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uac000459. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES Senate Meeting 15-12 Janaury 7, 1985 MSU loung? 201 4:30 p.m. I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:35 p.m. II. Roll Call Present Absent Senator Acker Senator Maestas (unexcused changed to excused} Senator Adams Senator Champagne Senator Davis Senator DiBenedetto Senator Harrington Senator Hendrick Senator Holm Senator Kelleher Senator Kowalczyk Senator Larson Senator Muir Senator Nellis Senator Nichols Senator Sattler Senator Smith Senator Varona Senator Chadwell Senator Kim There being quorum, the meeting continued. III. Approval of Minutes 15-11 The minutes were approved with making sure Mis. Masek's name is spelled right. IV. Announcement s Senate President Haldeman announced that the faculty raises are being studied by the Legislature and asked that the NSA department look into it. Senate President Pro-'Tem Varona announced that Anthropology thanked the Senate for the typewriters. V. Executive Board Nominations As listed. VI. Board, Committee, Director Reports E&P Director, Jim Rathner addressed the Senate and went over the contracts, and announced plans forthcoming. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 S.M. 15-12 2 MikeEoewy addressed the Senate for the Publications Board. They are currently reviewing CSUN publications and working on guidelines. He asked that no action be taken on S.B. 8 as they are working on a Opera-ting Policy. He also addressed the Senate on behalf of the Human Rights Seminar and gave an update. James Ohriner addressed the Senate, he gave the Senate a review of what the Office of Public Information does. There were many questions by the Senators. Senate President Haldeman passed the gavel to Senate President ProTern Varona at 5:00 p.m. Haldeman spoke in favor of James Ohriner. John Fazi, Intramurals Director announced that there are some problems with the gym facilities. NSA Director, Kirk Hendrlck announced that the Board of Regents are dis-cussing the Refund Policy and that the lighting on campus will be improved. Senate President Pro TonVarona passed the gavel back at 5:15 p.m. VII. Old Business A. Approval of Contract with Computergraphic for $800.00 per month for new equipment for Yellin' Rebel Ron Zayas addressed the Senate and explained what they needed from the Senate. Senator Acker moved to approve the Concept of purchase of new equipment for the Yellin1 Rebel for the purpose of bidding, Senator Harrington seconded. Senator Nellis ;offered a friendly amendment to not exceed $850.00. The maker of the motion accepted, with the second concurring. The motion passed with 19 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. B. Approval of Senate Bill 15-8 —Holm (from the table). Senator Smith moved to take the item from the table. Senator DiBenedetto seconded. The motion passed with 19 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. Senator Holm moved to table the item until February 28, 1985. Senator DiBenedetto seconded. The motion.passed with 19 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. C. Approval of Senate Bill 15-9 —Varona Senator Varona re-introduced the bill. It was originally 15-7. NOTED: There were three senators prepared.(Nichols,Acker,Davis) Senate President Haldeman asked if the Senate objected to suspending with the order of the day and move directly into New Business item E. There were no objections. 'VIII. New Business E. Donation not to exceed $1,200 for Lecture sponsored by Pi Sigma Alpha. Senator Harrington moved to approve $500 from the Organizations Board account. Senator Smith seconded. Senator Holm moved to make an amendment to approve an additional $500 from the 900 account. Senator Hendrick seconded. S.M. 15-12 3 Senator DiBenedetto objected to the consideration of the question. Senator Smith seconded. The objection was not sustained with 12 in favor, 7 opposed (Hendirk, Holm,Kelleher, Davis,Muir,Chadwell,Varona) and 0 abstaining. Senator Holm yieled the floor to Terry Long, who then addressed the Senate. Senator Nichols moved the question. Senator DiBenedetto seconded. The motion passed with 19 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. The amendment to include an additional $500.00 from account 900 passed with 13 in favor, 1 opposed (Champagne) and 5 abstaining (DiBenedetto, Sattler,Larson,Nellis, Smith). Senator Harrington moved to amend the main motion to approve $400.00 from the Organ-izations Board Account. Senator Kelleher seconded. The motion passed with 14 in favor, 5 opposed (Sattler,Adams,HolmLarson,Chadwell) and 0 abstaining. Senator Holm moved tooapprove an additional $50.00. Senator DiBenedetto objected to the consideration of the question. There were a multiple of seconds. The objection sustained with 14 in favor, 2 opposed (Chadwell, Varona) and 3 abstaining. The main motion, to approve $400.00 from the Organizations Board Account and $500.00 from the 900 account passed with 14 in favor, 5 opposed (Larson, Sattler,Champagne, Smith,Adams) and 0 abstaining. ^J/II. Old Business D. Approval of Nominations-appointment of the Ad Hoc Constitution Revision Committee Members. 1. Chairman - Bill Haldeman 2. Members - Gus Varona, Tony Holm, Tyrone Smith, Scott Nellis, Kim Sattler, Bill DiBenedetto, Jeff Chadwell and Andy Nichols. Andy Nichols,Kim Sattler and Jeff Chadwell withdrew their names. -Senator Nellis stepped out of the meeting 5:50pm. Senator Varona moved to approve all of the nominations. Senator Acker seconded. The motion passed with 17 in favor 0 opposed, and 1 abstaining (DiBenedetto). Senator Holm nominated James Ohriner to be a member of the committee. E. Approval of a fee waiver, not to exceed 12 credits for the 0PI Director (from the table). Senator DiBenedetto moved to take the item from the table. Senator Harrington seconded. The motion passed with 16 in favor, 2 opposed (NifahoIs,Acker) and 1 abstaining (Champagne). From the table, Senator Smith moved to approve, with Senator Sattler seconding. Senator Holm moved to amend the motion not to exceed 8 credits. No second. -Senator Nellis returned to the meeting at 6:02pm. The main motion to approve 12 credits failed with 12 in favor, 5 opposed (Nichols, v. Acker, Champagne, Davis, Adams) and 2 abstaining (Kim,Nellis). Senator Hendrick would like the minutes to reflect his dissappointment with the Senate's actions and that he will give half of his February Stipend to James Ohriner. 3.M./15-12 4 F. Approval of E&P Contract (from the table) 1. Mardi Gras, IES 3/13 - 17/85 2. Gerry Grossman 3/16/85. Senator Holm moved to take from the table. Senator Acker seconded. The motion passed with 19 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. From the table. Senator Holm moved to approve 1 and 2 as a whole. Senator Maestas seconded. There was some discussion. The motion passed with 17 in favor, 0 opposed, and 3 abstaining (DiBenedetto Larson,Champagne). VIII. New Business B. Approval of Executive Board Nominations 1. Therese Kowalczyk to OPI Staff 2. Cathy Clay to OPI Staff 3. Sandy Thompson to Publications Board 4. Patrick Adams to Appropriations Board and Curriculum 5. Greg Koppe to E&P. 6. Tom Muir to Curriculum 7. $275 per month stipend plus fee waiver to KUNV Program Director 8. $450 per month salary for KUNV Engineer 9. $100 per month stipend for OPI Director 10. $75 per month stipend for OPI Director. Senator Acker moved to approve 1-6 as a whole. There were a mulitude of seconds. The motion passed with 18 in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 abstaining (Champagne) Senator Smith moved to approve #7. Senator Nellis seconded. The motion passed with 18 in favor, 1 opposed (Larson) and 0 abstaining. Senator Smith moved to approve #8. Senator Nellis seconded. The motion passed with 17 in favor, 1 opposed (Larson) and 1 abstaining (Sattler) Senator Acker moved to approve #10. Senator Harrington seconded. The motion passed with 17 in favor, 1 opposed (Nichols) ,and 1 abstaining (Nellis) A. Executive Elections Senator Varona moved to discuss elections. Senator Nichols seconded. Senate President Haldeman passed the gavel at 6:25pm to Senate President protem Varona. Haldeman discussed the urgency to get started. Senator Sattler moved that the Senate send a directive to the Elections Board Chairman directing her to hold a meeting before the next Senate Meeting and appear at the Senate Meeting to give a report. Senator Larson seconded. The motion passed with 19 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. Senate President protem Varona passed the gavel back at 6:25pm. C. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats No seats are open. , D. Approval of payment of registration fees for Susan Dute' and Gary Longfellow in the amount of 198.00 to attend KEYE Secretary Seminar. S.M. 15-12 5 Senator Nichols moved to approve. Senator Acker seconded. -Senator Sattler stepped out for a moment 6:30pm. The motion passed with 18 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstaining. F. Nominations for CRI. Senator Holm nominated Michael Ashleman. Senator Champagne, nominated John Fazi. G. Approval of Radio Board Operating Policy Amendment No action at this time. H. Motion to recind vote whereby stipend increase for Student Services Director failed. Senator Hendrick moved to recind the vote. Senator Kelleher seconded. -Senator Sattler returned to the meeting at 6:35p.m. The motion passed with 17 in favor, 0 opposed, and 2 abstaining (Holm,Varona) Senator Hendrick moved to approve with the stipulation that the stipend ($225.00) amount will revert back after Gus Varona leaves office. Senator Sattler seconded. The motion passed with 16 in favor, 0 opposed, and 3 abstaining (Holm, DiBenedetto, Varona). I. Approval of travel KUNV sports department. Senator Smith moved to approve with it retroactive to November 1, 1984. Senator Harrington seconded. The motion passed with 18 in favor, 1 opposed (Varona), and 0 abstaining. IX. Open Discussion Senator Harrington would like to know what is going on with the Retreat. He also announced that Gummy Bears would be the official candy for CSUN. Senator Flounder asked about the underwriting problem in KUNV. Senator Smith announced that it has increased from 0 to 3,000 dollars almost. Senator Nellis announced the Student Health Fair March 20-21, and that he is officially running for CSUN President. Senator Nichols announced officially that he is running for CSUN Vice President. Senator Harrington not running for anything. Senator DiBenedetto not running for anything either. X. Adjournment I at 6:50pm. Susan Dute', Senate Secretary CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA Senate Meeting #15-12 February 7, 1985 MSU Lounge 201 4:i30 p.m. I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes IV. Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations 1. Therese Kowalczyk to OPI Staff 2. Cathy Clay to OPI Staff 3. Sandy Thompson to Publications Board 4. Patrick Adams to Appropriations Board and Curriculum 5. Greg Koppe to E&P 6. Tom Muir to Curriculum 7. $275 per month stipend plus fee waiver to KUNV Program Director 8. $450 per month salary for KUNV Engineer 9. $100 per month salary for OPI Director 10. $75 per month stipend for OPI Director VI. Board, Committee and Director Reports A. E&P as per Senate Directive of 15-11. VII. Old Business A. Approval of Contract with Computergraphic for $800.00 per month for new equipment for Yellin' Rebel B. Approval of Senate Bill 15-8 —Holm (from the table). C. Approval of Senate Bill 15-9 —Varona. D. Approval of Nominations-appointment of the Ad Hoc Constitution Revision committee members. 1. Chairman - Bill Haldeman 2. Members - Gus Varona, Tony Holm, Tyrone Smith, Scott Nellis, Kim Sattler, Bill DiBenedetto, Jeff Chadwell and Andy Nichols E. Approval of a fee waiver, not to exceed 12 credits for the OPI Director (from the table). _.F. Approval of E&P Contract (from the table) 1. Mardi Gras, IES 3/13-17/85. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 M A R Y L A N D PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 Senate Agenda 15-12 VIII. New Business A. Executive Elections B. Approval of Executive Nominations C. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats D. Approval of payment of registration fees for Susan Dute' and Gary Longfellow in the amount of 198.00 to attend KEYE Secretary Seminar. E. Donation not to exceed $1,200 for Lecture sponsored by Pi Sigma Alpha. F. Nominations for CRI. G. Approval of Radio Board Operating Policy Amendment. H. Motion to recind vote whereby stipend increase for Student Services Director failed. IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS Agenda Senate Meeting 15-12 February 7, 1985 SUPPLEMENTAL ITEM MSU Lounge 201 V (may not be considered before 5:00 p.m.) VIII. New Business I. Approval of travel KUNV sports department. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS Special Agreement for Co-Sponsor I. CSUN shall be reimbursed in full for all expenses it incurs in producing the event. II. The profit remaining shall then be divided: 75% to the co-sponsoring organization(s), and 25% to CSUN. III. In the event of loss, the loss shall be divided: 25% shall ( be the obligation of the co-sponsoring organization (s) , and 75% shall be the obligation of CSUN. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 ORGANIZATION REPRESENTATIVE CSUN ENTERTAINMENT AND'PROGRAMMING DIRECTOR^ CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS Co-Sponsored Events The following is the general policy which will be employed by CSUN relative to co-sponsored events. A co-sponsored event shall be defined as any cooperative venture conducted by CSUN and one (1) or rrore university organization ( s) . I. Qualified organizations must submit requests for co-sponsored events to the Entertainment and Programming Board at least 20 working days prior to event. A. Request should be specific in detail as possible, including any anticipated funding which would be required. B. Request made less than 20 working days prior to the event may be turned down. II. The Entertainment and Programming Board upon approval of the concept of the event by the board will, through the chairman, cause to have a specific agreement relative to the specific event drawn up for signature. (If not possible to attain quorum, the Chairman may act. on behalf of the Board.) A. The agreement will state specifically the terms of the co-sponsored event relative to the responsibilities and financial considerations of both parties. B. Every agreement will state that the'CSUN Business Office will supervise the control of and accounting for all revenues and expend-itures. C. Entertainment & Programming Chairman will meet with CSUN Business Office to confirm that all agreement obligations have been 'met prior to disbursement of CSUN funds to organization (s) . D. A profit/loss split between CSUN and the co-sponsoring organization shall be defined in the agreement. E. Co-sponsoring organizations may be required to supply a deposit. III. CSUN Beverage Manager will supervise the distribution of all alcoholic beverages for a co-sponsored event. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 IV. Comps. Complimentary admission shall be distributed as follows: Executive Board: 10, all other officers: 2, Department Heads; 2, Yell/KUNV: 4 each. V, The CSUN Entertainment & Programming Chairman shall request that the CSUN Business Office prepare a financial statement on the event upon receiving documentation of all expenditures and revenue. A. Expenditures will include all direct expenses relative to the event which are incurred. The Senate will make all final decisions relative to co-sponsored events and any details thereof. The CSUN Business Office shall make all decisions relative to the control of revenues including ticketing controls and personnel requirements. MEMORANDUM CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS TO: Executive Board and CSUN Senators FROM: Tony Holm, CSUN SenatorC DATE: February 6, 1985 RE: Proposed amendment to Senate Bill No. 8 (Publications' Operating Policies Act) Senate President Haldeman's amendment was greatly appreciated, but some sections of the amendment were a departure from my original intent. I have attached a similar amendment as Mr. Haldeman's proposed amendment in an erf fort to find a "middle ground." Please communicate with me if there are sections of the bill or amendment you disagree on. Although my opinions are strong, I have always listened to advise. TH:sjd UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477