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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Lae Vega* • March 8# 195© ¥ 23-L-60 Mr, L. A, Whites { co Hr. B* L« Adamson 1§pi order 629 authorized the construction of 700 feet of 6-inch C.I.Plpc in Hook 8, Mayfair Tr&ot # 2 for Thoraberg & Clark under Mule f M U Sstisitcd oust of the 1 st 250 feet was #975*00 which the suhdirider advanced under Agreement KLD 233*** Enclosed is detail of charges to the 1st portion of this Work Order lndio&ting total dost to be $821,21 to which should be added 10# for supervision and overhead staking a total 00st to Subdivider #903.33. We enclose Funs I83 for refund of the difference, #7 1* 67. Following is data for depreciation purposes* 268 feet of 6-ineh 0, 1, Pipe #821,21 Service numbers 10116 to 10125 inclusive are assigned this refund contract* For Mr, Adamson1s information in compiling cAs Oonstrueted* prints Installation followed lines of print attached to work or&ar, commencing with a connection north of the northeast comer of lot 3# thence extending southeasterly 2b8 feet to an end. A* H. Folger