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4 Las A n gela*, November 19, 1953 1*733^ Mr* A* 1. Stoddard - (kasha (2 ) a©i W, H. H u lsiser Slocks i end 2 o f P la n k ett T ra c t, Las Vega*, Nevada, a t an estim ated ©ost o f 11,89^.00, chargeable to investm ent or which §187.00, ia a donation. Ban H. P lu n k ett ia d evelopin g H ooka 1 and 2 o f the Plunkett Tract - In d u s tr ia l S u b division , Las Veg&a, Nevada and has requested exten sion o f water main# under Rule 9 o f the Buies and Regulations o f the Las Vegas Land and Water Company on f i l e w ith the P u b lic S ervice Commission. Upon execu tion o f Agreement, Su bdivider w i l l d ep o sit 12,083*00, to cover th e estim ated c o s t o f the work plus 10$ f o r o v e rhead and su p ervision o f which #1,988.00, is su b ject to refund pursuant to Nevada P u b lic s e r v ic e Commission Rule 9* th e balance o f #95*00, represen ts c o s t plus 10$ f o r con stru ctin g one f i r e hydrant connection which i s not refundable but is c a p ita lis e d as a donation* Request a u th o rity to proceed w ith in s t a lla t io n o f water main* upon execution by Su bdivider o f usual form o f Refund Agreement. Approval o f Las Vegas V a lle y Water D is t r ic t under p ro visio n s o f S ection 13, paragraph (b ) o f Agreement “C L .D . H3#2 dated dune 1 , 1953, * s hot requ ired* Mr. Bennett sees no le g a l o b je c tio n . A* F* S. data,' Is attached to Mr* P erk in s1 s copy. (Signed) WM. REINHARDT Wa. Reinhardt Two copies o f the estim ate are attached,