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I agree.I PACIFIC TAJIK & PIPE COMPANY 1912. vSM',i9d;jO;', 'Pc^l^iaigsle'S^ || Slilt'-'llulK; BvILCJo1 f- :: silll :; Eiecrtric vpiiilsiing|f SISA :?: Los Angeles ,. Oalifornial;;',!:.§ ? ;C|:dritl:6j3eaA |§B |1|||| Complying with the request of our Los Angeles office, we : tafe pleawam- in. pio1;J,ag :A“oai on.^approAdmKtely' 9200. :{Aet cf - our. ::;llaclii]ie;. Banded Redwood lip©,. AawiiieeL: for 'the anaiiMim .gravity llllliiili. Ggesifiii| denns,,- Ilpi ? :l|nM, ? Hip necessary.;; trenchfSS|: AacAwf 1XI Aaam; Rider wo: orari VlaiA l||l§tit:? .’pipe | ? :; |§f|§|i|ilfl;||S:;|i^^ ' :il^li^SI3100 ft. *liilljS 1 - 12” Iron Body Brass Mounted Flanged GateS and ;:||1§|| XRo; SUia; Of .. Orr*r f^V.<>0f ||||||i||§^||;. . XXIXR. d S||| |i| V' fSI|i : liilllilpi J will doiwodetruct ece’?of staves milled .f #1 ? ? clear §1 ./Xiipi:in^thioffiiips.: | ;liii ;lil|;|gi liitil;||§SS1®II0drawn. on- d | Ifiliili: of';';.:BEfoty 'Of ride s|||||®p:agf3^^ ddd'he preseiwm-dor g I Whinfr; -:f:ha?pipe: fl# ;dlm ||Si? Mil.-'pi‘0T2Q e ' : lengtfia. I pi Joindweowld' lw, redniorcwd ':'Pipa;MiA' 'two -’?^diA^.ft. head ripo.* d,Added 'dawdlng':, j r:Tedelwe'[ a 'liea^y'’pnotectit*©r:'ddddisg:w:X ’;As'pReddu.E. 'lip 'be-''