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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, January 7, 1947 to October 26, 1949, lvc000006-187


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    167 Las Vegas, Nevada November 26, 1947 CALL OF SPECIAL MEETING TO: HELEN SCOTT REED, CITY CLERK LAS VEGAS, NEVADA A Special Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas is hereby called to be held in the Office of the Mayor at the War Memorial Building on Wednesday, November 26th, 1947, at the hour of 9:30 A.M. to act upon the following: Act op resolution re: emergency loan for transfer of funds 2. Act on Resolution re: S. George Gilson E. W. Cragin Mayor NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO: E. W. CRAGIN, Mayor and to C. R. Clark, R. T. Baskin, R. T. Moore, Reed Whipple, Com­missioners; and J. M. Murphy, City Manager of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada. You and each of you will please take notice that pursuant to a call this day issued by Mayor Cragin, a Special Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada will be held in the office of the Mayor, at the War Memorial Building, on Wednesday, November 26th 1947 at the hour of 9:30 A.M. to act upon the following: 1. Act on Resolution re: Emergency loan for transfer of funds. 2. Act on Resolution re: S. George Gilson Helen Scott Reed_______ City Clerk ACCEPTANCE OF NOTICE We, the undersigned, Mayor, Commissioners and City Manager of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, do hereby admit due service of the foregoing Notices of Special Meeting. Reed Whipple Robert T. Moore Pat Clark J. M. Murphy E. W. Cragin Meeting called to order by His Honor, Mayor E. W. Cragin at the hour of 9:30 A.M. with the following members present: Commissioners Clark, Moore, Whipple, City Manager J. M. Murphy and City Clerk Helen Scott Reed. Absent: Commissioner Baskin, and City Attorney, C. Norman Cornwall. RESOLUTION NO. 108 The following Resolution was presented to the Board for their consideration: WHEREAS, no appropriations were made in the 1947 Budget of the City of Las Vegas for the purpose of providing funds to meet the following obli­gations and necessary general operating expenses of said City, to-wit: 1. An accrued indebtedness and binding obligation payable out of the Emergency Loan Retirement Fund, incurred by reason of an emergency loan authorized by resolution of the Board of Com­missioners of said City dated the 9th day of September 1946, to defray the cost of completing the construction of the police station $100,000.00 2. Anticipated necessary expenditures, payable out of the Street Department Expenses Account of the General Fund, for the rental use of equipment and the purchase of supplies 10,000.00 3. Anticipated necessary expenditures, payable out of the Motor Vehicles Account of the General Fund, for the cost of repairs to equipment, purchase of supplies, and sundry operating costs 4,000.00 4. Anticipated necessary expenditures, payable out of the Sewage Disposal Account of the General Fund, for the rental use of equip­ment, purchase of supplies, and sundry operating costs 4,000.00 5. An accrued indebtedness and binding obligation, payable out of the Swimming Pool Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, for accrued interest payments on the Las Vegas 1947 Swimming Pool Bonds, Series A 1,218.75 and