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    to ttrra a» ®iwh dirtstorsi s. x*-«Oaiua gf § » E* B m e t k m <?* Doran, m d A* S. EaXotsd '? ? , A* Magttirt f A l ^ nenlaAtion «a » duly 3«oeztdo(A bjr My, M&gulr^. Th®m b&i&g m xurilu::r r . ;?•. a&XXot a&s taksa# M&& Ui® irmp&Qt&T haying totpntad the votes tafcsii*: reported that 496 aBafta of stock, feeing mil of tat »%mk px&mnt '&i& pQt&m or. fey proxy it li t sooting# &*d| feean cast for aaoh of | & a&oto ®&md pt toons for dlftottfS* f&tre** dpoa tas - ltii|risen declared* . Baltin t, S* Br&oksn 1 ir&ifnlhfehili ?ii I0i* o ' BDaorrry 1* S* • H j&'trtf & .; .'V:,; 1* air® d»Xy and roguXorXy el#©tad to satire this corporation at dirootor# for th* ensuing ytar# ' r«vl the rtootds and prose a dings of iho Board of. Direotoraef the Cowfs&oy since th* data of the last annual, mating of stsokholdtrr were presented' to. t'fet *ststing tad laid upon the table* ©pen to the ia#,poo-tion of ? the ateokhoid®ra* Mr* Saguiro Introduced tht following resolution and aorad HB301VE15* fhat the asta. and prosesdings of the Board of Dire©tors of t a il Bospany* at rasotds d 1 lh t ho reoor&s the roof#; and 1 d ll of tat tot® and doings of the of floor® of tht Beep any# done It pursi*MtSSOf said orders ©i the Board of Direoiofe altos the d&t® If of tat land nesting of stoekhoXdar# of this 6©apany»aar@: fesrtfey #a^W. fisd* approved and ©onfiri&adj , which resolution* aslag duly sssondtd hy Mr. Barry* ta# pat to a rot® sad- i^eiilnoueXy adoptsd* k y ^ m Thai® a® lag m® further tmsinese to b@ traumas ted* on ®otioa duly wmd* m„4 mcmd^d, :ta* .totting $4 J| Walter R» Bracken Attests ...J3-...B. Salt a Secretary