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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, June/July 2001



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    The Reform Jewish Congegation of L as Vegas ...A Special P lace to Belong June/July 2001 - Vol. XVNo. 9 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Drew Levy President Melissa Fogel Student Rabbi 10 Sivan-U Av 5761 Monty E. Willey Jacqueline Fleekop Lois Bergman Melanie Gorman Executive Director Education Director Preschool Director Bulletin Editor Men's Club Weekend It has been a wonderful year for the Men's Club and we would like to take this opportunity to show you one final "good time" before we break for the summer. Friday, June 8th, through Sunday June 10th, we will be having the biggest celebration of the year. A full weekend of prayers and parties. Tne festivities will begin on Friday evening June 8th, with our Family Service featuring Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman and the Shabba-Tones. If you've ever attended a Shabba- Tone Service then you know the electricity is phenomenal. The Torah Crowns, donated Dy Dr. David and Juanita Wasserman, and Men's Club will also be dedicated on this special night. In addition, we are planning a super Oneg sponsored by the Men's Club. On Saturday ?afternoon June 9th, Rabbi Akselrad will be teaching a class callea, The Jewish X-Files." Come listen to Rabbi Akselrad as he shares "real" Jewish X-files; strange stories and tales from Jewish tradition that defy common logic and explanation. On Saturday evening we will be cruising Lake Mead on the Desert Princess Paddlewheeler. This evening cruise will be private, for the Congregation, their guests and our brothers from the National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods (NFTB) California. Hor?s doeuvres and finger foods will be served along with coffee and dessert. Come enjoy and dance to the sounds of our DJ as we rock Lake Mead. On Sunday morning everyone is invited to a brunch in the Social Hall where we will continue nurturing the bonds formed over this wonderful weekend. I cannot express the ex?citement we feel as we make the final preparations for what will most certainly be an unforgettable experience. Never before have we planned such a huge event and we hope you will show your support by attending. The cost of the boat ride is $50 per person. All other activities for the weekend are free. Again, I look forward to seeing , everyone there for the biggest party of them all. FRIDAY NIGHT-FAMILY SERVICE AND SHABBA-TONES 7:30PM SATURDAY AFTERNOON-Jewish X-Files 1:30 PM SATURDAY NIGHT-LAKE MEAD CRUISE-BOAT BOARDS 7:15 PM AND SAILS 7:30 PM SUNDAY MORNING-OPEN BRUNCH BEGINS 9:45AM Shalom, /JICicAael /JILifano VJfis. JB not <cJ\f[itz(jaA B/aii of 2001 zJAazJ VJoo to tfiz S not N\I\ttzuafi (Jan of 2001 (AJ ?T? caffzd to tfis ?Jo^aft on <?atwulay, ^.utle 2, 2001 10am cScfiiff-^JCsolmsT ?adij iJ^sns e^AfyCrsio] doolz is J/ea. Gtsfi sin TJami cXfcLL LPofi OUJOET in This issue... Worship Services 2 Rabbi's Message 2 Message from our President 3 Board Beat 4 Religious School/Preschool Auxiliaries 5-6 7-9 June/July B'nai Mitzvot 10 Birthdays & Anniversaries 17-18 In Memoriam 18 Tributes 19-20 Yahrzeits 21 (the Bulletin is published monthly) LOOK INSIDE FOR MORE ABOUT THESE SPECIAL JUNE AND JULY EVENTS AT CNT 6/8 CNT and ICC Singles Shabbat Dinner 6/8 Torah Crown Dedication 6/8 Musical Shabbat with Shabba-Tones 6/10 CNT's Annual Meeting and BBQ 6/15 Invite a Friend Sundae Sabbath 7/20 Invite a Friend Sundae Sabbath ?denotes multiple sessions, beginning on that date 171 Special TPface 7Jo OleloncjRabbi's Message ^^ Worship Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman June 1 June 30 1 Shabbat Service 7:30pm Torah Study 10AM Oneg sponsored by CNT Sisterhood July 6 Shabba t Service 7:3 0PM June 2 Oneg sponsored by Adult B?nai Mitzvah CNT Sisterhood Service 10am Kiddush sponsored by July 7 CLASS MEMBERS Bryce Ober Bar Mitzvah 10AM June 8 Kiddush sponsored by Family Service with the Ober Family Shabba-Tones 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by July 13 CNT Sisterhood Ben Jaekle Bar Mitzvah 7:30PM June 9 Oneg sponsored by The Adina Emptage Jaele Family Bat Mitzvah 10AM Kiddush sponsored by the July 14 Emptage Family Kurt Plotkin Bar Men?s Club Service 10AM Mitzvah 10 AM Kiddush sponsored by June 15 the Plotkin Family New Member Orientation Torah Study 10AM 6:45PM Invite a Friend July 20 Sundae Sabbath 7:30PM Baby Naming Eric Michael Billy & June 16 Invite A Friend Sundae Adam Ellis Bar Mitzvah Sabbath 7:30PM 10 AM Oneg sponsored by Kiddush sponsored by the Phyllis & Cal Lewis Ellis Family Torah Study 10AM July 21 Guy Cohen Bar Mitzvah June 22 10 AM Shabbat Service 7:30PM Kiddush sponsored by Oneg sponsored by the Cohen Family CNT Sisterhood Torah Study 10AM June 23 July 27 Torah Study 10AM Family Service Sponsored by CNT June 29 Sisterhood 7:30PM Shabbat Service 7:30PM Oneg sponsored by July 28 CNT Sisterhood Torah Study 10AM This summer marks a transition time in the life of our Congregation. We will soon be holding elections at our annual meeting and a new Temple President and officers will be chosen. As such it is a time for reflection and an expression of appreciation to those who have served our Congregation so well. Drew Levy has been a remarkable President for our Congregation. He has steered our board with his clear steady hand. At times he has had to display the patience of Job, and at oth?er times, provide encouragement and vision to our volunteers. He has given countless hours of his time to insure that staff concerns were met, that committee chairs were listened too; and that our board had a direction and pur?pose. Some have noted that our board these past couple of years has been remarkably har?monious. It is not that we haven't disagreed or that there haven't been issues that have generated great passion, it is that Drew has continually been able to hold meetings in which everyone was heard and listened to. An|^fc at the ena of the meeting, people respectec^^ each other's points of view and knew that we all had the Temple's best interests at heart. This speaks to Drew's leadership, and it also speaks to the kind of people that continually serve our Congregation. We will have a number of people who have served as officers or trustees who also will be leaving. They too have given numerous hours to our Congregation. Whether it is has been chairing a committee or wrapping gifts at the gift wrap booth, working in the kitchen, donating money or hosting an event at their home for dozens of people, our board mem?bers have displayed a remarkable "can do" at?titude that has been heartwarming for me as a rabbi and been at times the envy of other Congregations in our region and community. Sandy Stolberg, who has served so ably as our Sisterhood President for the past three years - well beyond the call of duty- is yet another example of the finest our Temple nas to offer. We know that she leaves her Sisterhood posi?tion with a very strong Sisterhood in place, Continued on page 15 C ongregation N e r Tam id June/July 2001 Drew Levy Stewart Blumenfeld Scott Stolberg Howard Layfer Ira Spector Judy Cornett Lynn Sasso Ruth Urban David Stahl Mindy Unger-Wadkins Mel Hallerman Jacky Rosen Leon Marco Marc Garber Dick Granich Beth Bromberg Cecilia Schafler Esther Saltzman Sharna Blumenfeld Sandy Stolberg Michael Milano Brenna Yahraus TBD Sid Garber Bob Unger Jerry Gordon Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. David Wasserman I Dr. Steve Kollins Michael Cherry Dr. Bernard Farrow Eugene Kirshbaum* David Goldwater* Rabbi Sanford Akselrad ?Deceased President VP Administration VP Ways & Means VP Membership VP Religious Activities VP Education & Youth VP Member Activities VP Social Action Treasurer Secretary Trustee Trustee-Membership Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee- Youth Trustee-Library Sisterhood Brotherhood NTTY TNT Golden C.hai Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Ex Officio ESSAGE FROM OUR TEM PU PRESIDENT As I sit here writing my final bulletin article, after serving as president of the con?gregation for two years, my heart and head is filled with many different feelings. Where do I begin to recall what we as a congregation have experienced the last two years? Where do I begin to recognize and/ or thank all those who have played a part in our success? My memory is poor ana my thoughts are scattered, so please forgive me. No one could have told me what to expect when I accepted the job of temple presi?dent. There is no way to plan for the amount of time it takes to be the president of a growing, thriving and very active Reform Congregation in Las Vegas. Past presidents, the Rabrn and even my deceased father tried to enlighten me, but either their warnings fell on deaf ears or our congregation was just growing and evolving so fast that it was hard to predict what the total experi?ence would be like. And, I do mean "experience". I have truly enjoyed my term as president. Our congre?gation has experienced so many wonderful things and a few not so wonderful things these past few years. We have seen our mem?bership continue to grow at a pace like no other temple in the UAHC. We have seen our programs and learning groups grow at a pace that leaves very, very little available space at our beautiful facility. As terrible as it may sound, we have had to postpone or not sponsor programs or events due to the lack of space to nold them. This is a testa?ment to our members and volunteers who always worked hard to provide the guid?ance and leadership needed to put on great programs that the membership wanted. Yes, we have experienced some trying and difficult times. Living within our budgets and being able to find the necessary funds to support all that we as a board and con- regation want to do for the members has een a challenge at times. From a larger more productive religious school, to visit?ing scholars, to expanded music programs, to cantorial and rabbinic help at Hign Hol?idays, to expanded youth trips, and even to considering the hiring of an assistant rab?bi, our task as a Board of Trustees has al?ways been to look out for the best interests of our membership and to give them as much of what they want as we can. Even though we were not always able to do ev?erything we wanted, I am proud of the fact that we continued to work hard and turn the negatives into positives. Our congrega?tion has not suffered and I know we are all proud of that fact. As the final days of my term comes to an end I hope to be able to personally thank each and every person who has given of their time and energy to the temple. From the members who served on the board to the wonderful staff who worked so hard for our congregation, many times going beyond the call of duty to see tnat things went smooth?ly. A big tnank you to our clergy. Without our Rabbi, our cantorial soloist Bella Feld?man, our rabbinic interns and our well trained members the religious experience and atmosphere at CNT would not contin?ue to exist. We are very fortunate and owe them a debt of gratitude for all their com?mitments to us. I congratulate and welcome the new in?coming Board of Trustees. The job is not done and they have many new tasks ahead of them. We are a growing congregation; a congregation with its eyes on the future. The future of Reform Judaism in Las Vegas and the future of Congregation Ner Tamid. Good luck and keep up the good work. Stew?art Blumenfield has a great group of trust?ees to help him lead us into tne next phase. Last but definitely not the least, I want to thank my family for putting up with me for the past few years as I gave a lot of my time and energy to the temple. (I am not saying you will get me totally back!) I could not have done without all your supmrt and encouragement. You mean the world to me. All my love to my family, my temple and my fellow congregants. Thank you all for the experience of my life. Shabbat Shalom... Drew June/July 2001 ----------------------------------------- ^ A Special Place To Belong ^_3 XWell, the deadline for the Bulletin and the dates of board meetings haven't exactly coincided the last couple of months, so this is the first Board Beat since February! We've been busy though since then and had a particularly busy meeting on May 1. The meeting began with a presentation from a representative of Israel Bonds, leading to a discussion by the Board to place Israel Bond ads in future Bulletins as well as pass out forms at various events. We then switched subjects to our Assistant Rabbi search. Since our search for candidates from the graduating UAHC rabbinical class did not work out in our favor, we are continuing our search with another candidate from a congregation in New York. A phone interview was conducted and this went well and the candidate will now be flown to Las Vegas on May 9 to spend a few days with us ana attend our May 11 services with the Shabbatones. In the meantime, we are trying to keep our options open for another Student Rabbi for this coming year. On the budget front, Treasurer David Stahl reported that we had a better-than-expected month with lower expenses and higher income, however, we are still fairly behind in dues collection overall. Based on our dues situation, in April, the group discussed a number of potential new options for making the payments of dues more convenient, including automatic checking withdrawal options as well as automatic monthly credit card charges options. Monthly statement formats were also discussed. At this May meeting, Scott reported that he spoke with Bank West and they have agreed to arrange this debit and credit option for our congregants. The options are expected to be up and running by June 30. Also in the budget category, Leon Marco has been heading up our Budget committee and we are making some great changes to the CNT accounting system. Leon reported that all membership information has been transferred over to the new system (called Rakafet) at this time and the general ledger is being revised. We are also changing our budget year (previously July 1 - June 30) to now match the calendar year. This will help with the accounting of our dues year. Leon then presented the Board with a new 6-month budget for July 1 - December 31, which will get us on track for the future budget year changes. Parts of the budget were explained and the final Board vote is expected in June. A few committee reports were provided. First, the Capital Campaign is going well so far. Scott Stolberg reported that Yvonne Cordon will now be acting as the Campaign Coordinator and organize the group's activities. The group is hard at work contacting the first rouna o^^ potential donors to the campaign. Second, Jackj^ Rosen has completed all the nominations for new Board members and Trustees as well as a number of committee chairs. The list of candidates is listed on page 13 of this Bulletin. Finally, Howard Layfer reported that we have two new members tnis month. They are Roberta Sabbath and Steven and Sail Hyams. Welcome! Other announcements included reminders about the Adult B'not Mitzvah on June 1 and the Congregation Annual Meeting on June 10, and Stew Blumenfeld announced that CNT is putting together a picture book with information snippets for the students at our Israeli sister congregation in Yozma. Once the book is received in Israel, the Yozma students will then return the books with photos and information of their own for our students. JRtndy ^dn^er-is)a(f?ins Board Secretary C ongregation N e r Tam id June/July 2001 Religious School News A Time to learn, a time for fun, CNT puts it all into one: The month of May was busy! The month was filled with programs and events. Israeli Independence Day in our school had students interacting with each other as they shared the experience of Israeli food, fun, history and a connection to the state of Israel. The last day of school, students received their awards for choir participation, TGIF winners and the outstanding tzeda- kah class, we had traditional music, holiday music and a little modern (Brittany Spears type) music. Although we were celebrating the end of this school year, we were aware that some students would need summer tutoring. **If you are interested in summer tutoring, please call Jackie (733-6292) and help will be arranged. TGIF award winners nad a great Pizza Party and those with ?18? punches or more went to Circus Circus?s Adventure Dome. Wet and tired, everyone returned to CNT happy that they participated. This year 21 teenagers completed the confirmation pro?gram. The^TTad a year of study, self-examination and a lot ^>f fun. Students shared the experience of a wonderful Jleekend in L.A. and a ?kidnap? trip to Zion National Park, ??hey gave up a lot of time to attend this class, but all felt it was worth tne effort. June and July are months to prepare for the new year of education. Teachers will be attending workshops and pri?vate meetings with me. With your help of registering early, we will know what our population will De for the fall. Early registration helps us develop staff, classroom size and to order books. We hope you will attend the annual meeting Sunday, June 10, when tne ?Menche Award? and the ?Shom- er Torah? is awarded to the student who attended services the most. This person receives a beautiful award and gets a special honor at High Holiday Services. Again, it is summer and we all need a break. We all need to take time for fun, but we cannot allow our children to get behind. Call for tutoring and keep your child up with their class in the fall. The slow hot days of summer seem to come too fast here in Las Vegas and last too long. We should not let it all go without value. Take time to call or visit someone in your family, renew an old friendship. Just give up a few hours of work cleaning or business to nave some silly fun with your child. Time is measured not in minutes or in hours, but by what e give each other in a lifetime. Have a GREAT SUMMER. Shalom, ffachie UfeeJiop TGIS THANK G-D IT'S SHABBAS Every year each student receives a credit card. When they attend services The Men's Club punches a number from 1 to 18. Some students even received more than 18. This year the following people will have a Pizza Party and attend Circus Circus's Ad?venture Dome: LIZA ABRAMS KELLY CHENIN MICHELLE CHENIN PAUL CHENIN DILLON FARROW JESSICA HELLER KNOX** JOSHUA KNOX EVAN POLONIECKI IVAN POLONIECKI ADISON POLONIECKI JESSICA POPOWCER ZACHARY POPOWCER DYLAN SODERMAN SEAN SODERMAN BEN STOLBERG MEGAN STOLBERG REBECCA WEISS **Jessica Heller Knox will be this years Shomer Shabbat award winner. Special guests at the Pizza Party were: LANIE COHEN ROBERT COHEN GABRIELLE GIANCASPRO JASON GIANCASPRO SHELBY GIANCASPRO RACHEL MOODY JUSTIN WEBB June/July 2001 A S p e c ia l P lace To Belong 7/ cm itih?crcartch The summer months are here and our preschool year is coming to an end. It has been a year of fun and excitement, growth, and learning, for our students as well as our staff. Our preschool was at capacity and the first year of our kindergarten program was also a huge success. With the expanding student population we needed to hire more staff What a great year. (you are the Greatest). Our dynamic preschoc| committee helps us ana guides us; Jackie Rosen (can do anything like a pro) and Judy Cormett you are both delightful ana caring and talented. Our Rabbi has been there to guide, offer support and a helping hand. Thanks to all of you. All of our parents friends and students have helped to make this our third year, a banner year. Parachute time is fun! I really want to thank so many individuals who helped to make our year such a success. Our teaching staff is the best, Miss Eva, Miss Rina, Miss Smadar, and Miss Albstein; you are superior in everyway. You taught, assisted, carried, moved, tainted, wiped away tears , fixed broken hearts, broken toys and broken furniture. The children and all love you and thank you for being so wonderful. A special thanks to the ladies in the office, Mary, Phyllis, Roberta, and Karen and David our bookkeeper, I couldn?t have done it without you. Monty Willey our Executive Director has been with our school on a daily basis giving us ?high fives? and his support and help in every effort we made This last month of school has been very busy, as usual. We celebrated Lag?BOmer with a picnic and games, Mother?s Day with a great brunch and program. Shavout with songs, stories pictures and crafts about the giving of the Torah. We celebrated our country, learning about those who made it great, for Memorial Day. This month we are making final preparations for our two graduations and closing day celebrations. We are gearing up for next year, when preschool and kindergarten will resume on Monday, August 27th. Our waiting list for next year grows every day, please call and make an appointment to visit our school if you have a child or grandchild between the ages of 2 1\2-6 years of age and want a quality Jewisn Preschool\ Kindergarten education to begin your childs school experience on the right foot. IQois Ojeryman ^ Sira and Orian Abba and Emma for Shabbat A visit from a Clark County fire fighter L-R,Kayle, Kaeli, Candace, Jacob, C.J. and Josh sing with Miss Jodi CNT Camp Chaverium Our summer program is gearing up for a summer of fun, excitement and fellowship. Summer Camp will run from June 25th through July 27th. We will accept children between the ages of 2 1\2- 9 years of age. Camp will have a summer filled with Jewish programming revolving around sports, arts and crafts, music, drama, karate, gymnastics, computer, talent shows, cooking etc. We will go on weekly field trips, enjoy Shabbat together and have a camp play, and puppet show. Our themes for the little ones 2 1\2 -4 will be Noah?s Ark and It?s a small world. There are a few spots remaing please reserve your spot so you won?t be left out. Camp will be fun this summer! C ongregation N e r Tam id June/July 2001 All year people have said to me, "Mike, what a success the Men's Club is this year." I appreciate all of the kind words but what exactly do these people mean? If suc?cess is going from 45 members to 105, then surely we have been successful. If success is going from a treasury that was virtually bankrupt to one that has donated over $11,000 to our Temple and Congregation, then surely we have been successful. If success is hosting some of the best attended events ever, then surely we have been suc?cessful. But, if success is measured by the amount of friends one makes or the amount of friends brought to?gether in a single organization then surely that is the most successful accomplishment of them all. This is where I am the most proud. Yes, it was a successful year. Yes it was a hard year. Most successes come from hard work but it also was a year of making friends like I never experi?enced before. 105 members, who would have thought. I prefer to say 105 friends. I am thrilled to have seen these accomplishments in my first year but most thrilling is the fact that I can call these people my friends. To Howard Layfer whose quiet manner helped me become a better diplomat, thank you. To Dave Nathan whose stubborn?ness helped me plan better budgets and make better char?itable decisions, thank you. To Dick Granich whose years as an educator helped teach me to see the forest through the trees, thank you. To Don Marcus whose steadfast?ness and confidence taught me that new things can work and we are our own Men's Club, thank you. To Gary Gilman whose dedication to our friendship taught me a little more about sacrifice, thank you. To Stu Solomon whose creativeness and innovativeness taught me that the impossible was possible, thank you. To Dr. Fred Toffel whose wisdom shined a light for me at some dark times, thank you. To Rabbi Akselrad who said "don't give up. You can do it," thank you. To Steve Joseph who quietly rode off into the sunset and let me be my own man for good or bad, thank you. For all the volunteers day in and day out who helped make me look good all year, thank you. Most of all to Allan Nathanson who is the epitome of the word "mench," your undying devotion to Men's Club and the Temple will never be forgotten, thank you. Yes, what a success the Men's Club has been this year. I look forward to assisting all of you in making next year even better. Shalom, JKicIiael cJlCifano A Weekend of Brotherhood, June 8th-10th 2001 Name_____________________________________Number inGroup Add ress___________________________________________________ Phone Number ___ Number of persons attending Services_____ Number of persons attending Saturday Torah Study______ Number of persons attending Dinner Cruise on the Desert Princess_____(at $50each) Number of persons attending breakfast on Sunday______ Please mail this form and check for Desert Princess Cruise(if applicable) to Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89121 lake checks payable to CNT Men's Club Attn: Men's Club June/July 2001 A S p e c ia l P lace To B elong ^ 7 \ Auxiliaries Continued <Sii.ts.?ifiooAHVeosrs, Dear Friends, I can't believe that I'm writing my last article for the bulletin. The last 3 years have gone by too quickly. I have been told that my three favorite words will be immediate pasf presi?dent. I look forward to watching the new board grow and do a wonderful job. Recently we had our sisterhood shabbat, I am printing my speech because it says it all. Shabbat Shalom, What a wonderful Shabbat. Thank you to Frances Kiamian and the Sisterhood Party Shop Volunteers for a delicious shabbat dinner, to Maxine Moiinsky and Katherine Scott thank you for your hard work in Creating tonight's special service. It's with pleasure that I welcome Ellen Rosenberg and the representatives of district 24 to our service. As I began to write my speech for tonight my memories of serving as sisterhoodpresident came flooding back. Pfease allow me to share some of my special moments with you. In 1998 when the position of Sisterhood President was presented as an option for me, I started backing out of the room slowly and then I actually started running. The next time I was approached thisperson (Maxine Cratz) chose a different tactic. As she saw my face turning white as a ghost she started twisting my arm. When my color FIN ALL Y returned, I agreed to be the President of Congregation Ner Tamid Sisterhood. It was the best twist I could have ever experienced. I was promised by Maxine and Jam's Rounds, that Iwould always have their help and support. And in the past 3 years they nave been the greatest mentors and have never let me down. However, I've learned that this is what our Sisterhood is all about. Extending that helping hand. Our sisterhood demographics continue to amaze me. Our membership ranges from my daughter Meggn who is 11 to women who are m their 90's. I'm proud to say that during my presidency, our increased active members reflect muitigenerations. During my term as President mylife has changed in many ways. I have gained a great deal of self-esteem, confidence and knowledge. I have always been proud to be Jewish ana taking on this position has allowed me to share my feelings and educate others. Being the face of Sisterhood hasgiven me the joy in knowing our sisterhoocf sent children to Jewish summer camp. And I looked forward to their thank you notes after their great summer experience/ or helping a teen realize their dream by going to Israel. I have enjoyed watching the Tot Shabbat program grow as our little ones embrace our refigion. What I am most proud of is the fact that when ever the Temple has called on sisterhood we have never said no. No matter what the request is sisterhood always says yes. This doesn't happen out of thin air. It happens because of the caring, hard work and fundraising from our Sisterhood. I reminisce with pride about all we have done in the last few years and am so proud to be part of making the difference. In the last 3 years, I have headed the greatest Sisterhood boards. The caring and concern of each person has made me fee Hike a very proud captain. It's with a little regret that fhe time^? has come for me to step down. I know in mmP heart that I have done the best job Ipossibly could. It's with great nachas that my children Megan and Ben were able to watch me consider this temple and sisterhood high up on the ladder , even if it meant saying not tonight kids I have a meeting. I want to thank each of you who have helped our sisterhood thoughouf the years. Rabbi, I thank you for your encouragement and support, but most of all thank you for being my friend. Bella, thank you for inspiring me wifh your music. Thank you Adult choir ana Rhonda for adding your special touch to tonights service. Also A big Todah Robah to Debbie Haller man, Maxine Mioiinsky, Jan Byer and Barbara Nathan who were my comm if tee for this weekends events. And last but not least thank you to my husband Scott for all his support. He knew the importance of this position and what it meant to me. I love you Fcott Megan and Ben, thank you for helping me shine. I wish our new sisterhood president and board great success. I thankyou for all the wonderful memories and most of all this learning experience. With that in mind. Shabbat Shalom, fan Jr. June/July 2001 NTTY's 2001-2002 Executive Board Congratulations to the new 2001- 2002 NTTY Executive Board. The new officers are: President: Samantha Saltzman Programming Vice Presidents: Kelfen Cornett & Russell Sheldon Religious/Cultural Vice President: Max Lardent Social Action Vice President: Eric Fleekop Treasurers: McKenzie Cornett & Samantha Willey Secretaries: Ben Herman A Craig Holtzman Historians: Jenna Bromberg A Jessica Gross Members At Large: Dani Bromberg A Amy Finke A S p e June/July 2001 cia l Place To Belong Hi, my name is Adina Emptage. I attend Thurman White Middle School. I enjoy cheerleading, playing volleyball, shopping and hanging out with my friends. I have worked extremely hard and am very excited to be having my Bat Mitzvah. I hope all of you can join me on my special day, June 9th. Hello, my name is Ben Jaekle. I attend Johnson Junior High and I am a member of the National Junior Honor Society there. I play soccer for the Premier Club and baseball for the Blazers. I also played two years for my school?s basketball team, and plan to play again next year, if I make the team. I will be called to the torah on July 13, 2001. I am happy that my friends and relatives will be joining me on this very special occasion. Hi! My name is Adam Ellis. I am in the seventh grade at Silvestri Junior High School. I am excited about my Bar Mitzvah, I have worked very hard to reach this goal. Please join me and my family as I am called to the Torah on June 16, 2001. My name is Kurt Plotkin. I am in the seventh grade at Greenspun Junior High. My interests include bowling, baseball, golf and basketball. In bowling I ha^^ won the Junior High School Tea^J Championship, the Sate Am Events Championship and the State Team Championship. I have a 190 average at the Castaways and have been awarded $880 in scholarship money.That?s a little bit about me and I hope to see you at my Bar Mitzvah. Hi, my name is Bryce Ober. My Bar Mitzvah is July 7, 2001. I am really looking forward to sharing this special day with family and friends. I currently attend Lawrence Junior High School. I play drums in Varsity and Jazz Band. I love to play music with not only the drums but the piano as well. I also enjoy playing basketball and skateboarding in my free time. It would mean a lot to me if you could join my family and me at this special time in my life. Hi, my name is Guy Cohen. My Bar Mitzvah is on July 21, 2001. My hobbies are aggressive roller blading, playing basketball and playing playstation. I go to Charles Silvestri Middle School. I hope to see you at my Bar Mitzvah. I am the last Bar Mitzvah of my family since I am the youngest of three children. I am very excited to see my family from Holland and relatives from both the East and West coasts. C ongregation N e r Tam id June/July 2001 Shalom and Welcome L/elcome to our newest CNT members, Roberta Sabbath and her adult son, Jonathan! Roberta and Jonny have been in Las Vegas about thirty years and are living in Henderson. We nope to have the opportunity to get to know Roberta and Jon?ny as we see them at upcoming services and Templ