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The Bulletin from Temple Beth Sholom, October 2007



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    TBS Program News October 2007 Wild West West BBQ Fundraiser October 28,11:00 am This year's Early Childhood Fundraiser theme is a west-ern ho-down featuring a delicious kosher BBQ lunch for the entire family to en-joy. Children can look for-ward to a bounce house, face painting, pony rides, character balloons and much, much more. Parents -rememberthe thrill of par-ticipating in the themed-basket raffle and silent auc-tion? This year's will be just as exciting! Come ready to enjoy a rootin-tootin good time. Yee-haw! Pre-sale tickets are available in the Early Childhood area. Tick-et prices are: Adults $20 or $25 at the door, Children $10 or $15 at the door and Children under 2, FREE. For more information, contact the ECE department at 804- 1333, ext. 116. Theodore Bikel, Alberto Mizrahi & Cantor Daniel Friedman to appear in concert at Temple Beth Shoiom November 18, 7:00 pm Broadway legend Theodore Bikel and world renowned tenor Alberto Mizrahi will join Temple Beth Sho-lom's Cantor Daniel Friedman for a special performance of "OUR SONG" on Sunday, November 18,2007,7:00 PM at Temple Beth Sholom. Theodore Bikel, the beloved Jew-ish entertainer whose 60-year ca-reer includes stage, film, television, radio and musical performances, collaborated with Alberto Mizrahi, affectionately known as "the Jewish Pavarotti,"to create the album "Our Song, that will be featured during this rare performance. Bikel, per-haps best known for his role as Te-vye in the stage version of "Fiddler on the Roof," is also a renowned folk singer who has sung thousands of concerts in 23 languages around the world. Greek-born tenor, Alberto Mizrahi, one of the world's leading interpret-ers of Jewish music, is Hazzan of the historic Anshe Emet Synagogue, Chicago. He has thrilled audiences worldwide in recitals, symphony concerts, and opera. "We are so excited to host such world renowned performers," ex-claimed Cantor Daniel Friedman of Temple Beth Sholom. "This is a rare opportunity to enliven our Jewish Community with such incredible talent, and bring us together in joy, song and celebration." Tickets are $100 (Cantor's Circle in-cludes a kosher caviar reception with the performers), $60 (reserved) and $40 (general admission), and may be purchased at Temple Beth Sholom. Call 702.804.1333 x104 for further information, or to make your reservation. Why am I receiving this Friday, October 19 Program*Newsletter ? * Join other TBS members on October 19th after Shabbat services for a special Oneg Shabbat. The theme will be Jewish Geography. Enjoy some delicious cakes, cookies and fruit while you smooze among your fellow mem-bers to find out where they originally came from. If you are homesick for a great slice of pizza or a Chicago hot dog now is the chance to ask. Form your own Chayurah group or club by what city, state, or country you are from. Bring cards with your name and phone number to share with people you meet There was a problem with the printing of the October TBS Bulletin. As a result the Bulletin was not mailed to homes this month. However, you may download the Bulletin at We apologize for this unforeseen inconvenience. Sometimes a challenge may present an opportu-nity. If you prefer to save resources and receive the monthly bulletin electronically, please contact Myr-na in the temple office at 804-1333 Jewish Geography Oneg Shabbat A 150 Year History of Chicago Synagogue Architecture Monday, October 29, 7:00 pm Robb Packer, author of Doors of Redemption, The Forgotten Syna-gogues of Chicago., will present a special lecture on Mon, October 29, at 7:00 pm about his book. This unique book includes per- TBS members, $10 for non-mem-bers. Please RSVP to Danielle Ze-nou, TBS Program Director at dze-nou@ 804-1333 x108. Women's League of TBS Hanukkah Bazaar November 4, 9:00 am-3:00 pm Hanukkah arrives early this year; don't miss your chance to get a jump on your Hanukkah shop-ping at Temple Beth Sholom's annual Hanukkah Bazaar, Sunday November 4,9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. One stop shopping! We have it all; many art-ists with their pieces in oil paint, watercolor and glass, fine jewelry, costume jewelry, accessories, boutique coats for dogs, toys, games, stuffed animals, party lite candles, creative memories, and beauty consultants. Hanukkah designed serving pieces for your table, beautiful meno-rahs, kippot, tallit, and much, much, more!!!!! Homemade potato latkes, Israeli donuts, falafel by renowned chef Emile Perez. If you are interested in joining us as a vendor, please contact Kim Memar at TBS Bandstand-2007 November 11,7:00 pm Our TBS Programming Committee is planning an-other fun-filled event for congregants of all ages on Sunday night, November 11th. Get ready for "TBS Bandstand - 2007", an evening of entertainment, refreshments, a karaoke contest, an old fashion dance contest, music trivia games and of course, dancing. There will be a dancing demonstration by Delgado Studios. Our musical host and MC for the night will be our own Ron Kirsh. The evening will be a lot of fun for everyone, even if you don't dance. Reservations can be made through theTBS office. $18 for congregants and $25 for others. Rosh Hodesh: It's a girl thing! Begins Thursday, October 18 Calling all 7th and 8th grade young women! Rosh Hodesh: It's a Girls Thing! is currently recruiting members for a fantastic monthly program that's interesting and fun and just for YOU! Game Night October 24,7:00pm - 9:00pm Are you ready for bunco, scrabble, maybe even a little pinochle? Bring your favorite board or card games. Show your competitive side. Please bring $5 for light refreshments. RSVP to Danielle Ze-nou 804-1333, ext.! 08 or dz-enou@ and let her know what games you will be bringing. Open to all adult TBS congregants. It's informal and experiential with crafts, learning, food, discussion, and more! The first program is scheduled for Thursday, October 18, from 6-7:30 PM in the new par-ent resource room. The program will meet once a month from Oc-tober through June. The fee is $54 for the year. Registration is limited to 12 girls per group. Contact the School Office at 804-1333, ext. 114 to register. Shabbat Dinner- The Music of Shabbat Friday, November 9,5:45 pm Please join Temple members for a little matzo ball soup and plenty of ruach as we celebrate a delicious Shabbat dinner, followed by music and singing. This will get you ready for Shabbat HaNeshama and the Ruach Ensemble which begins at 7:30pm. Dinner prices are $18 for adults and $ 10 for children. Non-members may participate at a cost of $25 adults and $ 15 children. RSVP to Danielle Zenou at 804-1333 ext. 108 or dzenou@bethsholomlv. org prior to October 29. Introducing Danielle Zenou, TBS Program Director Shalom! My name is Danielle Zenou. I am extremely honored to be starting my position at Temple Beth Sholom as your new Program Direc-tor. When I first started writing my bi-ography, my mind wandered to all the incredible life experiences I have been apart of. variety of Judaic and social awareness. At Aish Hatorah of Los Angeles my position as Program Coordinator and Social Awareness Coordinator for five years encouraged Jewish singles to meet and learn about Judaism in a social and outreach setting. I have had the wonderful opportunity to live in Jerusalem and study and live the true Israeli lifestyle. have worked in the education field or over nineteen years in the Uni-versity systems as an educational advisor and col-lege recruiter. My employment and life opportunities have taught me to excel in teamwork, dedication and above all respect for Jewish community. I know the importance of working with congregants to build the programs you want and strongly encour-age you to call me, to get involved on a committee and help plan programs that you are interested in. I look forward to meeting you! Contact Us Phone 702-804-1333 Fax 702-804-1370 Website E-mail On Going Activities Shacharit Service: 7:30 AM Monday through Friday; 9:00 AM Sundays and holidays Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:30 PM Friday Shacharit Shabbat: 9:00 AM Saturday Bereavement Group: 10 AM Tuesdays; An informal support group for widows and widowers. Shabbat HaNeshama with the Ruach Ensemble: 7:30 PM the 1 st Friday of each month (Note:The Shabbat HaNeshama will be held the 2nd Friday in Nov, the 9th) Friday Night Kids: 6:30 PM the 2nd Friday of each month beginning USY Activities November 11th - Kadima at Laserquest (12:30 - 2:45) November 16th - All Teen Shabbat Thanksgiving Dinner at the Fox Home (5:30) November 18th - Are You Smarter Than Your Teenager? at TBS (4:00) November 20th - Israeli Programming with Midbar Kodesh - Learn about Nativ @ Midbar (6:00) Save The Dates Thursday, December 6 - TBS Hanukkah Festival Sunday, April 6 - TBS Gala honoring Flora and Stuart Mason TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM I 0 7 0 0 HAVENWOOD LANE LAS VEGAS. NV 8 9 1 3 5 Return Service Requested Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 171 Las Vegas, NV