: Introduction/Discussion/Approval of expending an amount not to exceed $900.00 for the association of Pre-Health Professionals to pay for ground transportation and miscellaneous expenses on the Reno trip, January 6-9 to be encumbered out of the CSUN 2702 (GenAcct) (see attachment 1); D. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bylaw 30, as submitted by the Bylaws Committee (see attachment 2); E. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bylaw 33, as submitted by the Bylaws Committee (see attachment 3); CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 SENATE AGENDA 26-33 / OCTOBER 21, 1996 F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bylaw 35, as submitted by the Bylaws Committee (see attachment 4); G. Discussion/Approval of Senate Bylaw 36, as submitted by the Bylaws Committee (see attachment 5); H. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bylaw 16, as submitted by the Bylaws Committee (see attachment 6); IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS X. GOOD OF THE SENATE XI. ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law (N.R.S. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank and Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex, and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. * Items marked as such have been passed by the CSUN Executive Board, on Monday, October 21, 1996. OFFICIAL NOTICE: When applicable, any formal Executive Board/Senate approval for all heretofore and hereafter appointed nominee(s) are to be contingent upon necessary receipt of required grade point average verification(s). CZ3 C-5 r-o C O o z17y;:j ' 26-34 / ATTACHMENT 6 Senate Bill No. 07 of the 26th Session INTRODUCED BY: Senator Terry A. Moore Summary: This bill is intended to clarify the vagueness surrounding some of the wording of this bylaw as well as bring it up to current practices. We, the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, represented in the CSUN Senate, do enact as follows: SENATE BYLAW 30 FACULTY EXCELLENCE AWARD I. PURPOSE The award is to be given in the Spring semester of each academic year to recognize faculty excellence drawn from three (3) areas: A. Student involvement; B. Classroom teaching ability; C. Student evaluations. II. AWARD PROCESS A. At the beginning of each Spring semester, the CSUN Vice President [Pro-Tempore] will form and chair an award committee comprised of the voting members of the CSUN Executive Board or their respective designees, the Dean of Student Services or his/her designee, and at least three (3), but no more than eight (8), CSUN members, none of whom are Directors, Chairs or Senators: i. For the purposes of this bylaw, neither the CSUN President nor the CSUN Senate President shall be considered chairs. B. By the second CSUN Senate Meeting of each Spring semester, each college represented in the CSUN Senate will have submitted the name of one (1) faculty member for their college to the award committee for consideration; C. The committee will review the Senate nominees. The faculty nominees will fill out an application regarding their involvement in student life, a biography and previous honors and awards; D. The committee will also poll one (1) class of each instructor. The poll will allow the students to rate the instructor on his teaching ability and concern, involvement and attitude toward students. 26-34 / ATTACHMENT 6 Senate Bill No. 08 of the 26th Session INTRODUCED BY: Senator Terry A. Moore Summary: The purpose of this bill is to bring this bylaw in tune with the recent Constitutional changes. We, the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, represented in the CSUN Senate, do enact as follows: SENATE BYLAW 33 GRADE VERIFICATION POLICY (Effective April 11, 1991; Revised April 29, 1992) I. G.P.A. verification for CSUN Executive Board, Chairs and Directors: A. Only the CSUN Business Manager may access grades of CSUN Officers, Directors and Chairs; B. The information accessed can be used for determination of eligible or non-eligible status only; C. The CSUN Business Manager shall enforce all provisions of the CSUN Constitution with regards to fee waivers. The CSUN Business Manager will audit all fee waivers and enforce any and all refunds for all dropped, failed or audited classes as well as for any CSUN Officer, Director, or Chair who did not complete the term of classes, and/or work. This applies to all Directors, Chairs, Executive Board Officers, and Senators; D. The CSUN Business Manager shall check eligibility of all CSUN Officials on a monthly basis. II. The CSUN Judicial Council may request the Business Manager to provide confirmation that all grade checks have been conducted within a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed thirty (30) days of instruction. Only information pertaining to eligibility of current Student Government Officials will be released. This information will only state whether this individual is eligible or not eligible: A. The Judicial Council may request such inquires on behalf of a written complaint from any CSUN member. III. The CSUN President shall administer all grade verification forms for the Vice President and Directors: A. The CSUN President will submit the completed forms to the Business Manager within ten (10) working days of the start of each semester; B. In the event that the requirements of the CSUN Constitution cannot be met by a member, the CSUN President must notify that member within five (5) working days; C. That member must then show proof of error within ten (10) working days of receiving notification from the CSUN President; 26-34 / ATTACHMENT 6 Senate Bill No. 09 of the 26th Session INTRODUCED BY: Senator Terry A. Moore Summary: This bill will make the bylaw more consistent with the CSUN Constitution. We, the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, represented in the CSUN Senate, do enact as follows: SENATE BYLAW 35 DIRECTORS/COMMITTEE MEMBERS MINIMUM WORK (Effective May 11, 1991; Revised October 7, 1992) I. All CSUN Directors, Assistant Directors, Chairs, Vice Chairs and committee members shall meet the following requirements: A. A cumulative G.P.A. of 2.0 or greater; B. Prior semester G.P.A. of 2.0 or greater; C. Completion of six (6) or more credits for the previous semester; D. The maintenance of six (6) or more credits during the current semester. II. All Directors, Assistant Directors, Chairs, Vice Chairs and any paid positions shall be bound by the following terms with regards to stipends and fee waivers: A. They will refund CSUN for any dropped, failed or audited classes that CSUN has paid for in the form of fee waivers; B. They shall not receive any additional funding or stipends after termination; C. They shall reimburse CSUN for classes in the event of termination to the extent that the position was not completed. The amount will be calculated to a ration of time remaining within the semester. III. All Directors shall sign a contract stating that they will uphold the CSUN Constitution and the job description as outlined in the Senate Bylaws and Operating Policy which pertains to the position or Directorship: A. Violations shall be handled by the Executive Board. Senate Bill No. 10 of the 26th Session 26-34 / ATTACHMENT 6 INTRODUCED BY: Senator Terry A. Moore Summary: This bill is intended to insure a fair and appropriate approach to the evaluation of CSUN's Directors and Assistant Directors as well as make the bylaw concurrent with previous bylaws. We, the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, represented in the CSUN Senate, do enact as follows: SENATE BYLAW 36 DIRECTOR EVALUATION PROCESS (Effective October 24, 1991) I. The CSUN Vice President shall be responsible for executing monthly evaluations of all Student Government Directors and Assistant Directors. Following the administrative evaluation, the result of each shall be presented at the next consecutive Senate Meeting: A. Evaluations shall consist of, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Office hours; 2. Calendar of monthly events and long range goals; 3. Completed events. If the event(s) did not meet the deadline(s) stated, an explanation of the reasons why shall be included; 4. Evaluations will occur on a monthly basis. [B. All speeches to classes by Directors, and/or stipend positions must be scheduled through the Vice President. Two (2) speeches are required each semester;] EL[C.] If given an unsatisfactory rating, evaluation periods may occur bi-monthly until a satisfactory rating is obtained: 1. 1 st offense: a written warning; 2. 2nd offense: recommedation of disciplinary action to the CSUN Excutive Board and written notification of recommended action taken by the Vice President to the CSUN Senate.[recommendation of disciplinary action in writing by the Vice President]; 3. 3rd offense: recommendation for dismissal in writing to the CSUN Executive Board and the Senate. a. The procedures outlined in Article II, Sections A, B, and C of Bylaw 22 shall be adhered to following the 3rd offense. £L[D.] The Vice President shall submit a monthly written report to the Senate summarizing the evaluation of each Director and Assistant Director in detail. L The Directors shall receive a copy of their evaluation at least twenty-four (24) hours before the Vice President delivers his/her report to the Senate. 1. The Board shall meet at least once each semester with the first meeting no later than the fifth (5th) [second] Friday in the Fall and Spring academic semesters. 2i Quorum for anv Organizations Board meeting shall be one half CA) plus one d l of all Recognized Organizations; 26-34 / ATTACHMENT 6 Senate Bill No. 11 of the 26th Session INTRODUCED BY: Senator Terry A. Moore Summary: This bill is intended to correct some of the differences that exist as a result of the new Organizations Board Operating Policy. We, the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, represented in the CSUN Senate, do enact as follows: SENATE BYLAW ?.6 CSUN ORGANIZATIONS BOARD (Effective November 2, 1987; Revised October 7, 1992) I. PURPOSE The purpose of the Organizations Board shall be to coordinate and provide a forum for student organizations. The Organizations Board shall also act to heighten awareness, involvement, and solidarity in CSUN and on the University of Nevada. Las Vegas (UNLV) campus. II. STRUCTURE A. The Director, who shall be nominated by the Executive Board and approved by the Senate; B. The Assistant Director, who shall be selected as prescribed by Articles IX, Section E, Item 1, of the CSUN Constitution; C. One (1) representative [The president or representatives] from each recognized organization; D. One (1) CSUN Senator. III. DUTIES, POWERS, AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE ORGANIZATIONS BOARD A. The Director: 1. The duties of the Director shall be as those as described in Article IX, Section D, of the CSUN Constitution; 2. The Director shall vote only to break a tie. B. The Assistant Director: 1. The duties of the Assistant Director shall be as those as described in Article IX, Section E, of the CSUN Constitution. C. The Board: ( D. A member who is in violation and does not step down will face impeachment or removal by the appropriate CSUN Officials. IV. The CSUN Vice President shall administer all grade verification forms for the Executive Board, excluding the Vice President: A. The CSUN Vice President will submit the completed forms to the Business Manager within ten (10) working days of the start of each semester; B. In the event that the requirements of the CSUN Constitution cannot be met by a member, of the Executive Board, the CSUN Vice President must notify that member within five (5) working days; C. The CSUN Executive Board member must then show proof of error within ten (10) working days of receiving notification from the CSUN Vice President; D. An Executive Board member who is in violation and does not step down will face impeachment by the appropriate CSUN Officials. V. The CSUN Senate President shall administer the grade verification forms for all Senators, except the Senate President Pro-Tempore: A. The CSUN Senate President shall submit all completed forms to the CSUN Business Manager within ten (10) working days of the beginning of each semester; B. In the event that the requirements of the CSUN Constitution cannot be met by a Senator, the Senate President must inform that Senator within five (5) working days; C. The Senator must show proof of error within ten (10) working days or resign from the Senate. If no voluntary action is taken within this period of time, the Senator in question will be referred to the Senate Rules and Ethics Committee for review; D. A member who is in violation and does not resign will face impeachment or removal by the appropriate CSUN Officials. IV. The following constitutes a valid description of grades: A. Six (6) or greater completed credits at UNLV; B. A 2.0 or greater semester G.P.A.; A cumulative UNLV G.P.A. of not less than 2.5. shall be required of all elected Officers. I MEMORANDUM DATE: August 24, 1996 TO: All CSUN-Recognized Organizations FROM: Rob Bonghi, Director, CSUN Organizations Board Subj: 1996-1997 FUNDING REQUESTS Please find the form to request money from CSUN attached to this memo. The forms are slightly different from last year, so pay special attention to some of the finer points. Remember, your organization may only request a maximum of $500 per academic year. 1. This funding request form must be submitted directly to the Organizations Board Director at least fifteen (15) working days prior to the event(s). Do not expect the CSUN receptionist/office aides to deliver the funding request form, and/or leave the funding request form on the Director's desk. This funding request form does not guarantee funding! The funding may be denied by the CSUN organizations Board; the Senate Ways and Means Committee or the CSUN Senate. You must plan on attending the meetings that the funding request will be considered. 3. The following statement must appear on any and all advertising for the event: "Sponsored, but not necessarily endorsed, by CSUN!" 4. The Senate Ways and Means Committee and the CSUN Senate requires that CSUN-recognized organizations exchange the event(s) expense receipts for CSUN-issued checks. The CSUN-issued check will be reimbursement of the organization's expenditures. In order to waive this requirement, said organization must have the approval of both the CSUN Organizations Board and the CSUN Senate. 5. CSUN-issued checks will expire ninety (90) days from the issue date on said check, so if your organization should receive a check, please use it fast (take the money and run\). The requirements for funding are listed on the other side of this memorandum, it is up to your organization to be aware of these funding requirements. If the funding request does not fit these requirements, the CSUN Organizations Board Director will notify you. If you have any questions or concerns contact he CSUN office, MSU 160, or call 895-3477. 3:jdg attachment